Javier Baños
Baños is the Editor of Gables Insider
In a bold move that has stirred the political waters of the City Beautiful, Commissioner Fernandez has once more officially called for a vote on the removal of City Manager Peter Iglesias. This request, formalized in a letter to fellow commissioners dated today, is scheduled for deliberation at the next commission meeting on February 13th, 2024, at 10:00 AM. This letter, which is attached to this the article for public viewing, marks a critical moment in the city’s governance, suggesting not just a shake-up in leadership but also a clear direction for the future.
The backdrop of this request is a series of contentious debates and decisions that have highlighted significant tensions within the city’s administration, particularly surrounding the future lease of Fritz & Franz, which became a focal point of broader governance concerns. Iglesias, who has a long tenure in various city roles, has been at the center of these disputes, leading to questions about his leadership style and approach to city management.
Commissioner Fernandez’s letter does not merely call for Iglesias’s removal; it also proposes a successor. The Commissioner has advocated for the appointment of Assistant City Manager Alberto Parjus as the new City Manager. Parjus, who has served in his current role for two years, brings a wealth of experience from his tenure as a long-time administrator in Miami-Dade County. This recommendation underscores a desire not only to change leadership but to steer the city towards a management style perhaps more aligned with the Commissioner’s vision for governance, emphasizing collaboration, transparency, and responsiveness to both the commission’s and the public’s needs.
The suggestion to replace Iglesias with Parjus introduces a new narrative to the ongoing discussion about the city’s administrative direction. Parjus’s background in Miami-Dade County, known for its complex and dynamic governance challenges, positions him as a candidate with a deep understanding of local government operations and the intricacies of municipal management.
As the city awaits the commission meeting on February 13th, the public and city officials alike are keenly interested in the outcome of Fernandez’s proposal. The decision to remove Iglesias and potentially appoint Parjus will not only have immediate implications for the city’s leadership but also signal the commission’s priorities and approach to addressing the city’s challenges. This moment is seen as pivotal in defining the balance between the elected officials’ vision for the city and the administrative execution by its city managers.
The attachment of Fernandez’s letter to this article provides the public with an opportunity to understand the motivations and considerations behind this significant proposal. As the city stands at a crossroads, the upcoming vote represents more than a personnel change; it is a statement about the direction and governance style that the city will embrace moving forward.
That entire farm needs a new rancher. The heard needs to be replaced and only then will a new rancher be able to mend the broken fences is to get the bulls out of the pens. Those are only loyal to the past rancher(s). At this point it would probably be wise to get rid of the scarecrows too.
That entire farm needs a new rancher. The heard needs to be replaced and only then will a new rancher be able to mend the broken fences is to get the bulls out of the pens. Those are only loyal to the past rancher(s).
What a bunch of delusional haters. Mr. Manager, be happy when bad people say bad things about you and good people say good things about you. It’s a clear indicator that you’re on the right side. If the manager is voted out tomorrow, he should wear it as a badge of honor!!
Mr. Wells, are you referring to a future Coral Gables where your toxicity and partisanship are removed from the picture? As well as the toxicity of MISSES Maria Cruz, Ms. Castro, Mr. Fernandez, Mr. Baños, and the entirety of the CGNA. The list goes on… You’re just a pawn in their game. Save yourself while you still can! But wait, there’s more! Is this the kind of guy we want representing us on the Charter Review Committee? That’s right folks! Mr. Wells is one of the residents entrusted with the future of Coral Gables, further representative of the toxicity of the individuals listed above. Not interested in running for Commission, but definitely interested in recommending changes to the charter that could cause irreparable damage to the fabrics of the City Beautiful. Someone call poison control, the toxicity is out of control with Mr. Wells!
Not only does Leonard Nemoy hide his identity, but he also says the same things that Mayor Lago said to me after the townhall meeting on November 2, 2023, when he asked me when I was going to anounce my candidacy for Mayor of Coral Gables. Mr. Nemoy – I will tell you the same thing I told Mayor Lago on November 2 (assuming that you are not Mayor Lago and do not already know this) – I am not interested. But thank you for your concern and support. And at some point in the future when Coral Gables has new leadership and is less partisan and toxic, I hope that you will feel safe enough in our community not to hide your identity.
