Agenda Digest: City Commission Meeting (01/09/2024)

Javier Baños

Baños is the Editor of Gables Insider

On Tuesday, January 9, 2024, the Coral Gables City Commission will hold its next City Commission meeting. Here is a rundown of the agenda for this upcoming meeting. Click here to see the full agenda.

Non-credited quotes in this article are excerpts from the memos presented to the Commission explaining the items.

Gables Insider comments on specific items can be found in blue.

Watch Meeting

To watch the meeting live on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 9:00AM, click here. The meeting will also be available live on the City’s YouTube Channel. You can watch it by clicking here.

Consent Agenda

D.-1. 23-6830 A Resolution of the City Commission appointing Judith Alexander (Nominated by Commissioner Fernandez) to serve as a member of the Senior Citizens Advisory Board, for the remainder of an unexpired term, which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2025.
D.-2. 23-6829 A Resolution of the City Commission confirming the appointment of John “Miles” Maronto (Nominated by Board-As-A-Whole) to serve as a member of the Transportation Advisory Board, for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2025

Presentation of Boards

2.-1. 23-6882 A Resolution of the Coral Gables Historic Preservation Board requesting that the City Commission direct that any removal of silver streetlights by FPL throughout the City cease immediately; requesting that the City Commission direct the Historic Preservation Board and Landmarks Advisory Board to work with City Staff to research and recommend a City standard streetlight as well as recommended areas for that standard streetlight; and requesting that the City Commission adopt that standard streetlight.

The Resolution provides as follows:

That the Historic Preservation Board requests that the City Commission direct that the current replacement of silver streetlights by FPL throughout the City immediately cease.
That the Historic Preservation Board and Landmarks Advisory board work with City staff to research and recommend a City standard streetlight and areas of the City where that standard light should be installed, based upon historically accurate documentation of those lights known to be installed during the City’s development in the 1920s.The Historic Preservation Board also requests that should the Boards provide a recommendation that the City Commission adopt the recommendation for a City standard, in the recommended locations, and negotiate the installation and maintenance of those lights with FPL.”



E.-1. 23-6723 An Ordinance of the City Commission amending the Cocoplum Phase 1 Security Guard District, as created by Miami-Dade County pursuant to County Ordinance 95-214, to expand the scope of services to include additional security measures including but not limited to security cameras. [Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez]

The ordinance was first approved on December 12, 2023. There have been no significant changes to the ordinance since first reading. The ordinance further enhances security to this area of the city, paid with fees and charges to the 149 parcels that are part of this district.

Agenda Items E-2 and E-3 are related

E.-2. 23-6785 An Ordinance of the City Commission amending Section 1-2 “Definitions and Rules of Construction”; Section 2-464 “Same-Authority to Fix Schedule of Charges; Method of Determination”; Section 2-1091 “City-Owned Property Sale or Lease Generally; Advertised Public Bidding Process; Section 18-2 “Canvas of Returns; Duty of Commission; Declaration of Results”; Section 34-60 “Statement of Costs; Filing; Publication of Work; Cost and Lien”; Section 34-239 “Forfeiture Proceedings”; Section 58-53 “Statement of Costs; Publication”; Section 58-119 “Notice by Publication”; Section 62-329 “Procedures Relating to Applications”; Section 62-331 “Adoption of Ordinance”; Section 78-281 “Requirement for Underground Utilities”; Section 101-109 “Notices”; Section 109-41 “Permit Application Procedures- Class 1 Permits”; and Section 109-42 “Same- Class 2 Permits” of the City Code in order to provide a definition of publication and remove the requirement for newspaper publication, providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.

E.-3. 23-6786 An Ordinance of the City Commission amending Section 1-104 “Jurisdiction and Applicability”; Section 8-109 “Moving of Existing Improvements”; Section 8-106 “Certificates of Appropriateness”; Section 14-209.4; Section 14-215.3 “Notice and Hearing Procedures”; Section 15-102 “Notice” of the City’s Zoning Code in order to provide a definition of publication and remove the requirement for newspaper publication, providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.

Both the above ordinances modify public notices based on updates in State Law. There have been not changes since the approval of December 12, 2023. Beginning January 1, 2023 Cities are now permitted to publish all required legal notices and advertisements on a publicly accessible website as specified in Florida Statute 50.0311. The City has traditionally advertised and published required notices in newspapers of general circulation. Due to cost increases and fewer options available for publication, the City is going to move all required notices to a County-wide website for legal notices, as permitted in state law.


