Ariel Fernandez
Founder & Editor
[email protected]
On Tuesday, February 14th, 2023, the Coral Gables City Commission will hold its next City Commission meeting. Here is a rundown of the agenda for this upcoming meeting. Click here to see the full agenda.
Non-credited quotes in this article are excerpts from the memos presented to the Commission explaining the items.
Gables Insider comments on specific items can be found in blue.
Watch Meeting
To watch the meeting live on Tuesday, February 14th, at 9:00AM, click here. The meeting will also be available live on the City’s YouTube Channel. You can watch it by clicking here.
Consent Agenda
E-1: A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the approval of a Second Amendment to Lease between the City of Coral Gables and 338 Minorca Law Center, LLC for the property located at 338 Minorca Avenue, First Floor, Coral Gables, FL 33134 for an additional three (3) months (05/01/23-07/31/23) for the location of the administrative offices of the City’s Parking Department.
Click here to read staff’s memo.
E-2: A Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the Chief Procurement Officer to award the Black Olive Tree Injection Treatment Services to The Davey Tree Expert Company, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, pursuant to Section 2-763 of the Procurement Code entitled “Contract Award” and Invitation for Bids (IFB) 2022-024.
“The purpose of this IFB is to contract with a qualified and experienced bidder for Injection treatment services of approximately 2,000 black olive trees using a system insecticide/miticide for control of the black olive caterpillar and eriophyid mites to reduce nuisance staining caused by the insects. On November 15, 2022, the Procurement Division of Finance formally advertised, issued and distributed IFB 2022-024 Black Olive Tree Injection Treatment Services. On December 20, 2022, three (3) firms submitted bids in response to the IFB: The F.A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company, Superior Landscape & Lawn Service, Inc., and The Davey Tree Expert Company. The responses were reviewed by the Procurement Division in order to determine responsiveness to the requirements of the IFB and to identify the lowest responsive responsible bidder. The Procurement Division finalized its due diligence process and confirmed that The Davey Tree Expert Company, is both responsive to the requirements of the IFB and a responsible bidder. The Public Works Landscaping Division concurs with the Chief Procurement Officer’s recommendation to award the Black Olive Tree Injection Treatment Services to The Davey Tree Expert Company, for a three (3) year term contract, in the estimated annual amount of $59,000.00 but not to exceed the available budget. Section 2-585 of the Procurement Code, entitled “Authority” authorizes the City Manager to delegate authority to the Chief Procurement Officer to administer and make recommendations on contract awards.”
E-3: A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing ServiCorp, LLC to sell alcoholic beverages on Alhambra from Ponce de Leon to LeJune Road on Saturday, April 29th, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 30th, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. during the Supercars in the Gables event. Subject to Florida Department of Professional Regulation Requirements.
“This request is to authorize ServiCorp, LLC to sell alcoholic beverages on Alhambra from Ponce de Leon to LeJeune Road on Saturday, April 29th, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 30th, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. during the Supercars in the Gables event. Subject to Florida Department of Professional Regulation Requirements. This request has been reviewed by the City’s Special Events Committee.”
E-4: A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the acceptance and execution of the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) County Grant #C1013 Letter of Understanding and Agreement from the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners and the State of Florida Department of Health; and amending the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Annual Budget to recognize the grant award as revenue and appropriate such funds to cover the cost of the grant expenditures.
“The Florida Department of Health is authorized by Chapter 401, Part II, Florida Statutes to provide grants to Boards of County Commissioners for the purpose of improving and expanding pre-hospital emergency medical services. Grants are awarded only to Boards of County Commissioners, but may subsequently be distributed to municipalities and other agencies or organizations involved in the provision of EMS pre-hospital care. Miami-Dade County is responsible for the application and distribution process of the State EMS County Grant. The distribution of grant funds to each participating department is based on the percentage of combined total EMS calls for the calendar year prior to the new grant’s fiscal year. The application for the FY 2022-2023 EMS County Grant # C1013 was approved by the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners and the Florida Department of Health-Bureau of EMS. The grant in the amount of two thousand and seventy hundred dollars ($2,070) has been approved for the City of Coral Gables’ 2022-2023 work plan projects. The allocation will be allowed to purchase Emergency Medical Services Equipment, Materials, Supplies & Services, Conferences, Seminars & Training Sessions. In order to qualify for the grant, the City of Coral Gables must approve a Letter of Understanding / Agreement which provides the basis for the disbursement and reporting responsibilities. A budget amendment to the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Annual Budget is required to recognize the $2,070 grant award as revenue and appropriate such funds to cover the cost of the grant expenditures.”