Peter Iglesias’ salary is higher than the Gov. of Florida, a Supreme Court Judge in Florida, the U. S. Attorney General, a U. S. Senator. a U. S. Supreme Court Judge, the U.S. Secretary of State, the U.S. Treasurer, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, etc., etc.
The good citizens of this City look like a bunch of suckers.
Time to wake up and send him packing.
Seems like Mr. Wells would like the be the 6th commissioner himself. Maybe Mr. Wells will announce his own campaign soon and focus his entire platform on Burger Bob’s. Then, and only then, will he realize how difficult a project like that can actually be. For those who haven’t been paying attention (which seems to be the majority of you that solely read the garbage Mr. Baños writes), Mr. Wells mentions Burger Bob’s each and every time he comes before the commission during Public Comments. Either he has an obsession with the establishment that extends beyond an adoration of the legacy Burger Bob’s has in our community, or he has a family member who works for a law firm that represents Burger Bob’s. Anyone willing to do the research for us? Mr. Baños?
And and “To NASA,” my ship takes off in an hour. I’d be happy to save a seat for you. We have a Burger Bob’s on board, $5 burgers and all.
For those who have had to deal with Mr. Iglesias, you quickly realize that he is not an accessible or friendly public servant.
The information in Enriquez Lopez’s post as to Mr. Iglesias’ compensation is from govsalaries.com. Mr. Iglesias is the highest paid Coral Gables City employee and is being paid more than 55% above the average salary for other city managers in Florida. I believe his excessive compensation of $300,000 is causing him not to retire or resign amicably. And for this excessive salary, the City should have a City Manager who has a history of serving as a CEO/City Manager of a comparable city (or at least a Public Administration degree like other local City Managers).
Following the townhall meeting on November 2, 2023, Mayor Lago told me that he was responsible for Mr. Iglesias being appointed as the City Manager and that Mr. Iglesias should be paid twice his salary. I reminded the Mayor of the money that Mr. Iglesias has cost the City, including Burger Bob’s (initial permit BLDB 21-11-0136 was $670,000 and the current permit BLDB 23-08-1877 is $1,100,000 and this year’s City Budget is $1,443,473) and the parking garage/”Mobility Hub” ($29,263,000 per Item I-4 of the Commission Meeting on March 26, 2019 which then increased to $62,000,000 and I think is now @ $42,000,000). And the City will only lose approximately $2.3 million paid for architects and consultants if it does not build the “Mobility Hub” – a project that was not presented to the residents prior to the spending commencement.
Finally, the City is becoming more partisan. The personal attacks made by Mayor Lago at the last Commission meeting about Commissioner Fernandez had nothing to with the matter being discussed – Fritz & Franz. They were inappropriate and violated Sections 2-77(a)(1) and 2-83(d)(1) of the City Code. I am disappointed that the City Attorney (who serves as the Parliamentarian) or Vice-Mayor Anderson were not able to control Mayor Lago’s improper actions. The comments in these posts indicate the increased partisanship of our community (assuming that the comments are made by actual Coral Gables residents). We need to get back to less toxic and more civil days that we had with other Coral Gables leadership starting with getting a new City Manager and Mayor Lago reading (and understanding) Robert’s Rules of Order and the City Code.
Any commissioner who votes for Iglesias to STAY, will GO in the next election.
Please send Leonard Nimoy back to his home, far in outer space.
It’s really quite simple. Commissioner Fernandez is correct. Our commissioners are elected by the residents (which consists of many more than the CGNA, by the way). First and foremost, the Commission should be responsible and accountable to the residents who voted them into office. The City Manager is bound to carry out the decrees of the City Commission. A City Manager who has gone ‘rogue’ and either ignores and/or disrespects ANY of the commissioners should be let-go. There’s no reason that the City can’t find someone who works WITH and not against our City Commission. Thank you for your service Mr. Iglesias, – but it’s time to move on. Thank you Commissioner Fernandez for your leadership and responsiveness to the residents.
Bravo Commissioner Fernandez!!! Time for change!! The only 2 things we don’t like about Coral Gables are L’Ego & Iglesias!
Not a big deal. Let him go. Seriously. It seems like many municipalities are going through a cleansing. City Managers, City Attorneys, Commissioners, Mayors, Chief of Police, etc..
