On Tuesday, April 16, 2024, the Coral Gables City Commission will hold its next City Commission meeting. Here is a rundown of the agenda for this upcoming meeting. Click here to see the full agenda.
Non-credited quotes in this article are excerpts from the memos presented to the Commission explaining the items.
Gables Insider comments on specific items can be found in blue.
Watch Meeting
To watch the meeting live on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 9:00AM, click here. The meeting will also be available live on the City’s YouTube Channel. You can watch it by clicking here.
Consent Agenda
D.-1. 24-7235 A Resolution of the City Commission accepting a recommendation to waive the competitive process of the Procurement Code and purchase the Stryker Power-Pro 2 powered ambulance cot/ loading system at a cost of $148,472.14 and as a “Sole Source Procurement”, pursuant to Section 2-689 of the City’s Procurement Code.
D.-2. 24-7240 A Resolution of the City Commission confirming the appointment of Isis Arenas (Nominated by Board-As-A-Whole) to serve as a member of the Coral Gables Golf and Country Club Advisory Board, for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2025.
D.-3. 24-7269 A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the acceptance of a Keep America Beautiful Great American Cleanup Grant in the value amount of $6,000 to be put towards the “Keep Coral Gables Beautiful” Great American Cleanup Events; authorizing execution of the grant contract; and authorizing an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Annual Budget to recognize the $2,500 grant as revenue and to appropriate such funds to put toward the cost of the program.
D.-4. 24-7308 A Resolution of the City Commission appointing Rigby Coleman (Nominated by City Manager Rojas) to serve as a member of the Property Advisory Board, for remainder of the current term, which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2025.
D.-5. 24-7313 A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the acceptance and execution of grant funds in the amount of $6,796 allocated to the Coral Gables Police Department from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG); and authorizing an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Annual Budget to recognize the $6,796 grant funds as revenue and to appropriate such funds to cover the grant expenditures.
D.-6. 24-7327 A Resolution of the City Commission approving an interlocal agreement with the Village of Pinecrest relating to the operation and funding of the Pinecrest by the Sea Security Guard Special Taxing District (also known as the Gables by the Sea-Pinecrest Security Guard Special Taxing District); providing for authorization; and providing for an effective date.
D.-7. 24-7341 A Resolution of the City Commission appointing Jeffrey Kurzner (Nominated by Mayor Lago) to serve as a member of the Mayor’s Advisory Council, for remainder of the current term, which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through April 30, 2025.
Presentation of Boards and/or Committees draft/final minutes requesting action from the City Commission [Note: A vote to accept the minutes does not mean approval of the substance within the minutes]:
2.-1. 24-7330 A Resolution of the Property Advisory Board requesting that the City Commission direct City Staff to begin a process to identify properties within the City for purchase that would enhance its portfolio and to review existing City-owned property to determine which City-properties should be surplus or be held long-term for public benefit.
2.-2. 24-7360 A Resolution of the Property Advisory Board recommending that the City Commission conduct a parking study to ensure that any proposed pickleball or other recreational courts will not significantly reduce available parking for Coral Gables residents.
2.-3. 24-7349 A Resolution of the Transportation Advisory Board requesting that the City Commission direct Staff to amend the traffic impact study methodology and scope of services for traffic consultants to require a of the Transportation Advisory Board and consideration of micro-mobility in mitigation measures.
E.-1. 24-7312 An Ordinance of the City Commission amending Chapter 46 of the “Code of the City of Coral Gables,” entitled “Pensions,” amending Section 46-27, purchase of credited service for period of military service and/or employment with other public employers; and providing for severability clause, repealer provision, codification, and providing for an effective date.
E.-2. 24-7212 An Ordinance of the City Commission amending Chapter 74 “Traffic and Vehicles” to create Article IX “School Zone Safety” authorizing the enforcement of school zone speed limits by and through the installation of speed detection systems on school zone roadways; providing for a severability clause, repealer provision, codification, and providing for an effective date.
