Javier Baños
Baños is the Editor of Gables Insider
The City of Coral Gables will hold its Regular Commission Meeting on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 9:00 AM in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, located at 405 Biltmore Way, Coral Gables, FL 33134. This meeting is open to the public, and participation is available both in person and virtually. The agenda is available here.
Non-credited quotes in this article are excerpts from the memos presented to the Commission explaining the items.
Gables Insider comments on specific items can be found in blue.
Watch Meeting
The meeting will also be accessible via Zoom for those who wish to attend virtually. Public participation is encouraged either in person or through the provided Zoom link. To watch the meeting live on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 9:00AM, click here. The meeting will also be available live on the City’s YouTube Channel. You can watch it by clicking here. The meeting can also be watched live on the City’s website or on Channel 77 for Comcast subscribers.
How to Participate:
- Zoom: Join via this link. Meeting ID: 3054466800.
- Phone: Dial (305) 461-6769. Meeting ID: 3054466800.
- YouTube Live Stream: Watch live here or on Comcast Channel 77.
- Submit Comments: Comments can be made during the meeting by raising your hand on Zoom, pressing *9 by phone, or submitting comments in advance via e-comment or by emailing [email protected] before the meeting.
- D.-1. [24-7961] Encroachments into the Public Right-of-Way for Valencia Avenue Development
A Resolution will be considered to authorize encroachments into the public right-of-way for the installation of five (5) black aluminum streetlight poles to serve as right-of-way lighting for the residential development at 701 Valencia Avenue. The installation is subject to the requirements of the Public Works Department. Brief Synopsis: Authorizes improvements to public lighting for a new development.
Ordinances on Second Reading:
- E.-1. [24-7778] Ordinance Requiring Notice to Properties Along Mahi Canal
The Commission will consider an Ordinance amending the Coral Gables Official Zoning Code to require notification to all properties along the Mahi Canal for any new mixed-use or multi-family developments, regardless of distance from the development. The Planning and Zoning Board made no recommendation (vote: 3-3) on August 14, 2024. Brief Synopsis: Expands the notification requirements to all properties near the Mahi Canal for development transparency.
As requested by the Commission at the July 9, 2024, City Commission meeting, Staff prepared a Zoning Code text amendment to require mailed notice to all properties along the Mahi Canal for any new Mixed use and Multi-family developments on the Mahi Canal. The Zoning Code currently requires mailed notice of public hearings affecting specific properties to be sent to the property subject to the application, and to property owners and tenants within a one thousand (1,000) foot radius. For site-specific applications for change in land use before the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission, a courtesy notice radius of one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet is required. The proposed amendment requires that for development projects along the Mahi Canal, notice shall also be sent to all property owners along the Mahi Canal, extending beyond the current radius requirement.
Planning & Zoning Board
At the August 14, 2024, meeting, the Planning & Zoning Board was presented with the proposed Zoning Code text amendment to require mailed notice to all properties along the Mahi Canal for any new Mixed use and Multi-family Developments on the Mahi Canal. Some Board members expressed concerns regarding the proposed requirement to specifically target one site location for notification and questioned whether it is necessary to extend the notice distance and range beyond the generic requirements outlined in the code. The Board had no recommendation, vote: 3-3.
Ordinances on First Reading:
- E.-2. [24-7949] Ordinance Offering Reduced Fitness Membership Fees for City Board Members
The Commission will consider an Ordinance to amend the Coral Gables Code to provide reduced fitness membership fees at the War Memorial Youth Center for members of City boards. Sponsored by Commissioner Kirk Menendez. Brief Synopsis: Incentivizes city board membership with fitness fee reductions.
Members of City boards and committees freely volunteer their time, efforts, and knowledge for the benefit of the City, its residents, businesses, and stakeholders. In recognition of their contributions, the City currently provides board members with access to the Venetian Pool and certain golf and tennis recreation facilities for free or at a reduced cost during their appointed term through its codified pass policy. However, the City does not currently offer a benefit for board members at the Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center, which is a City facility that features an indoor fitness center, gymnasium, and basketball courts. Therefore, in order to provide additional recreation options for board members who may not swim, play tennis or golf, the Commission desires to expand its pass policy to offer a reduced rate on fitness memberships at the Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center.
