The sunshine meeting held on Monday, June 29th, resulted in at least one agreement. The costs of solid waste in the City of Coral Gables is growing and will continue to grow exponentially unless something is done to curb either the amount of green-matter waste being disposed or improve efficiencies.
Commissioner Pat Keon suggested the administration look at larger lots paying more for solid waste than say a 50×50 foot lot. Several commission members agreed.
Vice Mayor Vince Lago and Commissioner Mena both stated they chose to eliminate their trash pit and their landscapers haul away their green matter. Lago threw out the idea for the administration to consider a reduction in solid waste if residents voluntarily choose to eliminate their pit – resulting in less green matter the city must dispose of.
Lago also showed video footage of a landscaper crossing 57th Ave towards Miller Road from the City of South Miami to dispose of green matter. “It’s a well-known fact in the county between landscape companies to leave Coral Gables homes for last because they can dispose of their day’s green matter from other cities in Coral Gables” said Lago. The administration did not object and in fact agreed. Staff reported that pits should be in front of homes and not on side yards as some homes have along 57th Ave.
Finally, the three year project to procure larger recycling bins was discussed. The city’s assistant director in charge of solid waste Alberto Zamora confirmed the city was not interested in larger bins with lids. In fact, the administration gave the impression they did not want to change the bins at all. The reason is that larger bins increase the contamination rate of unacceptable recycling material.
The new bins had not yet been ordered as of this meeting. The city budgeted $500,000 in the 2019-2020 budget for them.
No definite action or plan came about the meeting, the commission leaned on the administration for options. If the recycling bins is any indication, it could be years before one is presented. Garbage is sacred to many in Coral Gables and politicians avoid the topic like the plague. One commissioner did not even say a word on the matter. One thing is certain, you will still be picking up loose recycling left behind on recycling-days, because you will not be getting a bin with a lid anytime soon.
the city created the “pits” with their clam buckets. in the 50’s and 60’s we placed our trash on the swales with no damage, or, “pits” created by the city. the city representatives can also stop referring to the current service as “valet” service. it was the same arrangement before these people came to coral gables. the city needs to fill in the pits they dug with some rock and soil to repair the swales to their original condition. one person in particular, from the discussion , needs to understand that the city trash trucks are 32 cubic yard open top, not 20 yard as he stated. the city should consider how critical the requirement is for a 5-man truck cab for their high compaction rear loader garbage trucks. i’ve spent over 50 years selling heavy duty trucks in south florida, including over 30 years selling garbage trucks, and, i’ve never seen 5, or even 4 or 3 men on the route. i’ve lived in the gables since 1952.
To the comment below, Vice Mayor Lago brought up that idea as well regarding the larger lots. I think its ridiculous and a form of socialism. During that meeting, every Commissioner looked lost and were grossly ineffective in their discussions regarding sanitation. I highly doubt anything will be done.
I have to disagree with Mr. & Mts. Fernandez. The amount plant material left in the swales is determined by the size of the lot and not the number of people in the house. Plant material does not expand because of the number of people but by the size of the lot. It is appropriate that the fee be based on the size of the lot. My wife and I live on an 18000 sg. ft. lot and would be happy to pay our fair share based on lot size.
In reference to Commissioner Keon’s proposal to charge higher rates for larger lots is grossly unfair and inadequate. It should be based on the amount people living in a home. To provide you prove of what I
am talking about, within our immediate surroundings on Anderson Rd between Bird Road and Altara on both the West and East side of the street only five houses have more than two residents living in them. A few of the houses only one person lives in the house and out of the five I mentioned some of the residents are young children. People generate garbage and not the side of the lot the home sits on.
We hope facts are taken in consideration and not theories.
Gabino and Marta Fernandez
4001 Anderson Road