Ariel Fernandez
Founder & Editor
[email protected]
The deadline to request a Vote-By-Mail ballot for the Coral Gables Municipal Election Runoff, is tomorrow, Saturday, April 15th.
Voters interested in voting by mail, who have not already requested their ballot, can do so by visiting the Miami-Dade Elections Department’s website at: https://miamidade.electionsfl.org/vrservices/mbrs#.
Ballots are expected to arrive in homes early next week and must be returned by election day.
A ballot drop box will be available at the Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center (405 University Drive) during early voting.
Group IV Runoff
In Group IV, with no candidate having received a 50% +1 majority, Ivette Arango O’Doski and Melissa Castro are headed to a runoff.
Early Voting
Early Voting will be available from 7:00AM to 7:00PM at the Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center on Saturday, April 22nd, and Sunday, April 23rd.
Election Day
Election Day will be on Tuesday, April 25th.
Please, if you really mean what you say, that it is time to take back our City, VOTE CASTRO. Action is now to push back on all the mess created by our present leaders. Anderson and Menendez are next WITH the City Manager.
Arango is not what is best for Coral Gables, his handlers are the same developers that have plagued our city government. No rules apply just buy your way into the city beautiful. Ariel is a step in the right direction. Let’s help Ariel Fernandez clean up our city. Congratulations Ariel & citizens.
We finally won one.
Arango and Buecelo are the same.
Same campaign treasurer. Same $100,000 + in campaign money to try to buy the election in Coral Gables. Same big money coming from addresses outside Coral Gables. Same people who don’t listen to the residents. Same people who think they own your City. Same people support them have robbed your City.