E-5: A Resolution of the City Commission confirming Angel Nicolas (Nominated by Mayor Lago) to serve as a member of the Property Advisory Board, for remainder of the current term, which began on June 1, 2021 and continues through May 31, 2023.
E-6: A Resolution of the City Commission confirming Tristan Bourgoignie (Nominated by the Board-As-A-Whole) to serve as a member of the Pinewood Cemetery Advisory Board, for remainder of the current term, which began on June 1, 2021 and continues through May 31, 2023.
E-7: A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the waiving of electrical fees, parking fees, and barricade fees for the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce ’s “Burgerliscious” event on Thursday, February 9, 2023, from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Alhambra Circle.
“Burgerliscious will take place from 5:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 9, 2023, and will feature live music and several restaurants serving hamburgers in stations throughout the east and west lanes of Alhambra Circle.”
E-8: A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing Gables F & B, LLC to sell alcoholic beverages at Salzedo Street from Miracle Mile to Giralda Avenue and Aragon Avenue on Friday, March 17th, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. during the John Martin’s St. Patrick’s Day Festival event to benefit the Lil Abner Foundation, subject to Florida Department of Professional Regulation requirements.
“That Gables F & B, LLC be permitted to sell alcoholic beverages at Salzedo Street on Friday, March 17th, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. during the John Martin’s St. Patrick’s Festival event to benefit the Lil Abner Foundation, subject to Florida Department of Professional Regulation requirements. The John Martin’s St. Patrick’s Festival will take place from 12:00 p.m. until 12:00 a.m. on Friday, March 17th, 2023, and will feature live music, entertainment, food & drinks along with an array of Irish décor infused with Coral Gables style and character on Salzedo Street from Miracle Mile to Giralda Avenue and Aragon Avenue.”
E-9: A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing an amendment to Exhibit A of the Amended and Restated Agreement for Operation of the Coral Gables Museum Corporation amending the Museum’s Mission Statement.
“The City has received a request from the Board of Directors of the Coral Gables Museum to grant an amendment to the mission statement in order to add the words “the visual arts” and “artistic” to Exhibit A of the current Amended and Restated Agreement for the operation of the Coral Gables Museum Corporation in order to amend the Mission Statement to bring it in line with the Museum’s current programs and collections.”
E-10: A Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the Innovations & Technology Department to waive the competitive process to purchase Visual Computer Solutions’ OMS Platform Maintenance service as a “Special Procurement/Bid Waiver,” pursuant to Section 2-691of the Procurement Code.
“The Information Technology (IT) Department purchased the Visual Computing System Platform for the Police Department in February 2015 to operate the Police Off-duty Scheduling (POSS) and Attendance Systems (TIMES) which are used by all sworn personnel admin staff for scheduling and timekeeping functions. In order to ensure full functionality of the system, a renewal of the annual maintenance is required. It is recommended that the City renew the maintenance agreement for the system for a period of five (5) years at $35,000 each year. The services will include coverage for the domain subscription, cloud services, hosting fees and user tools. Under Section 2-691 of the Procurement Code, entitled “Special Procurement/Bid Waiver,” a special procurement may be initiated when an unusual or unique situation exists that makes the application of all requirements of competitive sealed bidding or competitive sealed proposal contrary to the public interest.”
E-11: A Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the Innovations & Technology Department to waive the competitive process to purchase Vermont Systems OMS Platform Maintenance service as a “Special Procurement/Bid Waiver,” pursuant to Section 2-691of the Procurement Code.
“The Innovation & Technology (IT) Department purchased the Vermont Systems Computing System Platform for the Community Recreation Department in November 2016 to operate the Community Recreation Department activity registrations, facility reservations, point of sale, pass managements, activity scheduling, general ledger and web portal. In order to ensure full functionality of the system, a renewal of the annual maintenance is required. It is recommended that the City renew the maintenance agreement for the system for a period of three (3) years at $60,000 each year. The services will include coverage for the domain subscription, cloud services, hosting fees and user tools. Under Section 2-691 of the Procurement Code, entitled “Special Procurement/Bid Waiver,” a special procurement may be initiated when an unusual or unique situation exists that makes the application of all requirements of competitive sealed bidding or competitive sealed proposal contrary to the public interest.”
Ordinances On Second Reading
F-1: An Ordinance of the City Commission amending the City Code, Chapter I -General Provisions, Section 1-7 entitled “Penalties” to include additional penalties for violations of Section 74-3, entitled “Riding of Bicycles upon Pedestrian Sidewalks Generally”, providing For repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.
