Recall Effort Against Mayor Lago Secures Sufficient Signatures to Advance

Javier Baños

Baños is the Editor of Gables Insider

The campaign spearheaded by the organization End the Corruption, PC, led by long-time Coral Gables resident and familiar figure at City Hall, Maria Cruz, has successfully secured the necessary number of signatures to move forward with the recall effort against Mayor Vince Lago. Having amassed over 1,719 signatures from registered voters and continuing to collect more until the Monday deadline, this initiative is poised to progress to the next phase, where the signatures will undergo certification by the Department of Elections. Following certification, Mayor Lago will have the opportunity to administratively challenge the recall and potentially pursue legal action—a route he is likely to take. Should these challenges prove unsuccessful, Mrs. Cruz will need to gather additional signatures to get the recall effort placed on the ballot, potentially aligning the vote with the November elections, ironically fulfilling Mayor Lago’s wish for a November election, albeit under circumstances he likely hadn’t anticipated.

In response to the recall effort, Mayor Lago has taken a surprising turn by ostensibly aligning himself against development and touting his record of opposing certain projects. However, a closer examination reveals that his purported opposition to development often involved voting against projects that were otherwise guaranteed to pass, with or without his support. This selective opposition has never extended to a genuine commitment to historic preservation or measured development; instead, it seems to be a calculated attempt to reshape his public image in the face of mounting criticism. This shift, far from demonstrating a steadfast dedication to preserving the city’s heritage, reveals a strategic maneuver to deflect criticism and paint himself as a conservationist when in fact, his actions suggest otherwise.

This apparent hypocrisy has not gone unnoticed by the residents of Coral Gables. Mayor Lago’s sudden embrace of anti-development rhetoric appears hypocritical and insincere, particularly to those who have followed his tenure and witnessed his typical voting patterns. His efforts to recast himself as a champion of preservation and thoughtful development seem to be a transparent tactic to counteract the negative press and public dissatisfaction encapsulated by the recall effort.

Mayor Lago’s response to the recall effort has been characterized by a vigorous attempt to deflect responsibility and blame others for his predicament. He has cast aspersions on almost every conceivable actor except himself, employing a classic diversionary tactic in politics, albeit one that reeks of desperation. He has specifically targeted his fellow commissioners, labeling them as mere tools of developers, with the notable exception of his loyal ally, Vice Mayor Anderson. Yet, accusing Commissioners Fernandez, Castro, and Menendez of being unduly influenced by developers seems far-fetched and unsupported by the facts. Throughout the past year, Mayor Lago has relentlessly used every tool at his disposal to discredit these commissioners, from launching an unsuccessful ethics complaint against Commissioner Castro to actively campaigning against Commissioner Menendez through a handpicked opponent and routinely disparaging Commissioner Fernandez. His relentless attacks have contributed to a toxic atmosphere within the commission, overshadowing the collaborative work required to address the needs of Coral Gables residents.

Furthermore, Mayor Lago’s recent official statement, which criticized his detractors and the recall campaign, was sent from his office in what seems an entirely inappropriate use of his official capacity. Despite his attempts to portray the recall effort as an elaborate scheme fueled by dark money, the campaign has been a relatively modest affair, raising $50,000, detailing the Mayor’s shortcomings on a dedicated website, and deploying canvassers to gather signatures. In a political landscape where substantial sums are often spent on elections, the grassroots nature of this recall effort starkly contrasts with the narrative of manipulation that Mayor Lago is trying to promote. It is becoming increasingly clear that the movement to recall Mayor Lago is driven more by his own actions and less by any external manipulation or misinformation. The time has come for Mayor Lago to take responsibility for his actions and stop shifting the blame onto others. If he continues to underestimate the influence and resolve of his constituents, particularly activists like Maria Cruz, the voters of Coral Gables may very well deliver a stern reminder of their power in the upcoming November elections.