It seems everyone is out for themselves. So sick of it.
The City Manager needs to go! The City is in peril. The various City departments are in disarray. It’s time for change. The Police Department is losing officers in droves (down like 25-30 officers) with no viable applicants. The Motorpool has only 1-2 mechanics; the rest have quit. The “new” Public Safety Building is falling apart. And the list goes on… The evidence is there, just look.
Commissioner Fernandez is also a turd, but I support this direction. It’s time to get the City back on track with someone that will properly lead and manage.
Commissioner Fernandez: I regret having voted for you.
I’m not a fan of the arrogant and dismissive behavior that Mayor Lago brings to the table; it definitely permeates the rest of the commission. The dismissing of the CM Iglesias, I think, is warranted. I love reading the comments that are posted. How do you know if the City Manager is doing a good job? The proof is in the pudding!! Ask any city employee how their department is being managed. Believe me, I have, they will tell you it is bad…really bad. Time for some new blood.
This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad. Ariel should focus on reading his emails from “the residents” and, especially, from the manager’s office. Instead he resorts to petulant fits and temper tantrums in his misguided effort to retaliate against Iglesias. Forget that the atmosphere he has created is the most toxic and destructive in the history of Coral Gables. When he claims that being a commissioner is a full time job, this is what he means by his job.
Iglesias has brought this upon himself..His treatment of Gables public has been a disgrace..The meeting on Feb 13 at 10:00 AM will be quite interesting..There will be a reckoning for his majesty Iglesias..One thats been due for a while…As a public servant, you can’t treat the public like garbage and then spit in your bosses face…Who does this guy think he is?? I’m not a fan of Ariel Fernandez, in fact I voted for his opponant,but even a broken clock is right twice a day and hes right 100% about iglesias..
It seems all too coincidental that Ariel Fernandez sent out his “Commission Insider” email regarding this memorandum only MOMENTS before the “NEWS ALERT” from Gables Insider also appeared in my inbox. Would someone also like to explain how Elaine De Valle, aka “Ladra”, posted an article about this very same issue hours before it was made public by Ariel? This is what I call forcing a narrative.
Ariel Fernandez does not speak for the residents. Perhaps he speaks for 1% of the 1%, the 50 individuals that represent the CGNA, people who have nothing better to do with their lives than to act like the 6th, 7th, and 8th commissioners. We didn’t elect these people, especially individuals like Maria Cruz who pride themselves on being our “self-appointed” political saviors.
I’ll say it here first… The commission meeting next Tuesday will reveal just how many residents are embarrassed and fed up with Ariel’s inability to govern effectively. He won’t have the emails or the phone calls to back him up. This will be one of my favorite sessions of public comments to witness, especially as we watch the opposition unfold upon Ariel.
With that, I’ll leave you all with this. Ariel is good at three things: Grandstanding, creating chaos, and lighting the flame that will burn the city to the ground. So it goes.
As a 60 year resident of Coral gables and a a contractor, I remember dealing with his majesty Peter Iglesias back 20 years ago when he was the chief building official and he was a nightmare..He always thought he was above everyone and treated the coral gables citizens terribly badly…I knew multiple home owners and contractors that despised him..He would go out of his way to make your life difficult…Definitely not a people person and he could never work in the private sector because his personality was pure friction with everyone…Whoever put him as city manager made a grave mistake with this guy…When I heard he was put as city manager, I could not believe my ears…He has no organizational and /or managerial experience what so ever, so why would he be put as City Manager???…Whoever put Iglesias as city manager didn’t do their homework on this guy or has some other hidden agenda…I did not vote for Ariel Hernandez, but even a broken clock is right twice a day and Ariel is right about Peter Iglesias..We need to ask ourselves the question,Why would Iglesias speak to his governing body in such a way if he didn’t feel he was being protected by someone in the higher up???…You can’t have Iglesias with this insolent behavior at his governing body because the rest of the city employees will follow suit and then you’ll have a disfunctional government….Iglesias has to be removed immediately…I don’t know a single coral gables resident that had a positive experience in dealing with him…I voted for mayor Lago, but putting Iglesias as city manager was a collassal mistake…
Ariel Fernandez is 100% correct. Remember the Moblility Hub as Iglesias’ legacy to our City? Hundreds of residents signed petitions against it. Remember his destruction of Burger Bob? His mismanagement is endless, second only to his morning, noon, and night arrogance . Iglesias must go or our City further decays. Ariel Fernandez has the courage to set the right direction for our City
First item on the agenda:
Give myself a raise and a car allowance.
