Javier Baños
Baños is the Editor of Gables Insider
In the Coral Gables commission meeting held on October 10, 2023, the atmosphere was far from convivial as the veneer of congeniality and gentility that had characterized previous gatherings completely dissipated. This transformation was partially attributed to Mayor Lago’s two-week-long media tour on Spanish television and radio, where he not only criticized but also reportedly smeared his fellow commissioners and their families. The debate began with a proposed ordinance that marked the fourth time that Vice Mayor Anderson and the Mayor had attempted to amend the budget to address commission salary increases, a matter that had already been ruled upon in the prior commission meeting and discussed in the preceding two meetings in September.
Commissioner Fernandez seized the opportunity to play video clips of Mayor Lago in his capacity as the head of the City Commission, interviewed from his City Hall office, appearing in Spanish television. In these interviews, Mayor Lago directly accused Commissioners Menendez, Fernandez, and Castro of being unprepared and uneducated for their roles, of not working, implying that they are living off their spouses, and of being business failures and thieves. The Mayor went even further, expressing grievances over the real estate work of former commission members, such as Vice Mayor Bill Kerdyk and the late Jeannett Slesnick, comparing it to the criticism he had faced over his own real estate endeavors. This cast shadows of doubt over the integrity of even deceased members of past commissions. While the Mayor may have raised valid concerns about the procedure for presenting salary increases to the commission, his aggressive delivery seemed to transform the matter into a personal vendetta rather than a substantive debate about process or compensation for public work.
Significantly, it was Mayor Lago who had introduced a resolution years ago to establish a civility code among commission members and staff. Commissioner Fernandez meticulously outlined the numerous instances in which the Mayor had violated this resolution, citing specific violations during the Mayor’s interviews. What pushed the commissioners to take action was the Mayor’s alleged direct reference to the wives of Commissioners Menendez and Fernandez, as well as women in general, with remarks like “real men don’t let their wives work” and insinuations that these commissioners were financially dependent on their spouses. Upon the compensation ordinance’s failure in a 3/2 vote, Commissioner Kirk Menendez promptly called for the censure of Mayor Lago. The Mayor defended himself, claiming his comments had been taken out of context and denied making any derogatory comments about women. He also accused Commissioner Castro of possible unethical business practices through her permitting business. Nevertheless, the censure resolution passed with a 3/2 vote, with Vice Mayor Anderson demurring, citing procedural concerns. To the best of our knowledge before publication, this marked the first censure of a commission member in Coral Gables history.
Another topic on the agenda was the annexation process, brought forth by Commissioner Fernandez. This proved to be a contentious issue, with the level of opposition to annexation in the county enclaves, specifically High Pines and Ponce Davis, being underestimated by the City and even this publication. During the public comment hour, residents of these areas voiced their strong opposition to annexation. One resident, William Corben, accused the Mayor of pursuing annexation solely for his personal interests. While it appeared that the City had enough votes to proceed with the annexation of Little Gables, the situation was different for High Pines and Ponce Davis. The City had set a self-imposed deadline for their annexation, which was October 9, 2023, but failed to secure the required 20% of registered voters threshold to move forward. Commissioner Fernandez proposed limiting the annexation process to this set date, effectively terminating it. Although Vice Mayor Anderson delved into legal technicalities about postmarks and recognized delivery dates, Commissioner Menendez simplified the debate by suggesting October 10, 2023, as the final deadline due to the previous day being a postal holiday. The resolution passed 3/2, effectively halting the annexation of High Pines and Ponce Davis unless proponents could secure the missing votes by 5 pm that day.
Lastly, there is some positive news on the horizon for the City as plans for an eatery at the former Le Parc location seem to be in motion, with a new vendor expected to be announced in the coming days. This publication extends its well wishes and hopes for success to the prospective vendor, at least better than the previous operators who had dealings with the city. The location is currently open with limited service, but there are plans to transition to full service in the coming days, following the City’s approval of a 90-day negotiation period with the new concessionaire.
See Mayor Lago’s interview with Spanish Television.
Laughable. Bananas today, bananas tomorrow, bananas for the foreseeable future.
Shameful of Mr. William Cohen to call Mayor Lago and more importantly city founder George Merrick antisemites. Clearly, Mr. Cohen is demonstrably uneducated as to the history of this city. Absolutely shameful of Mr. Cohen to say such things. It is HE who would be censured.