31 thoughts on “Recall Effort Against Mayor Lago Secures Sufficient Signatures to Advance

  1. This is being posted after the April 16th commission meeting:

    It was absolutely wonderful watching KFC be called the corrupt politicians they are by Coral Gables resident, Jay Spieler after he stood there and just pounded fact after fact for all to hear. The irony is overwhelming! After all their false and baseless accusations toward Mayor Lago and here was the TRUTH, as witnessed LIVE in the chamber. Fast forward the video to 1:56:41 to watch Mr. Spieler call it like it is. The way they went about hiding salary increases in the budget, the way the City Manager’s hiring was “steamrolled through this commission without even a pretense of fiduciary oversight” Corruption in broad daylight is right.–X0075sTqGCsjWn

    And lastly it is still mindblowing to me that someone like Maria Cruz has the audacity to go before ANY one ANY where to discuss ethics. We call that
    “sin verguenza” in Spanish.

    Or that anyone thinks shes worth listening to…in the world of “Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres..what happened to dime lo que has hecho y te dire quien eres?”

    Or that anyone thinks she’s worth listening to…in the world of “Tell me who you’re with and I’ll tell you who you are…what happened to tell me what you’ve done and I’ll tell you who you are?”

    God Bless.

  2. Recall Castro and Fernandez who led efforts to misuse city funds (our dollars) to increase their own salaries.

  3. The mayor has to go. I figured it would be at the next election, but maybe it will be sooner. How anyone can defend him is beyond me. This isn’t just the Gables Insider reporting negative news on Lago.. It’s the Herald, Politico Cordadito, Spanish Radio, Because Miami, the New Times, The Real Deal, Community News, it’s businesses, it’s residents, it’s police, it’s fire…WOW. How much more do you need. The best is when Lago has people speak on his behalf it’s developers and old Gables politicians..and their kids. I forgot one publication that doesn’t report negative news on Lago. The Gables Magazine. They are too busy fluffing him up.


  4. What a waste of time. Real legislation cannot even be heard because 6+ hours are spent ousting elected officials at every meeting.

  5. Brian, you have turned Gables Insider into an arm of the “Gang of 3” and Maria Cruz!, what is otherwise known as Fake Media! It seems you are just projecting what these individuals do themselves. They have no interest in the good of the city or it’s residents, seeing that the very 1st thing they voted on was to double their salary. Maria Cruz seems to have taken a page out of the Castro regime being “el comite the barrio”. All of you have turned the City Beutiful into a banana republic, an embarresment. I have lived in Coral Gables over 50 years, and never have I seen such shanaigans. Please let the democratic method play out, if there still exists one in Coral Gables!

  6. I was approached by someone who asked me to sign this recall petition with no facts to support his request and he said he was just being paid to get signatures and did not live in the Gables. From the above it appears the recall petition was signed by 1,719 people. Assuming they are residents, that’s about 3.5% of the Coral Gables population of 48,642. 3.5% is not even close to a majority of the residents. I did not sign it because he had no concrete facts and everyone is entitled to due process. For me to sign this, I would have wanted to see concrete evidence to support these opinions. I do not want developers or foreign investors in our city hogging up properties that should go to locals, but we are about a year away from elections. So the voters can decide. No need to waste time and money on a recall when voting time is around the corner. The city should focus on reducing the budget, reducing the millage rate, transferring the pension fund to employee self-funded 401Ks, and reducing speeding and noise pollution, enforcing the noise ordinance along Red and Bird Road due to loud motor noises from vehicles, sportscars and speeding motorcycles. If this recall effort is costing $50,000, imagine all of the money going to some better use.

  7. Maria Cruz Please we don’t live in a Banana Republic get your act together so you understand you cannot unsit an elected official. Too bad for those who don’t like it but it’s the truth. Lago was elected once snd re elected without any opposing. So why take him out now when he’s got one more year to go? Besides 1700 signatures is a minimal number compared to 50000 residents from our City Beautiful!