“Section 74-3 of the City Code currently prohibits the riding of bicycles upon the pedestrian sidewalks on Miracle Mile and where posted shall be prohibited. The current fine for violating Section 74-3 of the City Code is, $35.00, the general penalty for violations of Chapter 74. Given that there have been several complaints regarding prohibited bicycle riding on Miracle Mile on the sidewalks that violate the City of Coral Gables Code of Ordinance Section 74-3 to increase a deterrence the City wishes to add a specific increased penalty for violations of Section 74-3. This item was adopted on first reading with amended fine amounts during the January 24, 2023 City Commission meeting. The penalties now read: first violation $35.00; second violation $100.00; and for third or subsequent violation $200.00. There have been no other amendments since first reading.”
Ordinances On First Reading
F-2: An Ordinance of the City Commission providing for a text amendment to the City of Coral Gables Official Zoning Code by amending Article 2, “Zoning Districts,” Section 2-402, “Zain/Friedman Miracle Mile Downtown District Overlay” to promote quality design and to reduce the size of property required for Conditional Use review for parcels facing Miracle Mile; providing for severability clause, repealer provision, codification, and providing for an effective date. (11 01 22 PZB Meeting – Board recommended denial; Vote; 5-0) (Sponsored by Commissioner Anderson).
“As requested by a Commissioner, Zoning Code text amendments are proposed to require Conditional Use review and approval for any future proposed development on Miracle Mile with parcels of land ten thousand (10,000) square feet or greater. Conditional Use review requires a recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Board and approval from the City Commission, in addition to the Development Review Committee review and Board of Architects approval. The Conditional Use for Site Plan review would be reviewed and considered concurrently with any other request that requires City Commission approval. The Downtown Overlay District was adopted in 2001, and later renamed as the “Zain/Friedman Miracle Mile Overlay District” in 2005. The District provided standards to continue and enhance the historic Downtown area. Specifically, an objective within the District is “to maintain the aesthetic, physical, historic and environmental character of Downtown Coral Gables;” as well as limit building bulk, mass, and intensity on Miracle Mile of large-scale developments to promote compatibility with the existing low-rise scale of development in Downtown Coral Gables as it presently exists. Almost 20 years later, the Commission and community still regard Miracle Mile as a unique and special thoroughfare in Coral Gables. Therefore, a Commissioner wishes to require the additional consideration regarding traditional massing, design, architecture, and site planning by requiring Commission approval for properties 10,000 square feet or more via the Conditional Use process. Currently, all redevelopment on Miracle Mile is required to park any required parking remotely, and remote parking is a Conditional Use. However, the remote parking review is solely the analysis and local impact of parking remotely, and not review of the site plan. Also, only site plans that are 20,000 square feet or larger require the Conditional use review. As such, a Commissioner has requested the proposed text amendment which will require Conditional Use review of site plans for properties 10,000 square feet or larger. Planning & Zoning Board: At their November 1, 2022, Planning & Zoning Board meeting, the proposed text amendment was presented to the Board. The Board was concerned of the additional burden placed on commercial property owners of 10,000 square feet being required a Conditional Use review and approval, and therefore recommended denial (5-0). After the Planning & Zoning Board meeting, the proposed text amendment was revised as requested by the sponsoring commissioner to clarify that the Conditional Use site plan request would be reviewed and considered concurrently with any other request(s) requiring City Commission approval. The draft Ordinance is provided as Exhibit A.”
F-3: An Ordinance of the City Commission amending Chapter 62 – Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places to reduce abandoned construction signage and barricades in connection with approved work on the right of way and amending Section 1-7 entitled “Penalties” to include additional penalties for violations; providing for severability clause, repealer provision, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago).
“In the City of Coral Gables there has been a prevalence of abandoned construction signage and barricades throughout the City after the completion of work in the public right-of-way and a relaxed sense of urgency on contractors to remove unnecessary obstructions on the right-of-way. This proposed ordinance would provide our Code Enforcement and Public Works teams with additional tools to remove, discard, and cite as necessary any unapproved obstructions in the right-of-way.”
F-4: An Ordinance of the City Commission amending the City Code, Chapter I -General Provisions, Section 1-7 Entitled “Penalties” to include additional penalties for violations of Section 74-241, entitled “Motorized Scooters on Sidewalks” and Section 74-2 “Prohibiting Skateboard Use Generally”; providing for repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Anderson).