- E.-3. [24-7950] Ordinance Expanding Benefits for City Board Members
This Ordinance seeks to expand benefits offered to members of City boards. Sponsored by Mayor Vince Lago. Brief Synopsis: Expands the benefits to attract and reward service on city boards.
In further recognition of the contributions of City board members, the Commission desires to expand its pass policy to extend access to certain City recreation facilities free of charge for a board member’s spouse or domestic partner and immediate family members who are seventeen years of age or younger and registered as part of the board member’s household.
- E.-4. [24-7951] Ordinance Amending Parking Regulations to Align with State Law
The Commission will consider an amendment to the Coral Gables Code, Chapter 74, to update parking regulations to align with recent state law changes (F.S. § 715.075) regarding vehicles parking on private property. Brief Synopsis: Brings the city’s parking regulations into compliance with new state law. - E.-5. [24-7981] Ordinance Designating Patriot Day as an Official City Holiday
(Time Certain 1:30 PM) An Ordinance will be introduced to designate Patriot Day (September 11) as an official City Day of Remembrance and a City Holiday, honoring those who lost their lives in the 2001 terrorist attacks. Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez. Brief Synopsis: Officially designates Patriot Day as a city holiday.
In remembrance of the attacks on September 11th, 2001, the City Commission wishes to designate Patriot Day as an official day of remembrance and include Patriot Day as an official City Holiday in the City Code.
- F.-1. [24-7907] Fiscal Resilience and Structural Repairs at City Hall
A Resolution directing the City Manager to include plans for structural repairs to City Hall in the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget. Sponsored by Vice Mayor Rhonda Anderson. Brief Synopsis: Ensures structural repairs to City Hall are accounted for in the upcoming budget.
On July 1, 2024, the City Manager distributed the City’s Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Estimate in the amount of $283,480,289 to the City Commission and the budget estimate was discussed during the City Commission meetings on July 10, 2024 and August 1, 2024.
City Hall is in need of certain structural repairs that require funding. The proposed resolution directs the City Manager to include the following revisions in the proposed budget to be presented at the first budget meeting at September 12, 2024 in order to promote fiscal resilience and include funding in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget for the necessary assessment, drawings and plans for the project so that funding mechanisms for the restoration of the structural integrity of City Hall can be evaluated for inclusion in a future budget.
Remove (or adjust as indicated) the addition of the following positions with estimated funding as listed:
Modify one (1) new full-time Police CIC Monitor to a part-time position ($35,280)
Remove one (1) new Code Enforcement Officer ($71,000). Funding shall remain for to add a new Code Enforcement Field Supervisor.
Remove one (1) new Part-time Maintenance Worker II – Sign Shop ($38,175)
Remove two (2) new Solid Waste Workers and funding for potential second Operator II (174,934). Funding shall remain for one new Solid Waste Operator II.
Modify two (2) new full-time Parking Enforcement Specialist to a part-time position ($53,498)
No changes shall be made to the fifteen (15) proposed new full time positions or other positions in the draft budget not listed above.
Adjust funding for the following items:
Remove additional funding for Street Monument Painting ($72,900). Current funding levels shall be maintained.
Adjust funding for additional Downtown Holiday Decorations from $300,000 to $100,000 ($200,000). Downtown businesses may contribute to the funding and participate in selecting new decorations.
Remove additional funding for new Holiday Park features ($50,000). Existing Holiday Park features shall be maintained.
Remove additional funding for enhancement to Fourth of July for Laser Light/Drone Show ($65,000). Existing funding for Fourth of July celebration shall be maintained.