  8. The recall initiative is led by Maria Cruz, a person with a checkered past and questionable character – who is probably on the payroll. For you, Mr Baños, to cite her as the leader of this sham, clearly displays the hypocrisy of this effort. “Gables Insider”, disguised as journalism, is another attempt to disparage Mayor Lago – after the Three Amigos at the Commission voted themselves hefty raises and car allowances and unceremoniously hired a new City Manager without vetting. How I miss – after 50 years of Coral Gables residency – that we get back to the serene way our city was managed!

  9. This is what makes our city special, not the gossipy opinions of some. FYI, fellow residents, very positive things are happening in our city, not the third-world gloom and doom painted by “self-appointed” and tainted activists. Please read for yourselves from a very credible source. Enjoy!

    Apple’s new Miami space will be at The Plaza Coral Gables, a project bankrolled by Agave Holdings, a Mexican family office powered by tequila money. Raymond James has also set up shop in the building.

  10. Lago has suggested but offered no proof the recall is initiated by a developer. It’s a ruse to paint himself as the anti developer candidate. What a sham. Just look at his PAC contributions and you’ll find the all the developer names next to the contributions. Look at his association with developer Kapoor, his association with the dodgy real estate firm with employees arrested and astronomical commissions from real estate sold in the Gables. Let’s get the corruption out of Gables government.

  11. Lago is harming the safety of children via the urbanization and crime he has brought to Coral Gables.

    He is harming democracy itself through trying to further developer control with his extensive fraud.


    Jackson Rip Holmes

  12. As a fellow Cuban, I am disgusted by Lago’s behavior and his actions of trying to recreate another version of City of Miami here in City of Coral Gables. But it doesn’t surprise me when his BFF is City of Miami’s Mayor Francis Suarez. He is an embarrassment to this City. I prefer non-Hispanic commissioners and Mayor. Since Hispanics have entered the politics of Coral Gables, they have ruined the City’s reputation and image. He needs to go!

  13. Out with Lago and…… Menendez and the other 2
    All 4 need to leave ! These 3 are as dirty!

  14. Disgusting leaders of the so-called recall, please, you have been publicly tainted through your actions in the past. Please, we live in Coral Gables, not in a country south of us. Your action is an abuse of our American system. Clean up your past before attempting to control our city’s future, as all of you have, unilaterally, named yourselves “activists’. Yes, you have a questionable past, represent special interests, have been marginalized from City Hall and are highly frustrated. Stop the third-world chusmeria (trashiness), chismeria (gossip), gritería (loud screaming) and cobardía (cowardice), none of which our affluent, educated and first-world residents subscribe to. We will humiliate and defeat your sad initiative, should it succeed. We have no option but to crush it. We are Coral Gables. Nothing else.

  15. I think we should collect 1,720 signatures “not to oust” Lago! Then put it on the ballot and let’s ALL vote! Fair elections will decide the outcome

  16. What a bunch of whiners living in the City Nasty. The Coral Gables insider is NOT your most trusted source of information as it claims and Baños has taken it further down the rabbit hole. If you want to believe Lago does not serve residents well, develop an independent case against him. The Gables insider should address the first thing the 3 commissioners as a group did was give themselves a raise from taxpayers or that Kirk’s properties were rezoned to his benefit. How about upgrading to some balanced reporting. You are far from AP reporting. Drop the nastiness.

  17. Brian, you either don’t know Vince Lago or you do know him and you believe his BS. He speaks a good game but does funny stuff behind the scenes. The recall will proceed because people are tired of his lies and vindictive behavior. His attacks on Ms.Cruz and his countless pleading letters fall on deaf ears. Lago Must Go.

  18. Too many outside influences affecting the lives of the residents of the city beautiful… Not Good
    American Greed has taken hold of our city, now it’s time to take action. Good bye’s are in order.

  19. 1719 votes to recall him? What a joke! Get it on the ballot and when the recall effort is defeated, let them eat crow. This recall effort spearheaded by a crook, and a rather arrogant one at that.