E.-3. 24-7311 An Ordinance of the City Commission updating the City Code to comply with State Law by amending Chapter 14 “Businesses”, Article VIII “Mobile Food Trucks” and creating Section 14-154 “Limited Operation of Temporary Commercial Kitchens”; providing for severability clause, repealer provision, and providing for an effective date.
E.-4. 24-7319 An Ordinance of the City Commission amending Ordinance No. 2022-32 which approved a Planned Area Development for the property legally described as Lots 1-12 and Lots 35-46, including the public alleyway lying in between, Block 10 and Lots 1-4, Block 15, Coral Gables Crafts Section (290, 272, 250, 244 Valencia Avenue, 247, 297 Almeria Avenue, and 2701 Salzedo Street), Coral Gables Florida to allow for the Art in Public Places contribution to be made pursuant to an Escrow Agreement.
Time Certain 6:00pm (Agenda Items E-5, E-6, E-7, E-8, E-9 and E-10 are related)
E.-5. 23-6704 An Ordinance of the City Commission amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Coral Gables Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Zoning Code Article 14, “Process,” Section 14-213, “Comprehensive Plan Text and Map Amendments,” and Small Scale amendment procedures (ss. 163.3187, Florida Statutes), from “Commercial Low-Rise Intensity” to “Commercial High-Rise Intensity” for Lots 8 through 21, less the West ½ of lot 8, Block 29, Crafts Section, together with that portion of the 20-foot platted alley lying east of Lots 11 and 19, of said Block 29, (3000 Ponce de Leon Blvd, 216 & 224 Catalonia, 203 University Dr, and 225 Malaga), Coral Gables, Florida; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE) (LPA review) (12 13 2023 PZB recommended denial, Vote: 3-3) Lobbyist: Javier Fernandez
At the January 24, 2024 meeting, the Historic Preservation Board discussed the two amendments to the City Plan and the receipt of Transfer of Development Rights (TDRs). The Board recommended approval of the proposed modification of the University Drive curve, but was not in favor of vacating the alley.
The request for the receipt of Transfer of Development Rights and determination of whether the proposal adversely affects historic properties – the “white way” street light – was a central topic of discussion. The Applicant explained to the Board that the existing location of the “white way” street light would be up against the building and near a service provider. A motion was made to deny the request as several Board members believed that the proposal does adversely affect the historic property. The motion failed to achieve majority vote (3 – 2), carrying the request over to the February 21st meeting.
Prior to the February 21, 2024, HPB meeting, the Applicant studied their proposal and found that the current location of the “white way” street light does not conflict with the design of their building. Therefore, the proposed design maintains the location of the light. At the HPB meeting, Board members were content with the updated submittal and agreed that the distance between the building and “white way” street light showcases the historic structure. The item received unanimous approval (vote: 8-0).
E.-6. 23-6705 An Ordinance of the City Commission making zoning district boundary changes pursuant to Zoning Code Article 14, “Process,” Section 14-212, “Zoning Code Text and Map Amendments,” for Lots 8 through 21, less the West ½ of lot 8, Block 29, Crafts Section from Mixed-Use 1 (MX1) District to Mixed-Use 3 (MX3) District (3000 Ponce de Leon Blvd, 216 & 224 Catalonia, 203 University Dr, and 225 Malaga); providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE) (12 13 2013 PZB no recommendation, Vote: 3-3) Lobbyist: Javier Fernandez
Planning & Zoning:
“The Applicant voluntarily proffered a covenant to restrict the height of the building and any future development to be part of the Comprehensive Plan. After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made to approve the requests for the Comprehensive Plan map and Zoning Code map amendments. The 3-3 vote was deemed a denial for the Comprehensive Plan map amendment as 4 votes are required, and no recommendation for the Zoning Code map amendment as 4 affirmative votes are required for a recommendation. The Board recommended approval of the mixed-use site plan and encroachment request, receipt of TDRs, and the tentative plat with the condition to retain the slip lane as is (vote: 4-2).”