Then let me stir up dissension within our council and citizens. The goal is to create chaos, I don;t really care about constituents anyway. “I’ll use my Gables Insider connection to stoke further discord.”
Mr. Fernandez, tone it down sir. There is lots wrong here however, your delivery leaves a lot to be desired.
Peter Iglesias is 70 years old, he should be thinking about retiring. I am neither a fan of Vince Lago nor Ariel Fernandez, but I am ashamed every time I tune in to watch a Commission meeting. This has to be low point in the City of Coral Gables. Seeing what we have representing us makes me appreciate commissions with Bill Kerdyk and Frank Quesada. I will not vote to re-elect anyone currently in office.
Yes, our city has thrived under the direction of the city manager, all at the expense of the residents, businesses, its finances and our quality of life. From the continued overwhelming support for overdevelopment, traffic and parking problems in our downtown, delays and costs overruns in projects he has managed (Miracle Mile and Public Safety Building), allowing utilities free rein of our city (MDWS and its 5 plus years meter conversion project and FPL with its recently initiated 25 years undergrounding project) with subpar, if that, supervision of actions by subcontractors (a risk for our residents with a long-term transient group of outsiders), plenty of street level vacant retail space in all new (multi-use – a way to work around the building code) projects throughout the city, Miracle Mile, a cemetery of empty store fronts and shattered dreams of defunct business owners, demoralized and overworked staff in all departments, blocks of badly broken and uneven sidewalks, a liability and risk for all, out-of-control traffic with years old outdated traffic studies in our city during rush hour, a totally out of place “Mobility Hub” that serves only his ego, nothing else, lack of maintenance in public right-of-ways, inoperational water fountains, unilateral actions (black light poles, Burger Bob’s, Country Club, Fritz and Franz, et al) without resident input etc. The list continues, is long and our city continues to deteriotate as is visible in our City Hall, where the windows are rotted and termite-ridden. Not sure if indicative of its tenants. Look up the next time you are in City Hall and see for yourself. Fellow residents, our city of years past, is not. For too long we have allowed outsiders to come in and manage a city unique in so many ways. Managing our city is not difficult, primarily due to its affluency and educated residents with high expectations, who pay their taxes and expect good services. For those who have lived here for a while, the oasis has been in decline for a while now, predating the present manager, however, he has done little to mitigate the deterioration, with an intent in increasing his retirement coffers as he reaches 70 years of life. With a compensation package in excess of $300K annually, in 2022 he had an annual salary of $278,119, plus allowances, according to public records. His salary was 377 percent higher than the median salary in City of Coral Gables. According to the public records from 2022, his salary was 55 percent higher than the average salary for this job in our state. Do not fool yourselves, we are paying well and deserve better, the reason he does not need to double his salary, as it would be scandalous. The manager has totally disconnected from those he serves, losing sight of his role and whom he serves. Spending valuable city time in documented meetings with the prior city attorney and his office to identify ways to silence Gables Insider before Mr. Fernandez was elected is low, unprofessional and void of principle. All Mr. Fernandez is guilty of is exposing the years-long lies, deceit and underhanded actions by the administration, thus his outright disdain for Mr. Fernandez. The truth hurts, but it is the truth. There are no kings in our nation or our city. Time for a change. Negotiate a fair separation package and allow him to commence his septuagenarian phase in life. It is what is best for our city. He knows it and all of us know it too. Time to go beyond the flag-waving support. Time to go, Mr. Manager. Godspeed.
Commissioner Fernandez is doing what should have been done a long time ago, Peter Iglesias has antagonized and bullied several citizens and commissioner’s, he’s corrupt! like a cancer he needs to be removed, we the citizens of the city beautiful appreciate and applaud commissioner Fernandez for standing up to the arrogant ,corrupt,
dishonest Peter Iglesias. Thank you commissioner Fernandez for standing up against corruption.
