The City of Coral Gables Commission held a special sunshine meeting July 30th to discuss Miami-Dade County’s proposal to reduce the financial distribution to municipalities from a projected sum of $135 million to $30 million.
The proposal, as laid out, would represent a distribution of approximately $400,000 to the City of Coral Gables.
During the meeting, Commissioner Jorge L. Fors, Jr. asked the City Attorney, Miriam Ramos, if the CARES Act, as written, requires that the County distribute funds to municipalities, to which she explained that it does not.
Commissioner Michael Mena voiced his concern over condemning. He explained that there is a better way forward to accomplish the goal that does not require condemning and actually asks for what the City needs. He said we should “work together to come up with a number that makes sense.”
According to City Manager, Peter Iglesias, the City has had $464,000 in FEMA eligible expenses and a total of approximately $1.49 million in COVID-19 related expenses. However, the City is seeking over $4 million of CARES Act funding.
Municipalities have until Monday, August 3rd, to submit a spreadsheet with the City’s COVID-19 related expenditures. The City must include what programs and uses they will have for the money prior to requesting the funds.
The Commission voted unanimously to adopt the resolution, which Mayor Valdes-Fauli insisted needed to remain unchanged, so that he could attend a Miami-Dade League of Cities meeting following this special commission meeting.
Following the League of Cities meeting, Mayor Raul Valdes-Fauli participated in a press conference with other municipal mayors and he stated that “maybe we should amend the Florida constitution to abolish the county.”
Valdes-Fauli also proceeded to launch a personal attack on Mayor Gimenez’s son, Carlos Gimenez, Jr., stating “maybe we should hire the mayor’s son to be our lobbyist to distribute the money,” as quoted by a Miami Herald reporter.
From the article “So, what is really behind these City politicians’ righteous indignation? Are they afraid that they will have to increase taxes and face losing re-election, or in Crazy Joe’s case, lose a recall? Are they desperate for slush funds to fund campaign-style giveaways to detract from their collective failure as public servants? Despite the reason, the CARES Act funds must go to our residents and businesses Countywide in a fair and equitable manner, which is exactly what the current process allows. City politicians, my message to you: LET THE PEOPLE GET THE HELP THEY NEED WITHOUT YOUR HANDS IN THEIR POCKETS.”
Take a look at the previous articles about the cost of the guaranteed pensions and free health care for life for employees. Can’t say I disagree about getting rid of the county. Think about it- within Miami Dade with its 80,000 employees, there are 36 municipalities, each with their own bureaucracies that cost a fortune, each ( with a few exceptions) with their own huge underfunded pension liabilities. We, the taxpayers are being fleeced at every turn.
Complex situation.
Has anyone heard of EVENT 201?
It was a practice drill for Coronavirus Pandemic which took place in New York City on October 18, 2019. It was videotaped, lasted 5 hours, was sponsored by Bill Gates, and featured Speeches by the top officials in the US Center for Disease Control, and the UN World Health Organization.
I invite people to watch videos on EVENT 201, and on Dr Francis Boyle, on the Youtube Channel of Spiro Skouras.
Jackson Rip Holmes
There is no limit to politicians’ hunger for money.
Wouldn’t it be nice if when you need money you could order all your neighbors to send you a check instead of buying hamburger not NY strip?
The $135M Dade county was suppose to distribute to the municipalities as part of the total $1B they received thru the Cares act from the Fed govt should be distributed no questions asked i therefore agree with Mayor Fauli’s statements.
This article was very confusing and I also would appreciate a rewrite.
These are the facts: The county received nearly a billion dollars from the federal government through the CARES Act for the response to the virus in all of the county. The county was originally going to distribute $135 million to the municipalities to help cover their expenses. Now the county is talking about distributing only $30 million to them. The money needs to be spent by December 31 so they are now trying to find ways of spending this money while denying the municipalities their fair share. I am not a fan of the mayor, but we should all be as upset.
Will someone please tell me why they voted for this Mayor of our City??
This article is very confusing. I agree with Mr. Burr.
Every week I read something from the CG Gov and in particular Mayor Valdes-Fauli that shows a city government that does nothing but to continue to ignore what is right.
If the County Gov has made a decision on the money from the CARE’s act, the question should be asked, why? Did the county lose funds from the Feds or State? Is the Country running a deficit due to the current situation?
Lastly, being fiscally responsible is a must for any type of Govt. Perhaps the city should take some measures such as, 1) have city employees (not Fire or Police) take a reduction in pay, 2) furlough non-essential employees, 3) look at blotted city dept and reduce staff, 4) think out of the box.
I’ve had to take a reduction in pay, so why are State, County and City governments not do the same.
It is not a popular idea, but come up with a solution instead of coming out shooting from the hip.
Commissioner Mena is the only sane voice. This should not be a money grab. It should be about gettin CARE funds based on individual city needs and expenses. AND what isn’t needed at the county level should go back where it came from at the Federal level. Folks it’s all OUR money … and I might add our our debt as a nation. Let’s be fair and as fiscally responsible as possible or behalf of future generations and God forbid future pandemics or unforeseen emergencies.
This article does not clearly explain the issues involved. Perhaps a re-write could do a better job of offering more precise information and a timeline that makes sense.
Calling someone ugly or short is a personal attack. What Mayor Valdes-Fauli said wasn’t a personal attack but suggested the City would have better results if it had the help of Gimenez Jr., whose involvement in matters before his father have been questioned in the past.