Javier Baños
Baños is the Editor of Gables Insider
On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, the Coral Gables City Commission will hold its next City Commission meeting. Here is a rundown of the agenda for this upcoming meeting. Click here to see the full agenda.
Non-credited quotes in this article are excerpts from the memos presented to the Commission explaining the items.
Gables Insider comments on specific items can be found in blue.
Watch Meeting
To watch the meeting live on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at 9:00AM, click here. The meeting will also be available live on the City’s YouTube Channel. You can watch it by clicking here.
Consent Agenda
D.-1. 24-6957 A Resolution of the City Commission accepting a recommendation of the City Manager to waive the competitive process of the Procurement Code for the purchase of six (6) Sanitary Submersible Pumps from Xylem Water Solutions Inc. in the estimated amount of $139,665 as a “Sole Source Procurement”, pursuant to Section 2-689 of the City’s Procurement Code.
D.-2. 24-6996 A Resolution of the City Commission rescinding Resolution 2023-68 and authorizing the donation of a 1998 Pierce ladder truck, a designated surplus item, to the fire department of Asuncion, Paraguay.
D.-3. 24-6995 A Resolution of the City Commission confirming the appointment of David Kutner (Nominated by the Deering Bay Master Property Owners’ Association) and Aimee Davis (Sunrise Harbour Homeowners’ Association) to serve as members of the South Waterways Homeowners’ Associations Advisory Board, for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2025.
D.-4. 24-7014 A Resolution of the City Commission appointing Albert Menendez (Nominated by Vice Mayor Anderson) to serve as a member of the Landmarks Advisory Board, for the remainder of an unexpired term, which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2025.
D.-5. 24-7015 A Resolution of the City Commission appointing Alberto Perez (Nominated by Vice Mayor Anderson) to serve as a member of the Board of Adjustment, for the remainder of an unexpired term, which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2025.
D.-6. 24-7016 A Resolution of the City Commission confirming the appointment of Nicole A. Hoover (Nominated by the Board-As-A-Whole) to serve as a member of the Parks and Recreation Youth Advisory Board, for the remainder of an unexpired term, which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2025.
D.-7. 24-7019 A Resolution of the City Commission confirming the appointment of Donna Heisenbottle (Nominated by Board-As-A-Whole) to serve as a member of the Landmarks Advisory Board, for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2025.
E.-1. 23-6727 An Ordinance of the City Commission amending Section 14-103.3. “Meeting; Panel Review; Full by Full Board; Conflict Resolution Meeting; Special Master Quasi-Judicial Hearing” in order to amend certain procedures related to the conflict resolution and Special Master Quasi-Judicial Process for appeals of decisions by the Board of Architects; providing for repealer provision, severability clause, codification, enforceability, and providing for an effective date. (01 10 24 PZB – Motion to approve in part, Vote 4-2)(Sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)
“Section 14-103.3 of the Zoning Code provides the procedures for persons aggrieved by a decision of the Board of Architects. As requested by a member of the Commission, Staff prepared a Zoning Code text amendment to refine some of the procedures related to the decision-making processes. The proposed Zoning Code text amendment clarifies that if the conflict resolution meeting results in a settlement, the settlement must proceed to a quasi-judicial public hearing. In addition, the proposed amendment also explains that single-family residences will be heard by one Special Master, while all other properties are heard by a panel of three Special Masters at a quasi-judicial public hearing. Lastly, the proposed amendment requires the Board of Architects to review any substantial changes to the design of a project made during the conflict resolution or Special Master hearing process.”
E.-2. 23-6733 An Ordinance of the City Commission providing for text amendments to the City of Coral Gables Official Zoning Code Article 15, “Notices,” Section 15-102, “Notice,” to amend requirement for the Applicants Required Public Information Meeting to occur prior to review by the Board of Architects and to require additional registration information for future notifications to be included in meeting notice, providing for repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (01 10 24 PZB -Motion to approve with conditions, Vote 4-2) (Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez)
“The proposed text amendment would require the Applicants public information meeting to occur earlier in the public review process prior to preliminary review by the Board of Architects. All other requirements for the public information meeting would remain.”