  20. It’s very sad that 1,719 signatures have the power to recall a mayor that was elected by the residents of Coral Gables. Mayor Lago ran unopposed in last year’s election. Contrary to what’s been said here, he’s NOT under investigation. Those who don’t like him, just need to vote against him in next year’s election.

  21. This whole situation is disgusting from all sides. The best thing that can happen to our city, if all our elected officials love our city the way the say they do, is for all of them to step down and hold a special election to elect a new mayor, vice mayor and the three commissioners. Or RECALL all of them.

    What was happening at City Hall before the election of commissioners Fernandez and Castro was bad and with their election has gotten worse. Having lived here for 37 years, I am now embarassed to say I live in Coral Gables.

  22. The time has come to move on from elected city leaders that don’t prioritize the welfare of the residents. So much negative press coming about Mayor Lago’s office. Normally, I would think this it typical politics, but I had the opportunity to speak with a Coral Gables Police Officer who was standing in line with me at Whole Foods. I asked him about how things are in the department and are there really as many vacancies as the recent video circulating states? He was very candid and confirmed that the department is struggling to keep officers. The main reason was pay and morale. I was actually astonished to hear this. As a Gables resident for 11 years, I’ve heard nothing but positive things about the Police Department. I asked him what I could ? He said spread the word. I will do that. Please watch the video and back the Coral Gables Police.

  23. Rather bizarre post by Brian, above. I am a retired resident who has no ties to any external interests. I signed the petition because Lago has been a divisive, inept mayor.

    Further, the number of those who signed the petition is not reflective of the depth of support. It is the statutory number required!

    Finally, I keep getting mailings and emails from Lago claiming the canvassers are illegal. Really, where’s the lawsuit challenging the canvassing???

  24. Since I know Mayor Lago is reading all the comments, know this…it’s too little too late Mayor! Maria & Co didn’t have to bring to light all the corruption, we’ve been watching it all around us! We’re done! And, we are still waiting on what the total cost was for your “secure office”, which we, the taxpayers, paid for and why that was even needed when no other mayor required this to run this City!

  25. Why do activists and out-of-the city political interests have to decide, what we residents vote very 2 years ?

    There will be an election for Mayor of Coral Gables in 1 year. If we residents are not happy with him, we will elect another person to be our mayor.

    It is time for these activists and out-of-the city political interests to go home; and let our elections system to take care of things.

  26. I have no issues regarding Mayor Lago’s tenure except for 2. His history of supporting development that has turned this City into a concrete mess, and his use of our City’s departments to harass those involved in the recall. Otherwise we will watch it play out.

  27. Well, well. Do you all or does anyone remember the movie Wag the Dog? That is exactly what Lago is doing. He is trying to deflect/detract from the issues that he has caused to himself.

    Where do I contribute to his ouster? He can then accuse me and others of Dark Money. Anything that is used to get rid of him, will be tagged as Dark Money.

    I also recently sent an email to Commissioner Fernandez and Castro something I found at the CG Atletic Club. A permit that shows, Lago, Anderson, and Mena as owners of the Club. Suggest someone look into this as well. I would post a photo of it, but I am not able to attach the JPG.

    Lago Must Go

  28. It’s evident this campaign is backed by external interests, particularly an angry developer, and does not reflect the sentiments of the majority of Coral Gables residents.

    Mayor Lago has played a crucial role in our city, leading with integrity, transparency, and dedication to our community’s well-being. His efforts have contributed to maintaining the harmonious and thriving environment that we cherish in Coral Gables. It is disheartening to see outside influences attempting to disrupt our politics and sow discord among us.

    We must question the legitimacy of a campaign that claims to represent our city’s interests based on just 1,719 signatures, when Coral Gables is home to approximately 50,000 residents. Such a small fraction cannot possibly speak for the diverse and vibrant community that we are.

    As residents of Coral Gables, we will not allow outside “influences” who seek to destroy our political landscape to prevail. We stand united in our support for Mayor Vincent Lago and our commitment to preserving the harmony and prosperity of our beloved city.

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