“Section 74-241 of the City Code currently allows the riding of motorized scooters upon all sidewalks located within the city, except where prohibited by official posting. Section 74-2 of the City Code prohibits skateboarding on the city’s public sidewalks where prohibited by official posting. In order to deter prohibited riding and increase pedestrian safety, this ordinance adds additional penalties for violations of those sections. This ordinance sets the fines for these violations as: first violation $35.00, second violation $100.00, and for third or subsequent violations $200.00.”
City Commission Items
G-1: A Resolution of the City Commission providing direction to the City Manager regarding improvements to Majorca Park to allow for a dedicated off -leash dog play area and authorizing an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 amended budget to appropriate funds for said improvements. (Sponsored by Commissioner Anderson) (Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez).
“Majorca Park is located at 937 Majorca Avenue and boasts a large playground and native ficus aurea tree. The residents of Coral Gables have expressed an interest in having more dedicated off-leash dog play facilities in the City and the City is aware of a petition calling for an off-leash dog play area at Majorca Park. The City Commission believes Majorca park and the community will be well served by dedicating a portion of the park as a off-leash dog play area that is fenced off in a manner similar to the temporary area at Catalonia Park that currently acts as a dedicated off-leash dog play area.”
G-2: A Resolution of the City Commission reaffirming the City’s condemnation of antisemitism and bigotry and designating the Mayor as a signatory to the Mayors’ compact to combat hate and extremism. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago) (Sponsored by Commissioner Anderson) (Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez).
“The Coral Gables City Commission has consistently stood against antisemitism, bigotry, and discrimination, as evidenced by Resolution 2019-117, Resolution 2020-225 and Resolution 2021-205. Unfortunately, the Jewish people continue to be a targeted minority in the United States and are consistently the most likely of all religious groups to be victimized by incidents of hate, and such incidents are increasing at an alarming rate. The City Commission believes state and local officials have a responsibility to protect all citizens from acts of hate and bigotry and therefore wishes to reaffirm its condemnation of antisemitism via this resolution. Additionally, this resolution enumerates ways in which the Coral Gables Police Department has partnered with the Jewish community to make the community safer and authorizes the Mayor to be a signatory to Mayors’ Compact to Combat Hate and Extremism (“Compact”). The Compact was created by the United States Conference of Mayors and the Anti-Defamation League and has ten key components: 1. Expressly rejecting extremism, racism, and all forms of bigotry, 2. Denouncing all acts of hate wherever they occur, 3. Ensuring public safety while protecting free speech and other basic constitutional rights, 4. Calling for fully resourced law enforcement and civil rights investigations of domestic terrorism and hate crimes, 5. Elevating and prioritizing anti-bias and anti-hate programs in our nation’s schools, 6. Supporting communities and bringing together civic and community leaders to build trust, 7. Celebrating diversity, fostering inclusivity and challenging bias, 8. Promoting professional development for law enforcement on responding to and reporting hate incidents, hate crimes, and domestic terrorism, 9. Encouraging residents in their communities to report hate incidents and crimes, including using hotlines and online tools, and 10. Maintaining civil rights enforcement and improving hate crime laws when necessary.”
G-3: A discussion regarding the signalization at the intersection of Granada Boulevard and Blue Road. (Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez).
G-4: An update regarding the acquisition of an electric (Tesla) vehicle for the Coral Gables Police Department. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago).
G-5: A discussion regarding the maintenance on City/County bridges. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago).
G-6: NSA reports regarding trash pit code violations. (Sponsored by Commissioner Anderson) (Sponsored by Mayor Lago).
G-7: Discussion regarding crime statistics on the City’s website. (Sponsored by Commissioner Anderson) (Sponsored by Mayor Lago).
G-8: Update regarding Phillip’s Park renovations. (Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez).
G-9: Dover Kohl Biltmore Way and Flagler Section update. (Sponsored by Commissioner Anderson).
Click here to see presentation on Flagler Section.
City Manager Items
I-1: A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing an amendment to PSA 2020-015 “Coral Gables Water Quality and Habitat Conditions in Coral Gables Waterway” with Florida International University to proceed with Phase II pursuant to Section 2-607 (26) of the City’s Procurement Code entitled “Exemptions- University Provided Consulting, Education Services or Cooperative Activities,” and further authorizing Phase III upon completion of Phase II.