E.-3. 23-6579 An Ordinance of the City Commission approving and granting to Pivotal Utility Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Florida City Gas, its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive gas franchise, imposing provisions and conditions relating thereto; providing for monthly payment of a franchise fee to the City; providing for adoption of representations; repealing all ordinances in conflict; providing a severability clause; and providing for an effective date.
“The City of Coral Gables and Pivotal Utility Holdings, Inc. (doing business as Florida City Gas) have negotiated the attached non-exclusive franchise to permit the construction, maintenance, and operation of natural gas facilities within the City. The franchise agreement provides that Florida City Gas will provide payment of fees to the City in exchange for the nonexclusive right and privilege of supplying natural gas free from competition from the City. The franchise agreement provides for a thirty (30) year term and payment to the City of a franchise fee equal to six percent (6%) of Franchisee’s gross revenues from sales to Customers within the City. The agreement also addresses, maintenance of public rights of way and insurance requirements among other details. This item was adopted on first reading on January 23, 2024. There have been no changes since first reading.”
F.-1. 24-6935 Update on the Blue Road bridge. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-2. 24-6955 Discussion regarding valet parking. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-3. 24-6974 Discussion regarding curb maintenance. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-4. 24-6975 Discussion regarding cleanliness on Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Alhambra Circle, and potential street sweeping on Alhambra Circle. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-5. 24-6981 Update on Board of Architects nominations. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez) (Co-sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)
F.-6. 24-6982 Update on Le Parc Cafe. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-7. 24-6960 Presentation on contingency amounts of City projects for the past five years. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-8. 24-6994 Discussion regarding the tree trimming around newly installed FPL light poles. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-9. 24-7003 Discussion regarding street markers. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-10. 24-7004 Update on pickleball courts in Parking Garage 4. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-11. 24-7005 Discussion regarding potholes throughout the City. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-12. 24-7002 City Manager succession plan. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-13. 24-7006 Update on the City’s peafowl mitigation policy. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)
F.-14. 24-7007 Discussion regarding homelessness. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-15. 24-7018 Update regarding Code Enforcement matters at 2915 Coconut Grove Drive. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)
F.-16. 24-6956 A Resolution of the City Commission adopting a maintenance schedule for the City’s
White Way lights. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-17. 24-7000 A Resolution of the City Commission supporting House Memorial 517 and Senate Memorial 800 urging Congress to support solutions that examine the pollution differential between the United States and other countries that hold foreign polluters accountable for their pollution. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago) (Co-sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)
F.-18. 24-7001 A Resolution of the City Commission directing the reallocation of funds in the 2024-2028 five year Capital Improvement Plan to create a conceptual design for potential improvements, including outdoor community recreation spaces, to the Coral Gables Senior High School athletic complex. (Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez)
“The City Commission would like to budget up to $50,000 in order to move forward with conceptual designs for potential improvements, including outdoor community recreation spaces, to the Coral Gables Senior High School athletic complex. These funds would be re-allocated from the War Memorial Youth Center capital project budget in the 2024-2028 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. The City will work with Miami-Dade County Public Schools to initiate an agreement for the long-term joint use of the redesigned facilities.”
G.-1. 24-6971 A Resolution of the City Commission opposing the State preemptions in Senate Bill 1084 and House Bill 1071, on electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
“Senate Bill (SB) 1084 and House Bill (HB) 1071 are currently moving through the state legislative process and, if enacted, would preempt the regulation of electric vehicle charging stations to the state. As the City desires to expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure through regulatory requirements to further its priorities of reducing carbon emissions, reducing noise and air pollution, and supporting technological advances in the realm of transportation, the City opposes these bills on the grounds that the state would infringe upon the City’s home rule powers and local zoning authority.”
G.-2. 24-6959 A Resolution of the City Commission opposing Senate Bill 1526 and House Bill 1647, which would limit a local government’s ability to preserve certain historic structures that are located seaward of the coastal construction control line established by Section 161.0553 Florida Statutes.