It is quite apparent to the casual observer that Mr. Iglesias’ public display of insolence at one of his bosses, a City Father, was aided and abetted by our Macronesque Mayor L’Ego and, most significantly, the wealthy puppeteers pulling L’Ego’s and Iglesias’ strings. The attack pooch nipped at his boss’s heels, rather than heeling. Surely, he will be well rewarded by the obscure powers that be for his obeisance.
I just received an email……NEWS ALERT!!!! Commissioner Fernandez Seeks Removal of City Manager Peter Iglesias, Proposes Replacement…… Ridiculous Insanity, Ariel Fernandez
I have always said that Ariel Fernandez was and still is “Gables Insider”.
This is how he gets his agenda, personal items across.
Mr. Fernandez, why is it that each time you have a disparity with someone you try to bring them down.?
I saw the Commission Meeting where City Manager says you are the most disrespectful person I have ever seen as a City elected official, I totally agree with City Manager, you have no respect for others. It has to be ” YOUR way OR NO way “….that is not how this commission has run … you MUST learn how to accept criticism, without a tantrum each time, again this time you want to fire the City Manager because of your own personal vendetta. Ariel you are very disrespectful. You are NOT a professional nor act as one. It is a shame that at least you cannot even try to be a responsible adult.
Since you came into the commission all you have done is try to destroy the direction of our city,
remember… you are to represent the residents, rather than doing that, you requested the biggest pay raise the City has ever had, plus expenses that you do not even have to report, nor show receipts for. You are a SCAM, think first of the residents, instead of your self.
You and your buddies, Ms Castro and Kirk Menendez have turned this City into a joke. Kirk where did you leave your loyalty to the residents, NOW your LOYALTY seems to be to ARIEL Fernandez.
What insanity.
If any of the Commissioners cannot take or abide by rules of professionalism, this job is NOT for you, respect the residents of our CITY, WE do not deserve this infantile behavior coming from what is to be a Professional, representation of the residents of the City of Coral Gables.
Great move! Iglesias has been mismanaging the city’s assets and he has got to go. Others should follow shortly thereafter, Time to clean house and throw the deadwood out!
Yes, our city has thrived under the direction of the city manager, all at the expense of the residents, businesses, its finances and our quality of life. From the continued overwhelming support for overdevelopment, traffic and parking problems in our downtown, delays and costs overruns in projects he has managed (Miracle Mile and Public Safety Building), allowing utilities free rein of our city (MDWS and its 5 plus years meter conversion project and FPL with its recently initiated 25 years undergrounding project) with subpar, if that, supervision of actions by subcontractors (a risk for our residents with a long-term transient group of outsiders), plenty of street level vacant retail space in all new (multi-use – a way to work around the building code) projects throughout the city, Miracle Mile, a cemetery of empty store fronts and shattered dreams of defunct business owners, demoralized and overworked staff in all departments, blocks of badly broken and uneven sidewalks, a liability and risk for all, out-of-control traffic with years old outdated traffic studies in our city during rush hour, a totally out of place “Mobility Hub” that serves only his ego, nothing else, lack of maintenance in public right-of-ways, inoperational water fountains, unilateral actions (black light poles, Burger Bob’s, Country Club, Fritz and Franz, et al) without resident input etc. The list continues, is long and our city continues to deteriotate as is visible in our City Hall, where the windows are rotted and termite-ridden. Not sure if indicative of its tenants. Look up the next time you are in City Hall and see for yourself. Fellow residents, our city of years past, is not. For too long we have allowed outsiders to come in and manage a city unique in so many ways. Managing our city is not difficult, primarily due to its affluency and educated residents with high expectations, who pay their taxes and expect good services. For those who have lived here for a while, the oasis has been in decline for a while now, predating the present manager, however, he has done little to mitigate the deterioration, with an intent in increasing his retirement coffers as he reaches 70 years of life. With a compensation package in excess of $300K annually, in 2022 he had an annual salary of $278,119, plus allowances, according to public records. His salary was 377 percent higher than the median salary in City of Coral Gables. According to the public records from 2022, his salary was 55 percent higher than the average salary for this job in our state. Do not fool yourselves, we are paying well and deserve better, the reason he does not need to double his salary, as it would be scandalous. The manager has totally disconnected from those he serves, losing sight of his role and whom he serves. Spending valuable city time in documented meetings with the prior city attorney and his office to identify ways to silence Gables Insider before Mr. Fernandez was elected is low, unprofessional and void of principle. All Mr. Fernandez is guilty of is exposing the years-long lies, deceit and underhanded actions by the administration, thus his outright disdain for Mr. Fernandez. The truth hurts, but it is the truth. There are no kings in our nation or our city. Time for a change. Negotiate a fair separation package and allow him to commence his septuagenarian phase in life. It is what is best for our city. He knows it and all of us know it too. Time to go beyond the flag-waving support. Time to go, Mr. Manager. Godspeed.
