Coral Gables Community Recreation Department announces zoom meeting to discuss Salvadore Park.
The following announcement was posted on the City’s website:
We welcome your input for the conceptual design for the City’s first ever inclusive adventure playground. The City of Coral Gables invites you to attend a Virtual Community Meeting to present the design for the expansion of Salvadore Park. located at 1120 Andalusia Avenue, on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 6:30 p.m. via a ZOOM WEBINAR.
To register for this virtual meeting and to receive your Zoom webinar invite please visit: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uWXSqebHSUK1CAXPo2_n_w
The proposed park design will be available for review and community input through Wednesday, September 30.
As a resident or stakeholder of this area, your input is very valuable and we look forward to your participation. To submit commentary on the proposed design please email: [email protected]
For additional information please contact Coral Gables Community Recreation at 305-460-5620