“Senate Bill (SB) 1526 or House Bill (HB) 1647 are currently moving through the state legislative process and, if enacted, could prohibit a city from protecting local historic structures from demolition when those structures are not classified as single family residential, are located seaward of the coastal construction control line, and do not comply with the base flood elevation requirements for new construction issued y the National Flood Insurance Program for the applicable flood zone. More specifically, the bills could limit a city’s ability to review and deny demolition permits, regulate structures defined by the bills as “non-conforming”, and regulate replacement structures.”
G.-3. 24-6993 A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the City Staff to negotiate and execute a contract with Freebee to provide on demand public transportation services for one-year with two one-year options, at an amount not to exceed $520,785 annually pursuant to Section 2-607 (17) of the Procurement Code entitled “Exemptions” (Purchase of Public Transportation Services).
“This resolution is authorizing the City to negotiate and new contract with Freebee. As part of the new contract, Freebee will be converting the existing 5 fleet GEM vehicles to Tesla Model X. In addition, the City and Freebee will be modifying the current hours of operation (Monday Sunday 10am-10pm) to better maximize ridership patterns. The new schedule will be Monday Thursday 10am-9pm, Friday and Saturday 10am-11:59pm and Sunday 10am-7pm. Freebee has agreed to provide the new fleet vehicles in advance of the start of the FDOT grant and will honor the current monthly rate until the grant commences. Freebee will provide an advertising revenue guarantee in the amount of $24,000 per vehicle that Freebee will keep and instead provide an upfront discount on the operation cost. The total cost of the program is not to exceed $520,785 per year.”
G.-4. 24-7013 A Resolution of the City Commission extending the time for continued negotiations regarding a potential lease renewal with the tenant of 60 Merrick Way, operating as Fritz and Franz Bierhaus, prior to the next Commission meeting.
“City staff and tenant have met and commenced negotiations regarding a potential lease renewal, but additional time is needed to continue negotiations and determine if such negotiations will result in an agreement for renewal of the lease between the City and tenant. The proposed Resolution acknowledges that the Notice of Non-Renewal is valid and remains in place, but allows additional time, through February 27, 2024, for negotiations to continue for a potential lease renewal.”
H.-1. 24-7012 A Resolution of the City Commission approving a Stipulated Settlement Agreement between the City of Coral Gables and Business Improvement District of Coral Gables, Inc.
The parties seek to bring a final resolution to all pending or currently anticipated litigation between the Parties regarding the 170 Funds. The proposed Resolution finds that it is in the best interests of the City to resolve this matter and approve the Stipulated Settlement Agreement, attached as Exhibit A, which includes the following key terms:
Expenditures of the 170 Funds by the Corporate BID in a manner consistent with Chapter 170, Florida Statutes and the Corporate BID’s purpose;
Enumerated prohibitions on the use of the 170 Funds;
Coordination to include notice to the City of the Corporate BID’s activities and services;
Corporate BID shall provide certain existing financial documentation to the City within specified timeframes;
Corporate BID shall provide annual audits;
Corporate BID shall provide a semi-annual report containing general description of total approximate expenditures of preceding six months and a narrative of those expenditures reasonably sufficient to determine compliance with spending guidelines;
Corporate BID will provide the City with copies of monthly Board Meeting agendas and financial reports provided to the Board
City will file a Notice of Voluntary Dismissal within ten (10) business days of the Effective Date; and
Mutual releases by the City and the Corporate BID
And in true Coral Gables fashion, the wise body that is the commission appears to be making a decision about a new City Manager just as they would cavalierly choose an ice cream flavor at Ben & Jerry’s. Fernandez, desperate for anything that he can call a “win” agrees with Menendez’s suggestion to “start the conversation” with the guy who manages the airport. Lago points out all the recent (and not-so-recent) Miami Herald articles about the shitty condition of County infrastructure, both at the airport and elsewhere, with the hope of stopping commissioners from a hasty, ill-advised decision.