I, and many, applaud Commissioner Fernandez. It’s about time! We need better!
Not a big fan of Fernandez, but he’s right.
Much hilarity here in the comments section from associates of the Lago-ista regime. Coral Gables has “thrived” under Iglesias? Really?! I took a walk down Miracle Mile recently and counted 31 empty storefronts. It’s a tired, dreary, unkempt sorry excuse for a street called “Miracle” anything. Twenty years ago, it was indeed thriving and a pleasure to stroll around.
The character and charm of our community is being destroyed by greed – of which Iglesias is a prime enabler who doesn’t seem to know his place in the organizational chart. He also appears to be an acolyte of the Valdes-Fauli school of humility, charm and ethics. He needs to go. As does Lago, the intellectually and ethically-challenged, narcissistic instigator of much of this nonsense. As does the sell-out governmental nullity, Anderson whose procedural fetish will likely make it amusing to see how hard these mediocrities try to protect their man’s position with the firm.
Am I the only one who thinks that it is not a big deal (nor is it unexpected) if the city manager gets fired? I think any city manager knows going into the job that he or she will eventually be fired when commissioners find it politically expedient. It is just the nature of that job.
Ariel Fernandez has to be the most divisive politician in the history of Coral Gables, this is coming from someone who has been a resident since 1980. What has the City Manager prevented Mr. Fernandez from accomplishing. What initiatives has he brought to the Commission that have passed. What has he done in nearly a year other than give himself a raise, while having the majority of the votes.
In the words of Maria Cruz “these are all smoke and mirrors” to distract from the fact that he hasn’t done anything.
Next he’ll want to get rid of the Police Chief, the Finance Director, and so on…because someone has to carry the blame.
Mr. Fernandez I voted for you and I am ashamed of you what you have done to our City. You sir have turned us into an embarrassment.
The City Manager needs to go….now. We also need to get Burger Bob’s open. This is what the people want.
During the last year, I have sent two emails to all commissioners and to the mayor. Both Mr Lago and Ms Anderson replied to my emails, addressed my issues, answered my questions, and had staff contact me to help me through the process. The other three commissioners never answered or addressed my concerns. As far as I am concerned since Mr. Fernandez was elected, he has done nothing to help the residents. All he has done is create chaos in the meetings. Mr Iglesias should continue to be the city manager. I would also like to have the residents decide when the Coral Gables elections should be held. It should not be decided by the commissioners.
As many others have correctly stated, Fernandez is divisive and toxic. His approach does not promote progress in our city.
I would much rather have Iglesias as our City Manager than Fernandez as a commissioner.
On the City Manager’s page on the City of Coral Gables website it sets forth that the City Manager “carries out the policy direction of the Commission.” Therefore, if the Commission directs the City Manager to do something, unless the City Manager can set forth a reasonable explanation as to why the Commission’s directive is ill-advised, he must comply and fulfill his duties as City Manager. His failure to do so should be cause for concern regardless of any prior work history or achievements. The concern is not with any past success but rather with the current and future state of the City. I look forward to a civil discussion of this very important issue at next week’s Commission Meeting.
Dear Ariel,
Since you were elected you have done absolutely nothing, other than give yourself a raise, to move Coral Gables forward. Rather you have moved us backwards with your nasty and unprofessional behavior. You are an embarrassment to the residents of this City. Peter Iglesias may not have a sparkling personality but until you can produce hard evidence that illegal or unethical behavior has taken place you are way out of line.