Let’s go back to the facts please (drop the telenovelas). Annexation of the 3 proposed enclaves makes total sense: It is a wash from a tax standpoint (Little Gables alone would cost money to residents but the other two enclaves would make it a wash). But the benefit for all their residents and CG residents is that it provides more “scale” to the City. Why would this not happen???
What a disgrace. Both sides of the commission are dead set on advancing self-serving issues and completely ignoring the needs of the residents.
If things don’t change, I can tell you exactly who I won’t be voting for in the next election. Incumbents.
This administration is a disgrace! Mayor Lago and Commissioners Menedez, Fernandez And Melissa need to be taken out!
We need commissioners that are focused on serving the City and Residents NOT THEMSELVES!
I just heard the Lagos interview. Just wow! How dare he insult Republican voters who once voted for him! The guy is a disgrace! Gables politics has nothing to do with Republicans & Democrats. It has to do with what’s right for the residents. This “mayor” must go! He’s in it for himself & his people – not the residents! I’m sure of that now!
Gordita..let’s get something straight..you are a failed ccandidatefor.many offices. You have an axe to grind. I get it. Your on sided article only highlights your inclination against the truth..Here we go..Javier. Although you may not like Lago you cannot and should not support the newbies. That being Krooked Kirk, Messy Melissa (who is totally compromised with her city permitting business) and of course fellow Gordita and Carollo desiple . You see attacking Lago without facts is not fair. Why not have a fair debate on the city issues. I invite you, Billy Cohen (real name bro) Cortadito girl and anyone else to an open forum and lets talk facts.
Posters keep mentioning salaries, salaries, salaries, like a deer paralyzed by headlights. What is running over us is not a salary increase passed properly (ask the city attorney). What is trampling us is an uncivil, bully, pay-to-play mayor. The mayor collects large sums of money from the developers building monstrosities all around our neighborhoods. Yesterday he twice threatened a member of the public making comments. Lago is the one saying the salaries were done improperly, but saying it doesn’t make it so. Saying his fellow commissioners are unprepared and uneducated doesn’t make it so.
Fernandez must spend hours and hours preparing his Lago attacks and editing Lago interviews, civility bill, his voting record, and preparing bulleted lists of all the things Lago does wrong. Okay, we get it. But you’re wasting valuable time when you could be focusing on real issues, instead of “here’s 10 reasons why I hate the mayor.” It’s getting old already. $700 monthly car allowance is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. I lease a perfectly good Honda accord for $380/month. $700 is nothing but flashy cars and a waste. Not to mention expense accounts so the large meals and trips can all get expensed. It’s a public service job, remember?? Drive a Buick sedan, not a Denali or Range Rover! And certainly, a diet will do us all good.
The Mayor is totally right. It is Disgusting that the other commissioners voted to increase their own salaries. Absolutely shameful. Biased publication run by Fernandez. He should resign.
Just awful. I’m annoyed by Lagos but disappointed by the new commissioners.
This isn’t a telenovela, this is our city, please govern yourselves accordingly.
This isn’t what I voted for 🙁
Now can we please hear from someone that’s NOT biased against Lagos? Clearly, this writer is. The two newbies wasted no time in giving themselves a raise and a car. Meanwhile, the City has many issues that need addressing but these two “fine” commissioners thought THE first, most important issue to address, was how much they’re going to get paid and what kind of car they can drive on the taxpayers’ dime. SMH.
Disgustin!….and embarrasing…these people should be working for us instead of wasting time bad mouthing each other!
I lost faith in the Mayor and in Anderson (major disappointment) a while ago, and I had big expectations for the new commissioners, but their main focus was on taking care of themselves first.
Politicians are all the same!
The Advil kicked in, so I decided to come back and fact check Mr. Baños. In your article above, you stated the following: “One resident, William Corben…” Is Mr. William Corben, in fact, a resident of the City of Coral Gables? I’m not simply stating “to the best of my knowledge” but citing an actual occurrence here. Go to minute 1:29:20 of the Commission meeting. The video is available on YouTube. Mr. Corben clearly mentions a PO Box number from Miami Beach when he began his public comments. Not a Coral Gables address, as Coral Gables residents traditionally do. Careful Mr. Baños, you might want to do a little more research before falsely stating that Mr. Corben is a “resident”. Don’t expose your one-sided agenda. As for the rest of us, are we sure we want someone like Mr. Corben to really make a spectacle of our Commission meetings like he did? Keep it to your podcast Mr. Corben. Show some respect for the rest of us.