Castro is screeching like a banshee at anyone who will listen that she “will not be disrespected!!!” and doesn’t want shady people following her or surveilling her in her 17th floor condo via drones. Her wails are nothing short of a toddler’s tantrum over a parent’s refusal to buy a candy at the grocery checkout.
This is exciting folks. Will the ACM take the temporary position while the county guy gets the CM’s office fitted for new furniture? What is Menendez getting in return for naming the airport guy out of the blue? Will Castro ever be “respected” by anyone? This is better than that show in the 1970s, “Soap.”
And Menendez pulls a rabbit out of his hat, splits the baby and is trying to give to both Fernandez/Castro and Lago/Anderson a bone. Will Fernandez take the bait?
Maria Anderson is handing Ariel his ass in a cup at 1:47 P.M.
If you have an opinion, state it UNDER YOUR OWN NAME.
What are people afraid of?
Anonymous opinions might serve to enrage the crowd, I have zero respect for such opinions.
You have something to say, Say it and own it.
If some of you get angry with me, if you have an opinion to share, remember that someone NOT owning his/her thoughts aren’t worth discussing matters.
I’ve said before on this same forum
stop the cowardly writing. It is pointless.
Peter Iglesias’ salary is more than the U.S. Secretary of Defense.
Yet, Iglesias does not need to deal with the threat from China and Russia.
Peter Iglesias’s salary is more than the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.
Yet, Iglesias does not need to deal with national inflation.
The cold fact is Iglesias is a small fish in government, but getting a very big salary.
What does his salary mean? Ans. 1. He is very greedy. 2. He thinks he is bigger and better than high ranking U.S. public servants. 3. He takes care of himself first, when the City needs the money for the police, first responders, etc.
As the City Manager, he shows people outside the City that the Citi’s residents are easily fooled. The City is starting the have the reputation of a City of Fools. Just ask any big developer.
Don’t be taken as a fool. Support Ariel Fernandez.
Ariel Fernandez wants to stop him.
I would like to see an agenda item at every meeting as to what the city is doing to cut spending, reduce expenses and reduce real property taxes.
One Commissioner has never managed more than 20 people and has never served on a Board that is responsible for a $100+ million budget & the other lightweight does not own property in the City so she has NO skin in the game! If all the yelling/confrontation they have introduced result in chaos, as they likely will, the City’s credit rating will be downgraded and our property taxes go up! Is that what you want?
As to the salary for a City Manager, none of the commenters have any idea of what the national averages for such a position is. Likely that in order to get a new City Manager we will have to increase the salary for that position!! Hope sanity rules today!
I have been a City Beautiful resident for over 40 years. I have never seen commissioners like Mr. Fernandez. Mr. Menendez and Ms. Castro. They give themselves an undeserved salary raise (approved by them) after a few weeks in their new positions (Mr. Menendez exception having been there for a few years ” done nothing”) but still he took the opportunity to join the new rookies on this endeavor in order to enrich himself. These 3 commissioners are destroying the city prestige, politics, and are stomping our growth as a city.
For what you are paying Peter Iglesias you can have 2 people sharing responsabilities for city manager and not have that arrogant narcissist Peter Iglesias..
To: Some Street Sense and Integrity. I am with you brother. We are the ones that will make this city what is supposed to be. We elect officials who are true to their word and do not enforce their egos onto us.
I will campaign and contribute to unseat Lago and Anderson.
Let’s make it happen
Peter Iglesias’s salary is more than the Gov. of FL; a Supreme Court Judge in FL; a U. S. Senator;
the U.S. Secretary of State; the U.S Secretary of Defense; and the U.S. Treasurer.
Their responsibilities are far greater than his. They also have larger budgets and more employees.
His salary is outrageous. His ability is zero; his management a disaster; his personality obnoxious.
His salary makes the good residents of this City look like a bunch of suckers.
Anyone with some street sense and some integrity would get rid of him.
Today, we will see what the Mayor and Commissioners are made of.