Coral Gables Commission Chambers To Re-Open To The Public

Ariel Fernandez

Founder & Editor
[email protected]

The City of Coral Gables Commission Chambers were last opened to the public for the March 11th meeting in 2020.

As the COVID-19 pandemic hit South Florida, the City Commission began working remotely to ensure the safety of Commissioners, staff and residents.

On September 22, 2020, the City Commission returned to a social distanced setting in the Commission Chambers placing plexiglass dividers and spreading the Commissioners further apart, while maintaining a mask requirement for all present in the room.

COVID-19 Protocols

On May 11th, 2021, in what will be the first official meeting of the newly sworn-in Commission, the chamber will once again be open to the public, with social distancing and mask requirements in place. Entering City Hall will also require a temperature check.

Sources at City Hall inform Gables Insider that the chamber will be limited to a 50% capacity.

Zoom Option Remains

The re-opening will not replace the ability for residents to participate in the Commission meeting remotely. Residents will still be able to watch and participate in public comment via the City’s zoom channel, as they have been able to do throughout the pandemic. A measure that has helped increase resident participation and facilitated access to Commission meetings for residents who were previously unable to participate.

On The Agenda

Click here to read our Commission Digest for this Commission meeting and see the Agenda.

Being discussed will also be Commissioner Anderson’s Memo, which can be read here.


5 thoughts on “Coral Gables Commission Chambers To Re-Open To The Public

  1. Good or bad it is the history of our country. To try to erase by changing names, removing statues, etc, will not erase our past. Nations are to learn from it’s history to not repeat the same mistakes, injustices, discrimination, etc. The past were very different times, let’s not forget the past and try to do better now and in the future going forward. God Bless the United States’ of America!

  2. I do not support any renaming of public buildings, streets, etc. or removal of statues, etc. They represent our history, both good and bad and must remain as a reminder as to our successes and failures. Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. I will no longer support UM or any other entity that does likewise. The radical left, who is responsible for all this, are all Communists, plain and simple, who want to destroy out country. Citizens should realize this and do all they can to reverse this terrible trend.

  3. American Federal Monarchy totally infiltrated in our governance, it’s replacing the USA republic officially at Jan 6, 2021 it acquires by bipartisan treason the 50 State now it are of fantasy & was supplanted by the installation of its apocryphal 117th Congress who omitted the monsters bipartisan attacked the inalienable optional secret vote will cast by ID voters fill out ballot only inside polls for suffrage, only act juridical of the ID voters that has the legal validity to elect an official, and that was breached in General Election Day in Nov 3, 2020, now the 50 state of fantasy are auditing the ballot drop mail all already fraudulent & invalidated to elect any candidates, which were systematically omitted willfully for all the aligned inspectors polls & 50 governors & legislatures, now they’re issuing restrictions to the optional secret vote will, creating restrictions with the illicit purpose of continuing to cover up the ballot drop box mail felony to fraudulent cover up the subversives 435 Reps & 100 Sens in 117th Congress Jan 6, 2021 was uncounted & uncertified votes by ballot drop mail of those fraudulent 538 Electors appointed by traitors SOS 50 state, to systematically the bipartisan Chief Justice vitalize it swear Biden’s to ceased USA republic by vote suppression in ballot drop-box mail felony USPS federal not elect any candidates. USA need US JCS Military to call news general Election Day.

  4. Most everyone in Coral Gables want to preserve its History, Historic Buildings, etc. and the City even has its Historical Department to oversee this. Except for the shameful University of Miami which is trying to get rid of the name George Merrick, the City’s founder. Radical U of M giving way to Woke. Ironic, Merrick had a lot to do with the University’s beginnings. Stop the nonsense and radical ideology.

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