Ariel Fernandez
Founder & Editor
[email protected]
On Friday, May 27th, Coral Gables’ Director of Planning and Zoning, Ramon Trias, tendered his resignation letter.
The resignation comes just 17 days after the Coral Gables City Commission held a vote of confidence in support of the City Manager and all City Directors, including Trias.
As of time of publishing, Gables Insider has been unable to secure the reason for Trias’ resignation.
Sources at City Hall inform Gables Insider that the position will be posted in search of a replacement.
The position is one of great importance to residents, as the director has large influence over new development projects coming to the City Beautiful.
Regarding property value, I want to know who from the City of Coral Gables has authorized FPL to place their transformers for electric underground lines on our property in FRONT of our houses instead of on the side or the back of our houses where is not visible from the street. I am shocked that the City has authorized this since they usually do not let residents make changes to their home that is going to beautify the city. What FPL is trying to do along with the City’s approval will convert it from The City Beautiful to The Unbeautiful City. This will lower our property value since this is certainly an eyesore in front of the houses that are picked. There has to be another solution to keep our city beautiful.
Is it really a resignation if you are given a severance package?
Trias was given an offer he could not refuse.
The house cleaning should continue.
Trias’ boss is S Cabrera.
Every question ever asked of her was answered by Trias.
She is either incredibly incompetent or politically complicit.
Out with Cabrera.
Let the spring cleaning continue.
Oh – let’s not forget the “Mobility Hub”.
This project needs to fade into the sunset and Mayor Lago needs to project leadership that this project is unsightly and produces financial losses for CG for the next 40 years. No city can accept that tax burden.
Mayor Vinnie is due to resign
Mayor Vinnie now needs to go
Building and Zoning in CG is a fiasco I live on a 1922 home in the Gsbles I’ve been trying to get a permit( after the fact) fior a Pérgola next to my poiol This us the only place that I Can have a Pérgola since 1920 homes do not have enclosed terraces fir BBQ They summoned me to a hearing ( like if so was a criminal) after a guy from the city came into my home without my permission ( Trespassing) I believe trespassing is punishable by law Would like someone to let me know WHY they came inside my home without my permission when my home is Gated
Magaly Fernandez
One down, two more to go! I hope the next Zoning Director is a good listener and has the best interest of our city and it’s residents at heart!. Let’s be civil and stop blaming the Mayor and Commissioners of all that needs fixing and are left overs from previous administrations.
Had Mr Trias made an analogous Biltmore North up-zoning “mistake” in the private sector, would he have kept his job?
Had Ms Soler-Ramos bungled an analogous case as the WaWa fiasco in the private sector, would she have kept her job?
I jumped for joy at the news. Much maneuvering , much damage was done. The examples are glaring.One of the latest was the “honest” mistake in the proposed increase in height along Biltmore Way North, a veiled attempt to give development rights to a small plot where only height might save a miscalculated purchase. Honest Mistake? Really. A change in the code passes a lot of scrutiny from very senior staff including the City Attorney before it is presented for approval.
No pity for anyone who has been causing irreparable harm to our city leading developer-favorable zoning decisions for years while collecting cushy checks from us and being a sad puppet of developers, city politicians and administrators and who most likely will land a role with one of the developers in the near future. Three outside zoning attorneys run our city’s code. They even draft the wording for our well-paid staff. Long overdue and we continue to play stupid and allow it. Yes, we express ourselves using pseudo names, but the results are the same. The vote of confidence was a farsical concoction of a commissioner who loves being subservient to many masters who control him and others as well. It is common in the legal profession. From the “Mexican Mall” on Ponce to the monster projects along US1, our city leadership lost its moral, ethical and values compass a long time ago. We talk Merrick a good game, but deliver profitable Monsters. We grant our city assets to ensure developers are accommodated. No one to blame but ourselves. We have the power to force change, however, we opt to stay put.
Good riddance.
A spineless lackey that was turning Coral Gables into a styrofoam Disney World.
What syncophant will we end up with next.
Now if we could get Mayor Vinnie to get out!!!!
This is what Coral Gables has become: a municipal fee machine:
Dear Miami-Dade Grand Jury:
We need you to investigate what the City of Coral Gables as to zoning and why it is doing it. Follow the money, please.
John Hancock
Can’t the Mayor and Commissioners read what the residents think of Coral Gables and what is happening? Are you deaf to our cries? Apparently you think you know better than us, the citizens of Coral Gables. We all hope he takes the City Manager with him when he leaves. And as for our elected officials and your vote of confidence for the Manager, you all have lost every vote in my family and have created a voice against all of you. We will show you in the next election who runs this City. You are all OUT, including Lago and Anderson !!!!!!!!!!!!
Agree with Maria C. Cruz, everything should be scrapped and go back to what it was intended to be!! Coral Gables is not Brickell or Miami. We must maintain our identity and property values. People, from all over the world, come here because we are different. We already have to live with some “bad decisions” (i.e., The Plaza) and the consequences will soon be known, but let’s end these “bad decisions” right here. As for any others, serving Coral Gables, that are here for the wrong reasons, please leave now. We are all watching.
I was caught in Mr Trias web of of incompetency. Unfortunately it came 6 months later and $10,000 out id pocket. The city manager and development services as a whole are not innocent, know what has been going on right under their noses. It just took enough noise from its Coral Gables tax paying and election power to STAND TOGETHER. This is a Democracy not a self serving dictatorship.
It seems very clear that Ramon Trias has become the escape goat for the “zoning rewrite.” Was Plater-Zyberg not hired for this project to the tune of $500,000, give or take? Wasn’t there a zoning expert consultant attorney, also involved? Our City Attorney? Our City Manager who is known for micro managing? Well, of course it was all Trias’ doing!! Come on!!!!! The writing is on the wall. Everything should be scrapped, go back to what it was meant to be, a clean up, and update of our zoning and not a “re-write.” Former Mayor made it very clear when he said he didn’t want another Miami 21 and didn’t want Plater-Zyberg! And then he was convinced to go along! Maybe he could do us a favor and tell us who convinced him!
Many people sought to blame Trias while in reality he was being controlled by manager and commission on which way to swing and the more controversial they would tell him to swing harder. In several meetings that was made clear. They probably forced him to resign. Let’s see who we get from City of Miami now…
Thank you, Mr. Trías, for your service to our city. We may not have always agreed but I know your heart is in the right place. Good luck to you.
Well, well, well! It didn’t take long for one of the “vote of confidence recipients” to leave the City Beautiful! Keep watching! More to come!