E.-4. 23-6567 An Ordinance of the City Commission amending St. Philip’s School site plan approved under Ordinance No. 3576 to replace an existing building with a new pre-K building located at 1109 Andalusia Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida; all other conditions of approval contained in Ordinance No. 3576 shall remain in effect; and providing an effective date. (11 03 23 PZB recommended approval with conditions, Vote 7-0)

“The Applicant seeks to demolish an existing building on the easternmost corner on Andalusia Avenue and replace it with a new pre-K building. The proposed 1-story structure will include two classrooms, a multi-purpose room, storage, and a connection hallway, comprised of 4,198 square feet. Additionally, the Applicant requests to amend the condition in the 2002 Ordinance that “no new doors, windows, or other similar openings shall be permitted on the east side of any structures located on the eastern side yard property line.” This amendment would allow non-operable windows to address the Board of Architects’ aesthetic concerns.”

E.-5. 23-6826 An Ordinance of the City Commission providing for text amendments to the City of Coral Gables Official Zoning Code (Zoning Code), amending Article 10, “Parking and Access,” Section 10-112 “Miscellaneous Parking Standards,” creating provisions for considering reduction of parking requirements for affordable housing located near a major transit stop as required by the Live Local Act, Ch. 2023-17, Laws of Florida; providing for repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.

The Live Local Act also requires a county or municipality to consider reducing parking requirements for a proposed multifamily development with commercial, industrial, or mixed-use zoning if the proposed development is located within one-half mile of an accessible, major transit stop. A major transit stop is defined as a “Metrorail station or the intersection of two or more major bus routes with frequencies of service intervals of 15 minutes or less during the morning and afternoon or peak commute periods”

E.-6. 23-6827 An Ordinance of the City Commission providing for text amendments to the City of Coral Gables Official Zoning Code, amending Article 1, “General Provisions,” Section 1-104 “Jurisdiction and Applicability,” amending provisions for the citing of city facilities to include facilities for workforce housing that are owned, financed, or operated by the City, the County, or other public (governmental) entity as required by the Code of Miami-Dade County Section 33-193.7 “Applicability in the Incorporated and Unincorporated Areas; Minimum Standards; Exemptions.,” providing for repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.

“Pursuant to Section 33-193.7 (C) of the Miami-Dade County Code, Miami-Dade has adopted a requirement that municipalities have an expedited process to decide applications for workforce housing for qualifying residential developments that are owned, financed, or operated by the County, municipality, or other public (governmental) entity. The County’s requirement for an expedited process provides that municipalities are deemed to have complied with this requirement if they use a process similar to the governmental facilities process that the County uses pursuant to Section 33-303, Code of Miami-Dade County. The City has an expedited process for its own governmental facilities patterned after the County’s process and intends to comply with this expedited workforce application process by modifying its government facility procedures to include certain workforce housing facilities.

E.-7. 23-6828 An Ordinance of the City Commission providing for a text amendment to the City of Coral Gables Official Zoning Code, Creating Section 5-314 “Window and Hurricane Shutters” to regulate the closure of window and hurricane shutters and amending the City Code, Chapter 1-General Provisions, Section 1-7 entitled “Penalties” to provide a penalty for the closure of window and hurricane shutters outside of the hurricane season; providing for severability clause, repealer provision, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)

The proposed ordinance recognizes the importance of allowing residents to protect their homes during the Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to November 30 each year, and desires to strike a balance between ensuring the safety of residents during hurricane events and preserving the overall aesthetic character of the community.

E.-8. 23-6881 An Ordinance of the City Commission providing for a text amendment to the City of Coral Gables official Zoning Code, amending Article 11. “Signs,” Section 11-107 “Real Estate, For Sale, Lease or Rental of Property or Buildings,” to apply same regulations to signs pertaining to the sale, lease, or rental of property or buildings in any use district; providing for severability clause, repealer provision, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)

Consistent with the purposes set forth in Section 11-101 of the Zoning Code and specifically to preserve the City’s unique character and quality of its appearance which is essential to its economic, cultural, and social welfare, the proposed Ordinance provides that such signs pertaining to the sale, lease or rental of property or buildings in any use district shall not exceed forty (40) square inches.”


E.-9. 23-6825 A Resolution of the City Commission pursuant to Florida Statute 166.0451, approving a blank inventory list of city-owned real property within Coral Gables which is appropriate for use as affordable housing.

“The City Commission finds that the current portfolio of city-owned properties within the city’s boundaries is not appropriate for use or development as affordable housing, and via this resolution, adopts a blank inventory list in compliance with Florida Statute 166.0451.”