“In 2020 the City entered into an agreement with Florida International University to conduct an assessment of water quality and habitat conditions in Coral Gables waterways in order to inform management and restoration. Phase I of the assessment has been successfully completed and the preliminary findings and recommendations have been provided to the City and the City wishes to amend PSA 2020-015 in order to proceed with Phase II of the assessment in an amount not to exceed $299,999 for Phase II. The City will be utilizing waterway funds to fund Phase II of this project and Phase II has been budgeted for in this fiscal year, should the City and FIU determine that a third phase of the assessment is necessary it is also approved up to an amount to be budgeted for Phase III. The City Commission reiterates its commitment to this study and its approval of Phase II of the assessment, any associated funding not to exceed the amounts detailed in this resolution, and authorizes an exemption to the procurement code for this assessment.”
I-2: A Resolution of the City Commission to authorizing a change order to the contract with Communications International pursuant to section 2-764 (b), approval of change orders and contract modifications, of the city’s Procurement Code.
“The Police Department has determined a need to continue a purchasing relationship with Communications International who provides equipment and services for the City’s 800 MHz, Enhanced Digital Simulcast Radio System. This sophisticated radio system provides mission critical public safety and local government communications. Communications International also provides fire alerting equipment and services, mobile and portable radio equipment, dispatch consoles, radio system infrastructure, mutual aid connectivity and consulting. Communications International is the sole source vendor for Harris Radio for the City of Coral Gables. The contract was originally accessed in April 2021 through the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office to meet the communication needs of the Police Department. The contract is currently in place until January 2026, This modification request includes adding additional spending authority to the contract in the estimated amount of $595,876. Section 2-585 of the Procurement Code authorizes the City Manager to delegate authority to the Chief Procurement Officer to administer and make recommendations on City contracts. As such, the spending authority for the contract with Communications International may be modified under Section 2-764(b)of the Procurement Code entitled “Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications” in an estimated amount of $595,876 or not to exceed the available budget.”
City Clerk Items
K-1: A Resolution of the City Commission appointing members of the Canvassing Board for the upcoming General Biennial Election of Tuesday, April 11, 2023 and any subsequent Run-Off Election, the Honorable Carlos Gamez, County Court Judge, 11th Judicial Circuit; the Honorable Carlos Guzman, Circuit Court Judge, 11th Judicial Circuit; the Honorable Cristina Rivera Correa (Alternate), County Court Judge, 11th Judicial Circuit; and City Clerk Billy Y. Urquia, for the purpose of canvassing absentee and provisional ballots and precinct returns, further authorizing said board to certify the results of said election.
“The attached Resolution provides for appointing certain members of the Canvassing Board (Board) for the General Biennial Election, April 11, 2023, and any subsequent run-off election, namely, Judge Carlos Gamez, Judge Carlos Guzman, Judge Cristina Rivera Correa (Alternate), and City Clerk, Billy Y. Urquia for the purpose of canvassing vote-by-mail ballots, provisional ballots, and precinct returns; further authorizing said board to certify the results of said election. Section 18-2(c) of our City Code provides that the Canvassing Board shall be composed of three members, which shall include two members of the City Commission who are not candidates with opposition in the election being canvassed, and the City Clerk or his designee from the City Clerk’s Office; further providing in Section 18-2(d) that if sufficient members of the City Commission are not eligible to serve on the Canvassing Board, the City Commission shall appoint as a substitute member who is a qualified elector of Coral Gables and who is not a candidate with opposition in the election being canvassed and who is not an active participant in the campaign or candidacy of any candidate with opposition in the election being canvassed, for the purpose of canvassing absentee ballots and precinct returns. The current members of the City Commission who would have otherwise been eligible to serve on the Canvassing Board, cannot do so due to anticipated participation in the campaign(s) of candidates with opposition. As far back as 2011, the City Commission has appointed member of the judiciary to serve on the canvassing board, emulating the requirements for certain County canvassing boards in Florida Statute § 102.141.”
The meeting covered various agenda items, including lease amendments, procurement awards, event authorizations, and appointments. The City Commission approved a three-month extension for the administrative offices of the City’s Parking Department and awarded the Black Olive Tree Injection Treatment Services to The Davey Tree Expert Company. They also authorized ServiCorp, LLC to sell alcoholic beverages during the Supercars in the Gables event and accepted the EMS County Grant. Furthermore, they confirmed appointments to the Property Advisory Board and Pinewood Cemetery Advisory Board. Additionally, the City Commission waived fees for the Burgerliscious event and authorized the sale of alcoholic beverages during the St. Patrick’s Day Festival. Overall, the meeting addressed important matters concerning the City of Coral Gables in a concise and efficient manner.
If Ariel Fernandez doesn’t win, it’s over.
Too much talk and too few candidates opposing the incumbents.