E.-7. 23-6706 An Ordinance of the City Commission approving the vacation of a public alleyway pursuant to Zoning Code Article 14, “Process,” Section 14-211, “Abandonment and Vacations” and City Code Chapter 62, Article 8, “Vacation, Abandonment and Closure of Streets, Easements and Alleys by Private Owners and the City; Application Process,” providing for the vacation of the twenty (20) foot wide alley which is approximately one hundred and fifty-five (155) feet in length lying between Lots 12 thru 18 and Lots 11 and 19 in Block 29, Crafts Section (3000 Ponce de Leon Blvd, 216 & 224 Catalonia, 203 University Dr, and 225 Malaga), Coral Gables, Florida; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE) (12 13 2023 PZB recommended approval, Vote: 4-2) Lobbyist: Javier Fernandez
Time Certain 6:00pm (Agenda Items E-5, E-6, E-7, E-8, E-9 and E-10 are related)
E.-8. 23-6707 A Resolution of the City Commission approving receipt of Transfer of Development Rights (TDRs) pursuant to Zoning Code Article 14, “Process,” Section 14-204.6, “Review and approval of use of TDRs on receiver sites,” for the receipt and use of TDRs for a Mixed-Use project referred to as “Ponce Park Residences” on the property legally described as Lots 8 through 21, less the West ½ of lot 8, Block 29, Crafts Section, together with that portion of the 20-foot platted alley lying east of Lots 11 and 19, of said Block 29; (3000 Ponce de Leon Blvd, 216 & 224 Catalonia, 203 University Dr, and 225 Malaga), Coral Gables, Florida; including required conditions; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE) (12 13 2023 PZB recommended approval, Vote: 4-2) Lobbyist: Javier Fernandez
E.-9. 23-6708 A Resolution of the City Commission approving Mixed-Use Site Plan and Encroachment review pursuant to Zoning Code Article 14, “Process” Section 14-203, “Conditional Uses,” for a proposed Mixed-Use project referred to as “Ponce Park Residences” on the property legally described as Lots 8 through 21, less the West ½ of lot 8, Block 29, Crafts Section, together with that portion of the 20-foot platted alley lying east of Lots 11 and 19, of said Block 29; (3000 Ponce de Leon Blvd, 216 & 224 Catalonia, 203 University Dr, and 225 Malaga), Coral Gables, Florida; including required conditions; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE) (12 13 2023 PZB recommended approval with conditions, Vote: (4-2) Lobbyist: Javier Fernandez
E.-10. 23-6709 A Resolution of the City Commission approving the Tentative Plat entitled “Ponce Park Residences” pursuant to Zoning Code Article 14, “Process,” Section 14-210, “Platting/Subdivision,” being a re-plat of 42,543 square feet (0.977 acres) into a single tract of land on the property legally described as Lots 8 through 21, less the West ½ of lot 8, Block 29, Crafts Section, together with that portion of the 20-foot platted alley lying east of Lots 11 and 19, of said Block 29, together with a 1,318 square feet portion of University Drive that runs north of the Malaga Avenue right-of-way and west of the Ponce de Leon Boulevard right-of-way and dedication of 1,725 square feet; (3000 Ponce de Leon Blvd, 216 & 224 Catalonia, 203 University Dr, and 225 Malaga), Coral Gables, Florida; including required conditions; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE) (12 13 2023 PZB recommended approval, Vote: 4-2) Lobbyist: Javier Fernandez
E.-11. 24-7318 A Resolution of the City Commission amending Resolution No. 2023-196 which granted remote parking conditional use approval for the mixed-use project referred to as “The Avenue” Hotel and Residences on the property legally described as Lots 8 through 11, Block 9, Revised Plat of Coral Gables Industrial Section (351 San Lorenzo Avenue), Coral Gables, Florida, to replace the requirement that all overhead utilities along the entire alley be underground with a contribution toward public realm improvements in the vicinity of the project.