Reduce additional funding for increase in janitorial services from $94,000 to $50,000 ($44,000)
Remove additional funding for enhancing Menorah Event ($25,000)
Increase funding to capital for to fund necessary assessment, drawing and plans needed for restoration of City Hall, in an estimated amount of $835,787
- F.-2. [24-7970] Appointments to Florida League of Cities Legislative Policy Committees
The Commission will accept the appointments of Commissioners and Staff to serve on the Florida League of Cities Legislative Policy Committees for the 2024-2025 term. Sponsored by Vice Mayor Rhonda Anderson. Brief Synopsis: Appoints city representatives to the Florida League of Cities policy committees. - F.-3. [24-7983] Public Art Notification Options
The Commission will direct city staff to explore additional notification options with the Arts Advisory Panel and Cultural Development Board when acquiring new public art using the City’s art fund. Sponsored by Vice Mayor Rhonda Anderson. Brief Synopsis: Explores improving public notification processes for new city art acquisitions. - F.-4. [24-7984] Notice for Live Local Act Projects Near City Borders
The Commission will consider requiring notice of Live Local Act projects within 1,000 feet of neighboring jurisdictions’ perimeters. Sponsored by Vice Mayor Rhonda Anderson. Brief Synopsis: Enhances intergovernmental notification for local development projects. - F.-5. [24-7910] Residential Light Temperature Standards
The Commission will discuss possible City standards for residential light temperature, focusing on controlling the impact of light pollution in residential areas. Sponsored by Vice Mayor Rhonda Anderson. Brief Synopsis: Addresses community concerns regarding light pollution from residential properties. - F.-6. [24-7934] City Hall Recertification and Repairs
The Commission will discuss the recertification process for City Hall and any necessary repairs to ensure continued operation. Sponsored by Commissioner Ariel Fernandez, Co-sponsored by Vice Mayor Rhonda Anderson. Brief Synopsis: Discusses safety certification and potential repairs to City Hall. - F.-7. [24-7953] Biltmore Way Streetscape Project
The Commission will discuss the progress of the Biltmore Way Streetscape project. Sponsored by Commissioner Ariel Fernandez, Co-sponsored by Vice Mayor Rhonda Anderson. Brief Synopsis: Examines the status of a major infrastructure project aimed at improving the Biltmore area streetscape. - F.-8. [24-7960] Bonds and Financing for City Restoration Projects
The Commission will discuss potential bond and financing options for funding the City’s restoration projects. Sponsored by Commissioner Kirk Menendez. Brief Synopsis: Considers funding mechanisms for restoration projects. - F.-9. [24-7969] Markers for Centennial Homes
The Commission will discuss the possibility of installing markers for homes in Coral Gables that have reached 100 years old. Sponsored by Commissioner Ariel Fernandez. Brief Synopsis: Promotes historical recognition for century-old homes in Coral Gables. - F.-10. [24-7980] Centennial Venetian Pool Concert Celebration
The Commission will consider the possibility of hosting a concert at the Venetian Pool to celebrate the city’s centennial. Sponsored by Mayor Vince Lago. Brief Synopsis: Plans for a potential citywide centennial celebration at a historic site. - F.-11. [24-7982] Parking, Deliveries, and Garbage Around The Plaza
(Time Certain 10:00 AM) The Commission will discuss ongoing issues related to parking, deliveries, and garbage management around The Plaza, with a focus on solutions to improve these services. Sponsored by Commissioner Ariel Fernandez. Brief Synopsis: Seeks to address logistical issues around a central city hub.
- H.-1. [24-7958] Update on Alhambra Circle Sidewalk
The City Manager will provide an update on the status and plans for the Alhambra Circle sidewalk. - H.-2. [24-7959] Update on Amazon Purchases Audit and Review
The City Manager will update the Commission on the audit and review of all Amazon purchases made by city departments.
- J.-1. [24-7964] Certification of Special Election Results (Little Gables Annexation)
The Commission will consider a Resolution accepting the City Clerk’s certification and declaration of the results of the August 20, 2024, Special Election, where voters decided against the annexation of Little Gables into Coral Gables. Brief Synopsis: Formalizes the results of the recent election on annexation.