If the mayor said what is attributed to him, then he made a big mistake and should apologize. But the reality is that everyone on the commission must dial it down a notch and apologize to each other. Perhaps there is a way for them to get together and, without violating Sunshine Laws, at least try in good faith to resolve their differences for the good of the city and residents.
As an aside, if the High Pines/Ponce-Davis annexation is dead, is the same true for Little Gables? Thanks in advance for an explanation on that.
Vinnie is upset that he’s not getting his way so he publicly talks about the families of others? What a snake and what a coward. He needs to go as soon as possible!
I too have had enough of this bickering and canceling of people who are trying to run our city government. I am unsuscribing from this publication (which only exists to criticize the mayor and support the new commissioners and their cronies) and will use my time more productively. Good riddance!
Mayor Lago is another deeply corrupt politician that joins the likes of infamous Miami politicians (including his rotten buddy Francis Suarez) that have zero interest in the communities and citizens they are supposedly elected to serve. I smell a full on investigation in his future….
Its very clear that the lack of civility entered the comission chamber when special interest candidates Castro and Fernandez were elected in an off cycle election. They were elected by less than 20% of registered voters. This toxicity is completely counter productive, they claim to represent residents when that is factually not true, they represent a minority.
So far they have only voted on policies that have benefitted themselves, non transparent pay raise,
no to November elections. Your entire political existence cannot based on bashing the Mayor.
Say what you will about the previous comission but the level of civility and discourse was far superior. Ideas were discussed and fleshed out, there was collegiality, politics was kept to a minimum. The City was working perfectly fine under that comission.
You guys are so mean. Picking on little me all the time….reminds me when i was in school everyone picked on me and pushed me around.
Lago is not mature enough to be Mayor! His ego has been out of control since he became Mayor and his going on Spanish media to badmouth 3 Commissioners, deserves the censure he received!
Tell me who you hang with and it will tell me who you are?
Francis Suarez & Rishi Kapoor, both under investigation is enough to tell us who Lago really is!!
I found Vinnie’s likeness in my septic tank while pumping it out…….
Thank you, Mr. Banos, for keeping us informed.
It is clear not enough residents tuned in to the Commission meeting and are solely relying upon this blog to get their “news”. I encourage everyone to go to YouTube, pull up the recorded meeting, and watch as Fernandez makes a show of the once honorable and respected Commission Chambers. The residents of Coral Gables should be ashamed of Menendez, Fernandez, and Castro. After only 6 months in office, they demand a pay raise and then force the pay upon the Mayor and Vice-Mayor in a show of force and grandeur. As a man of science, I’m not sure Fernandez or even Menendez really understand the dynamics or function of the city or office of Commissioner. There is no protocol for censuring a fellow member of the Commission and there are no mechanics for giving a salary back pre-tax (as Fernandez suggested). This was a sorry attempt to right his own wrong. There is no collegiality now, and there surely wasn’t any collegiality at the last meeting as Mr. Baños wrongly suggests in his previous Commission meeting post. My Vulcan head hurts. I need an Advil.
What an embarrassment for Coral Gables to air its dirty laundry in public. I am so done with the Commissioners who were voted in by a minority of residents. They had an agenda and they sure worked the other Commissioner Menendez to get a pay raise, car allowance, and expense allowance that the taxpayers pay. I don’t pay that much for a car and I think theirs should have been up for a vote from the citizens they work for. Wow, what about public service? I don’t know what the truth is to everything being said, you can’t trust anything you hear anymore, but it was disgusting to have the new Commissioner attack the Mayor in public. This is a continuation of what Fernandez has done from the first meeting. He attacked the City Manager and wrongfully tried to terminate his employment. The only reason that Fernandez gave for his termination was that the City Manager did not defer to him or give him the respect that Fernandez assumed he should get. He lost that vote. Now he spends the rest of his time and our taxpayer dollars to do the bidding for the CGNA to attack Mayor Lago and to further their specific agenda. This is not what I expect from a Commissioner at a Commission meeting. They don’t represent all of Coral Gables. Additionally, the constant attacks by Political Cortadito against the Mayor are clearly tabloid journalism that are furthering its opinion without facts or evidence to support them.