Time Certain 1:00pm (Agenda Item F-1)
F.-1. 24-7335 An update on the Mayor’s 2023 – 2025 Strategic Priorities Plan. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-2. 24-7211 Presentation regarding residency requirements of local municipalities for board members. (Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez)
F.-3. 24-7241 Discussion regarding the removal of the Banyan Tree on Granada Boulevard and Venetia Terrace.(Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)
F.-4. 24-7309 Update regarding the traffic calming Memorandum of Understanding. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)
F.-5. 24-7329 Presentation regarding alcohol sales restrictions on Sunday. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)
F.-6. 24-7336 Discussion regarding flooding concerns in Coral Gables. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-7. 24-7337 Update regarding the homeless program. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-8. 24-7338 Discussion regarding the implementation of a forensic audit. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-9. 24-7340 An update from staff regarding 30 Leucadendra Drive. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-10. 24-7343 Update on the P-Card audit. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-11. 24-7344 Update on vacancies in the Police Department. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)
F.-12. 24-7004 Update on pickleball courts in Parking Garage 4. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-13. 24-7366 Discussion regarding ribbon cuttings. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-14. 24-7367 Discussion regarding City Hall. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-15. 24-7368 Discussion regarding Florida Power and Light (FPL) under-grounding and Sunshine Meeting for Residents. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)
F.-16. 24-7214 Discussion to require door hangers in the Zoning Code as additional notification for required neighborhood meetings of proposed mixed-use and multi-family projects. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)
F.-17. 24-7369 Discussion regarding police response to political canvassers. (Sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez)
F.-18. 24-7370 Discussion regarding paseos on Miracle Mile. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-19. 24-7339 A Resolution of the City Commission directing City staff to explore potential traffic solutions to address safety concerns along LeJeune Road in the City, and directing staff to work with outside agencies and resources as needed. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)
F.-20. 24-7342 A Resolution of the City Commission committing to achieving Vision Zero, zero roadway fatalities, by 2030. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)
F.-21. 24-7350 A Resolution of the City Commission appointing Rev. Arnold Perry and Luis Quevedo (Nominated by Commission-As-A-Whole) to serve as members of the Police Officers’ Retirement Trust Fund Board Of Trustees, for remainder of a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2023 and continues through May 31, 2025.
F.-22. 24-7365 A Resolution of the City Commission amending Resolution No. 2019-359 to expand the resident rate discounts offered to Coral Gables teachers who purchase an annual membership at the War Memorial Youth Center or Venetian Pool. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)
F.-23. 24-7371 A Resolution of the City Commission requesting that the Florida Department of Transportation add safety countermeasures to state-owned thoroughfares in Coral Gables. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)
H.-1. 24-7219 A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the renewal of the Property and Casualty Insurance Program which includes, but is not limited to, property, general liability, automobile liability, public officials errors and omissions, excess workers’ compensation, crime liability, cyber liability, terrorism property and liability, pollution liability, deadly weapon protection coverage, flood, as well as other ancillary lines of insurance coverage and insurance broker fees through Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc., for a not to exceed amount of $3,774,489 for the policy period of May 1, 2024 to May 1, 2025 (Funding Source: Insurance Fund).
H.-2. 24-7216 A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the City Manager to enter into a cooperative agreement with the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, for Project Victory, a program that assists young adults with disabilities by providing work skills and employment training within the City of Coral Gables.
H.-3. 24-7217 A Resolution of the City Commission declaring Principles of Inclusion for individuals with autism and other special needs, and urging action by national, state, and local governments, businesses, and residential communities consistent with these principles.
H.-4. 24-7232 A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing acceptance of an amendment for Grant Agreement No. C2207 from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for updated statutory language to the agreement for the Coral Gables Sanitary Sewer Coastal Bay Service Area Rehabilitation Project and authorizing the City Manager to execute the amendment of the agreement with DEP for said financial assistance under DEP Agreement No. C2207, for financial services;
H.-5. 24-7233 A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing acceptance of an amendment for Grant Agreement No. C2102 from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), for updated statutory language to the agreement for the Coral Gables Waterway / Biscayne Bay Water Quality Improvements Project and authorizing the City Manager to execute the amendment of the agreement with DEP for said financial assistance under DEP Agreement No. C2102, for financial services;
H.-6. 24-7234 A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing acceptance of an amendment for Grant Agreement No. LPA0271 from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for an extension to the agreement for the Coral Gables Stormwater Master Plan Project and authorizing the City Manager to execute the amendment of the agreement with DEP for said financial assistance under DEP Agreement No. LPA0271, for financial services.
