Ariel Fernandez
Founder & Editor
[email protected]
On January 20, 2022, the Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Governing Board held its monthly meeting. Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago, the City’s representative to the TPO sponsored a resolution “which provides the scope of services and the budget required to conduct a study along U.S. 1 from SW 27th Avenue to SW 72nd Street and provides recommendations to maximize the capacity of this corridor via multimodal and/or roadway improvements,” stated Lago in a memorandum sent to the members of the Coral Gables Commission.
The memo continues, “noting that the U.S. 1 corridor experiences considerable congestion, the directed study will provide key information necessary to make viable transportation policy decisions.”
In a statement to Gables Insider, Lago added, “I’m glad to have sponsored this legislation which will finally allow the TPO to understand the congestion on U.S 1. This study will provide us with some valuable information that will enable us to make viable transportation policy decisions along this corridor.”
Click here to read the full memo and see the rest of the attached background information.
make a express lane with people paying
Another boondoggle by Mayor L’ego! Redundant studies instead of pouring resources into traffic calming and enforcement in our city.
Maybe stop building condos and townhomes, inviting more traffic into the area, and more kids into the overcrowded schools.
And now that I see the study that was completed 3 years ago, is going to be done again at the tune of $120,000, even worse. Weren’t we just talking about the need for more traffic calming funding?
Please let me know if Ponce De Leon between Salamanca and SW 8th Street will ever be fixed. It has more pot holes than swiss cheese!!!! We need this fixed!!!!
The City participated in a US 1 corridor study a few years ago with FDOT. It already exists. The scope of the study analyzed existing conditions to identify recurring congestion locations and evaluate multimodal transportation improvement needs based on future level of demand. Seems like a waste of money to do it again. Save some money and check out the website.