Letter from Coral Gables Firefighters on Annexation

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3 thoughts on “Letter from Coral Gables Firefighters on Annexation

  1. So they are saying they don’t know how to properly run a fire department, because they are understaffed all the while residing in a new costly building? This sounds like a previous problem unrelated to annexation. Don’t redirect inadequacies to a different issue. The Fire Department should be held accountable as to why they can’t/won’t hire more people. Different issue all together. I also wonder who asked them to write this letter?

  2. The other article in this issue says little Gables already depends on CG fire rescue for service (which is outrageous since they are not part of the city). What would be different if the annexation goes through?

  3. I think it would be wise to listen to the very people who want to be there to save your lives.

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