It’s a real embarrassment to read these back and forth between Zmayor and his Commisdioners. After all they are all elected officials and w did not elect them to fight but to WORK for the good of the residents. Stop all these mis hitching and work together !!!
Lago and Anderson are a complete embarrassment to the City of Coral Gables. Lago is just like his buddy Francis Suarez…corrupt. Lago isn’t interested in the residents, he only cares for special interest groups, like all these big developers that have paid him tons of money and Lago is their rag doll. I can’t wait to see him and Anderson out. I honestly thought Anderson would be different but looks like she’s cut from the same cloth.
Lago started off well but… OH MY!!!! he ignores citizens concerns over North Gables which is described as “The Business District” which I say change that to “The Industrial District” All the 14 wheeler trucks entering Ponce or Salzedo to deliver to Navarro or 7-11 is absurd!! They come thru our streets tearing up the asphalt, constant noise at al hours disturbing our peace, Ponce de Leon is a disaster!! the potholes just keep getting bigger and are filled in patches. Pave the Street already!!! fix things here! bring in more restaurants etc. They have given such a hard time for Pinecrest Bakery (on the corner of Ponce & 8th Street to open because the inspectors take decades to come or they fail everything so that the business continues to halt opening. FIX NORTH GABLES MAYOR LAGO!!!! You seem to ignore this area constantly! The streets are dirty street sweepers forget Salzedo Street. We cannot park on the swale as those trees drop tiny leaves and create a mess also clogs the drainage. DO SOMETHING!
This is the face of Miami, South Florida, Florida and our nation. Representatives do not want to represent the people, they are handlers for private companies that profit and politicians that can not be elected without massive cash nowadays. It’s the machine at work limiting and dividing the vote, the people, and our democracy. Coral Gables has never stood for this type of antics and will not begin now. We have had dictator city managers (Salerno) and council members (hmmm) that are always removed. In the meantime, stop bitching, do your job and take care of the streets, landscape, historic buildings, country club, city hall and run the government as a customer service organization that it is intended to be. You are just a representative of the people, for the people, by the people..
If you are a RESIDENT of Coral Gables, you want the annexation to supply appropriate tax revenue to the city from these county enclaves that are FREE LOADERS. The city has to enter a memorandum with the county that in emergencies we (the city) will respond to immediate needs with fire + police. These residents also use City roads to get to and from their homes crossing Coral Gables in regular daily errands. They use our parks free and even call themselves “Little Gables” basically increasing their property values on the back of Coral Gables’ reputation. If you live in the county, of course you want free services, but as a resident we need these holes in the doughnut to pay their fair share. Why are our commissioners representing county residents in this argument?
If you are a RESIDENT of Coral Gables, you want the annexation to supply appropriate tax revenue to the city from these county enclaves that are FREE LOADERS. The city has to enter a memorandum with the county that in emergencies we (the city) will respond to immediate needs with fire + police. These residents also use City roads to get to and from their homes crossing Coral Gables in regular daily errands. They use our parks free and even call themselves “Little Gables” basically increasing their property values on the back of Coral Gables’ reputation. If you live in the county, of course you want free services, but as a resident we need these holes in the doughnut to pay their fair share. Why are our commissioners representing county residents in this argument?
Lago’s defamation tour is an embarassment to the residents he represents, the many officials who have supported him, and the commission he chairs. The tour is a smokescreen to hide that Lago does business with indicted lobbyists, receives rent from corrupt developers, and attends expensive Formula 1 events like his friend Francis Suarez (who is under investigation by the FBI). Anderson’s silence in a moment of accountability is as loud as Lago’s vindictive rhetoric. As a lawyer, she does not need a process to see the unethical and corrupt eyes staring at her from the Chair of the dais. How long will it take for her to see what we all already see.
You became a communist propaganda machine
Tired to be held hostage by 3 far left commissioners representing the loudest minority. First thing they did was raise their own salary 100% (sponsored by their supporters in exchange of favors)
After many years I’m unsubscribing to this publication
So Lago goes and does a media tour to educate the public on the wrong doings of the 3 amigos and to defend himself and he’s the bad guy.
