NO – All golf courses around town are closed, however in Coral Gables, the Granada Golf Course has become the city’s own Central Park over the last few weeks. While you can walk on the sidewalks on North or South Greenway Drive, you cannot be on the golf course says the city. Chief of Police Ed Hudak in at the March 31st virtual commission meeting made it clear that even walking on the golf course is prohibited. Mayor Raul Valdes-Fauli also mentioned the city has changed the timing of the sprinklers from the early morning to the afternoon to discourage activates taking place.
Sadly many residents continue to use this historic gem of a course as their own personal playground. I literally witnessed it today while doing my usual run around Granada. The course was close for Christmas Day and littered with folks all over. From
kids riding small cars down the fairways to entire families camped out on top of the greens!! It’s pathetic. I grew up in the Gables been here my entire life and have never witnessed the type of behavior we have seen over the past two years. Pandemic or not this is inexcusable. Both Granada and the City needs to step up and begin enforcing the rules to protect this historic gem of a course. I’m not paying taxes to fund all these disrespectful arrogant idiots tearing up Granada. Enough is enough.