H.-7. 24-7247 A Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the Chief Procurement Officer to award RFP 2024-001 Trolley Operation Services to MV Transportation, Inc., the highest ranked responsive and responsible proposer, pursuant to Section 2-763 of the Procurement Code entitled “Contract Award” and Request for Proposal (RFP) 2024-001.
J.-1. 24-7334 A Resolution of the City Commission amending Resolution No. 2023-365, and in accordance with Section 2-30 of the City Code, entitled “Regular Meetings, Special Meetings” setting forth the revised Meeting Dates for 2024; more specifically, changing the previously scheduled Wednesday, June 5, 2024 Capital Workshop to Wednesday, June 12, 2024.
Here we go again! The three headed monster spewing fire at everything. Yesterday’s meeting was an embarrassment ..again. BTW..the original Chad Oppenheim design was f’n beautiful. The developers should not have over-reached for vacating the alley, which is what doomed it. But if you look at it again, you will see that the City missed the opportunity for a well designed building..and instead we are pleased with a camel..designed by committee.
Coral Gables City Commission Meeting April 16, 2024
CASE FILE 23-6704-6709:
On behalf of the Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables, please accept this statement in opposition to CASE FILE 23-6704-6709: requesting the vacating of a public alley. As per the Coral Gables Historic City Plan, “alleys” are one of several protected historic resources.
While the item is coming to the City Commission from the Planning and Zoning Board, the staff report does state that the Historic Preservation Board denied the vacation of the alley. Not once but each time it has been presented. In October 2021 and again in January 2024, the Historic Preservation Board upheld the historical significance of the City Plan and rejected the project’s request to vacate the alley.
Presently, the zoning code allows 4-stories. The proposed project is asking to double the height and this can only happen if the alley is vacated
THIS REQUEST WILL ENCROACH ON THE HISTORIC CITY PLAN, unanimously passed by the City Commission in 2018, which protects “rights-of-way, parkways, roadways, alleys, open space, parks, swales, reservations, sidewalks, waterways…” [see page two of the city plan report] and it will adversely affect the historical, architectural, and aesthetic character of the historic area as per the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and National Historic Preservation Act Guidelines.
The neighbors have been promised a “pedestrian paseo” in return for the right to vacate the alley. The alleyway should not be a giveaway. It is a protected asset as per the historic City Plan.
A pedestrian paseo cannot replace a public alleyway which has its own function and purpose.
This opposition has nothing to do with the project but all to do with the preservation of city assets.
Why landmark a city plan to then override it?
The Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables promotes the understanding and the importance of historic resources and their preservation in Coral Gables. We ask the City Commission to uphold the historical significance of the City Plan and reject Case File 23-6704-6709 due to its irreversible effect on the integrity of the Coral Gables Historic City Plan officially recognized as a local landmark by the Historic Preservation Board in 2018. It was accepted by a unanimous vote of the City Commission that same year as per Resolution #2217-240 and Ordinance #2018-13.
As anyone reading through the above agenda item can tell, the proposal to build this project (along with the consequent issue of vacating an existing alley) is complicated. What’s clear, however, simply
by looking at the project site plan, is that the existing alley has disappeared. And with it the way
alleys are designed to function in Coral Gables — as public service conduits for sanitation, delivery and even emergency vehicles. Alleys aren’t pretty, but they are essential to meeting the high civic
standards expected by City residents and businesses. They’re the unseen arteries that sustain our
City Beautiful lifestyle, albeit in unglamorous ways.
Whatever happened to the LeJeune Bridge project? In 2020 it was determined to be in DIRE need of replacement. https://coralgablesmagazine.com/a-bridge-over-the-gables-waterway-must-be-replaced/ The 75 year old bridge “doesn’t meet any of the design standards of a modern day bridge,” says Alice Bravo, director of transportation and public works for Miami-Dade County. “It has reached the end of its design life.”
Javier Fernandez is a big lobbyist. He is for big over-development. Stop him.