Commissioner Fernandez is on the money regarding our current City Manager. Mr. Iglesias is drunk with power. We need a servant in that role, not know-it-all tyrant cry-baby. It is time for a change!
Apparently, Commissioner Fernandez is out of touch with reality, The city has thrived under the leadership of Peter Iglesias, and he is the most intelligent brilliant man I’ve ever met. Honesty describes Peter Iglesias as for you, Mr. Fernandez I don’t really know how honest you are it’s all about power and vendetta and eventually you will lose.
Wasn’t Ariel a former editor of the Gables Insider? And this article came out almost immediately after he sent that email… Awkward. Politics in bed with journalism.
Iglesias has been at the center of controversy for years. Lest we forget his shady, backrooms deal attempting to oust Burger Bob’s and underhandedly bring in a restaurant conglomerate? I, for one, say it is high-time for Peter Iglesias to see consequences for his poor oversight.
“Residents first” is NOT a policy. It is NOT a vision for Coral Gables. It is NOT LEADERSHIP. While I have appreciated aspects of Fernandez’s approach to address resident concerns, increase efficiency in our city, and increase transparency, this is another clear example of playing “gotcha” politics and working to tear things down, instead of build things up.
Fernandez is a passive commissioner – there isn’t an active vision or policy positions, instead when a decision comes before the commission, he needs to hear “what residents think”. The only active positions he’s taken are those that stoke conflict, division, and stunt progress in Coral Gables.
During the past 6 years, under the leadership of Iglesias and the prior commissions, Coral Gables has THRIVED. The attention to our history and vision for the future were never stronger. Just because Iglesias stands up for what he thinks is in the best interest of the city, does not equate to subordination. If we have a passive yes-person in the city manager seat, I’m very afraid of what comes next for the City Beautiful.
Andres Murai is correct!
Peter Iglesias is a professional that serves City well as its Manager!
It is vendetta time !. Ariel is showing his teeth. It was not enough to eat free croissants at Bachour. Now, he goes after the City Manager.
Ariel’s rule: either you take care of my whims, or I will defenestrate you.
Kirk will be the kingmaker. Will he side with common sense, or will he go with Ariel ?
I believe that if the City Manager gets the endorsement of 3 commissioners, against Ariel’s charade, then Ariel must resign !
It is obvious that the city is going in a wrong direction – mobility hub, overdevelopment, conflicts of
Interest. Meanwhile, the Mayor is the one who runs the show and Iglesias let’s him. For this alone, his replacement should be considered.
Finally, a Commissioner with Cojones. It is about time that someone steps up and sees the city manager for what he is. I am glad that I voted for Commissioner Fernandez and contributed to his successful bid as commissioner of this city.
Sometimes it is necessary to clean house and put a new coat of paint.
I am voting to remove him
This insanity must stop.
Fernandez is trying to destroy the Governance of this City one step at a time.
Fernandez has no idea of the accomplishments, over the years, of City Manager Iglesias, from the restructuring of the Building Department, the construction of the Public safety Building, the fixing of the work in Miracle Mile, the new Annex Building, to name a few.!! Not to mention the years as Structural Reviewer making our buildings safe and sound.
Finally CM Iglesias never requested to have his salary doubled. He is a true Professional!
Over the past several months, Commissioner Fernandez has exhibited behavior that is deeply troubling to many residents, myself included. Instead of seeking constructive solutions to the challenges facing our community, he appears to actively provoke conflict and division. While some of his criticisms, particularly those regarding Peter Iglesias, may have validity, the manner in which he addresses issues has been consistently unprofessional and toxic.
It is disheartening to witness Commissioner Fernandez’s persistent antagonism, which has created a hostile environment within our city. This approach not only impedes progress but also harms the well-being of our residents. We need leadership that fosters collaboration and seeks common ground, rather than perpetuating discord.
I urge Commissioner Fernandez to reconsider his approach and recognize the importance of working together for the betterment of Coral Gables. Supporting initiatives such as Major Lago should be a priority for all stakeholders, and it is incumbent upon him to contribute positively to these efforts rather than obstructing them.
As a concerned member of our community, I believe it is crucial for our elected officials to uphold professionalism and prioritize the interests of residents above all else. I hope that Commissioner Fernandez will heed this message and strive to be a more constructive force in our city’s governance.