F.-1. 23-6762 Update on Uber Pilot Program. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-2. 23-6779 Update regarding Pittman Park (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-3. 23-6783 Update on Development Services Department. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)
F.-4. 23-6862 Discussion regarding Form 6 financial disclosure by municipal elected officials. (Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez)
F.-5. 23-6868 Discussion regarding the Christmas decorations on Miracle Mile. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-6. 23-6869 Discussion regarding the tree canopy replacement. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-7. 23-6875 Update of arrival of the White Way Lights. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-8. 23-6874 Update on the maintenance plan for the White Way Lights. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-9. 23-6878 Update on the naming of the park in honor of SSGT Carl Enis. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)

F.-10. 23-5686 A Resolution of the City Commission directing the City Clerk and City Manager to schedule bimonthly presentation and protocol ceremonies. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)

F.-11. 23-6832 A Resolution of the City Commission directing the City Clerk to schedule a joint meeting between the City’s Historic Preservation Board and Landmarks Advisory Board to discuss the replacement of certain Florida power and Light streetlights throughout the City. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)


H.-1. 23-6819 A Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the Chief Procurement Officer to authorize access to a “piggyback” contract through the Sourcewell Cooperative with Oshkosh Corporation (Pierce Manufacturing) in an amount not to exceed the available budget for firefighting equipment, pursuant to Section 2-946, Use of Other Governmental Unit Contracts (Piggyback) and Section 2-947, Cooperative Purchasing under the Procurement Code.

Time-sensitive operational requirements drive the urgent need to secure access to firefighting equipment to ensure a seamless emergency response while addressing an imminent equipment deficiency impacting public safety. By utilizing the existing competitively solicited contract guarantees swift access to the necessary equipment while benefiting from pre-established rates, ensuring fiscal prudence and adherence to procurement guidelines. Pierce Manufacturing has authorized access to the equipment through a local Florida dealer (Ten-8 Fire & Safety, LLC). Immediate access will allow for the purchase of a much-needed Pierce Enforcer 2nd Generation Pumper to replace an aging spare unit that is used to assist with emergencies. The equipment is currently available and will eliminate the normally extensive lead time (36-47 months) for this type of apparatus.

H.-2. 23-6824 A Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the Innovations and Technology Department to waive the competitive process to purchase AT&T Communication Service Maintenance and Support as a “Special Procurement/Bid Waiver,” pursuant to Section 2-691of the Procurement Code.

“To continue full functionality of all city’s 911 systems, phone lines, IP circuits and internet circuits a renewal of the annual maintenance is required, it is recommended that the City continues its services, software and hardware support and maintenance with AT&T. This request is for an estimated annual amount of $385,000 or an amount not to exceed the available budget on an ongoing basis as long as the current system is in place.”
H.-3. 23-6765 Illegal dumping mitigation technology update.


6 thoughts on “Agenda Digest: City Commission Meeting (01/09/2024)

  1. MI & Concerned Resident, there’s an article in yesterday’s Miami Herald about State and County approving/ installing Speeding Cameras in school zones, with no points to drivers, generating millions of dollars for the public schools. I read the citation goes only to those 11 mph over the speed limit. This seems very fair. We all get distracted and sometimes go a little over the limit. I believe regular Police-issued tickets take effect only when you’re 5 mph over the speed limit. Seems like a no brainer to install similar cameras on Gables residential streets, with the same lenient 11 mph over the limit leeway and no points. The $120 civil citation will ONLY hurt the wallets of the reckless speeders. We’ll save lives, reduce speeding noise from sports cars, and generate MILLIONS of dollars for city projects.

  2. And speaking of calming traffic what is being done to bring down the speed of cars going at night thru Biltmore Way? Remember the project? We need Biltmore Way to have street calming areas like many residential streets have before someone is killed on Biltmore Way at night. The cars racing at night are something to be concerned. Please have them installed

  3. I would like to see a line item in each agenda on the status of how the city is implementing steps to reduced spending, to reduce property taxes and to shift money to things that really matter. Also, what steps is the city taking to enforce the noise ordinance and speeding by cars, especially motorcycles and sportscars, along Bird and Red Roads? Just around 12/31 there was yet another accident involving multiple vehicles at the corner of Bird and Road. Not too long ago another accident had a car land on someone’s front driveway on Bird Road. Since drivers going beyond 35 miles per hour is a constant problem, and the money generated from tickets to infringers would be huge. Is the city working with the county and other municipalities to reduce vehicular noise and require exhaust silencers? One problem is the large increase of revved up motors in sports cars and motorcycles that sound like they are ripping the street and this goes on into night and the past midnight and it hurls heavy vibrations into homes and goes against the noise ordinance. Any thoughts about installing traffic calmers especially on Red Road south of Bird Road? Is the city working to get those 2 roads repaved to dampen some noise or install sound absorbers? The city needs to re-allocate money from some other non-crucial spending project to this that affects health and safety. It can generate a lot of income through enforcement and traffic tickets. It does not need to add to the budget to do this. It needs to reduce the budget and focus spending on a true city function (calming heavy traffic). And the rise of large buildings is not helpful to the traffic in any area where they are built.

  4. Rollaway white shutters on side and back of house should be allowed to keep out hot sun all year long.

  5. I can see a lot of government spending and regulation in the agenda. When will the Commissioners take seriously the priority of bringing financial health into the city ?

    Anybody can spend and write rules. Good leaders make organizations more efficient and lean.

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