Gables insider has been a propaganda tool for Ariel, Kirk and Castro for years yet nobody seems to bring that up.
I have yet to see gables insider write anything positive about Rhonda or Lago. All you guys do is cause controversy.
Now our city commission meetings are spent with our commissioners and mayor bickering and being petty. Huge waste of tax payer money. I really wish the 3 amigos would actually bring up some good ideas for our city instead of giving themselves pay raises and trying to belittle the mayor.
Also, very interesting that you paint Mayor lago as a misogynist regarding men that allow their wives to work but conveniently left out that Mayor Lagos wife has a full time job and career. But you already knew that and choose to exclude it.
I have been a Coral Gables resident for over 20 years. In all these years, I have never seen this animosity and the poor use of words to address each other. These are very sad days for our City. We need to respect each other, work together, and move on. We have the tools and excellent personnel to continue to move this City forward. There is war out there. Real war with horrible casualties. We do not need a political war in Coral Gables. It’s not the character of the City or its residents. There are great things happening here, so lets also share the good we have. Move on.
The vice mayor’s attempt to redraw the annexation rules citing ambiguity in the original petition instructions was unbearable to watch and raises questions about her personal interest in annexation. It was an atrocious exercise of legal gymnastics fit for the likes of Vinny Gambino, but without the charm. The constant condescending reminders that she is a lawyer followed by what can be only be described as a gargling of words, shows that she should check her bar card at the door before future commission meetings. The annexation of High Pines and Ponce Davis is dead, again.. and should stay dead. Take the hint.
Something smells so fishy about someone dropping off 50 yes votes yesterday regarding annexation of the Little Gables. I also find it strange that the YES ballot was not in English/Spanish/Hatian per voting rules.
Lago should be impeached and removed from office, immediately. He is, by far, the worst mayor in Coral Gables history. He has done nothing good or to improve Coral Gables. Ortanique, GONE,
Bob’s Burgers, GONE, Liberty Cafe, GONE. These were great, unlike the clown, Lago. My street was recently re-paved, it was totally unnecessary, the asphalt, the street itself was in excellent condition. Is it just buying votes ?? It is wasteful spending !!
Once rid of him, Coral Gables will be better !!
Lago is done. He no longer controls the commission. He had one job, keep Kirk Menendez happy and busy and he blew it. What an embarrassment that he was censured by his own commission. And Rhonda is complicit.
I’m not quite sure why Mayor Lagos is doing what he’s doing. We see through it all. THE PEOPLE voted for Commissioners Fernandez & Castro overwhelmingly. His legacy will be a very bad one…spiteful & corrupt. Pull it together Lagos. We are all watching.
CORRECTION: Mayor Lago was censor by activist commissioners: Melissa, Ariel plus useful tool, Kirk.
This is just a vendetta against a Mayor who is defending the interest of the residents.
Let’s set the record straight.
Finally, action against those that succumb to special interests and have an agenda that goes against the wishes of the residents of this city. We have shown those still in power and elected on promises of doing what is right for all of us during the last election, that we, the residents of Coral Gables are the ones who have the power and have shown it via the ballot box. Not by slandering our colleagues.
Mr. Lago, learn something, you are on your way out. Same with Anderson. Out with the old and self-righteous and in with the new.
Lago’s actions have for a very long time, run counter to the group’s acceptable standards for individual behavior. Shame on him.
He is definitely a misogynist amongst other self-proclaimed traits.
He has crossed the Rubicon and there is no going back.
Censure is a formal, public, group condemnation of an individual, often a group member, whose
… lagos smears that his other commissioner’s are uneducated (a lie), steal (a lie), and live off their wives (mysoginistic and offensive) … paint a clear picture of his low character … he felt cross-examined because he feels guilty of these and perhaps other offenses … the commision should strengthen the ethics ordinance, the conflict of interest laws, and enact due diligence procedures for sanctioning and ultimately removing commisioners and employees who act unethicaly and illegally!!!
Well done Mr. Baños! Thank you for writing a well informed and important article. People are waking up to corruption and correcting it (albeit slowly) on the local level. Great to see and hear it happening!