By Popular Demand: City Creates Open Access Pickleball At Youth Center

Ariel Fernandez

Founder & Editor
[email protected]

Pickleball is quickly becoming one of the most popular sports in Coral Gables.

Thanks to the efforts of community leaders, the City’s Community Recreation Department has decided to offer Free Open Access Pickleball at the Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8AM to 12PM.

One of the most vocal community leaders advocating for greater access to designated Pickleball Courts is Maite Halley. She has spoken at City Commission meetings on the subject and has come to be known as “the Pickleball lady.” Halley explains that, “Pickleball is a great way to meet people, have fun, and exercise while doing it. This opportunity for free open access creates an easy way to get started. There will be experienced and new players out there. I hope to see you all out on the Youth Center courts!”

As explained by USA Pickleball, “Pickleball is a court sport played on a badminton-sized court with the net set to a height of 34 inches at the center. It is played with a perforated plastic ball and composite or wooden paddles about twice the size of ping-pong paddles. It can be played indoors or outdoors and is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players. In addition, the game has developed a passionate following due to its friendly, social nature, and its multi-generational appeal. Pickleball can be played as singles or doubles. New players can learn the basic rules quickly in a single session. No special apparel is needed – just something comfortable and appropriate for a court sport. Equipment is inexpensive and easily portable. The game can be played by all ages and is particularly popular in school physical education programs and in adult living communities. The sport is governed by USA Pickleball (, which maintains the rules, promotes the sport, sanctions tournaments, and provides player ratings. For more information, please visit:”

Below is the City’s information on Pickleball Court access and pricing:

Adult Activity Center

The indoor pickleball courts are available to eligible adults 50 years and older. To register, contact 305-461-6765 or email [email protected].

  • Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4:45 p.m.
    • Free, but registration is required – space is limited.
  • Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
    • Free, but registration is required – space is limited. 

Salvadore Park Tennis Center

The outdoor pickleball courts at Salvadore Park Tennis Center are available for reservation. Courts are available:

  • Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
    • Rates vary.
  • Saturday and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
    • Rates vary.

War Memorial Youth Center

The outdoor pickleball courts at the Coral Gables War Memorial Youth Center are available for reservation and open play. Courts are available:

  • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (Reservation only)
    • Singles: $10
    • Doubles: $20
  • Tuesday and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
    • Free for open play.

9 thoughts on “By Popular Demand: City Creates Open Access Pickleball At Youth Center

  1. UPDATE:
    -The (indoor) court at the Adult Activity Center is for people over 50. All the other courts are available for all ages.
    -Philips park and Jaycee park both have free tennis courts. Philips park I believe will be renovated in the next 3 years with expanded facilities (including tennis and pickleball).
    -if any of the previous commenters would like to help with our advocacy efforts, come to the Youth Center and let me know.
    Thanks everyone!

  2. Phillips Park could use a few pickleball courts next to Tennis Courts .
    Free Pickleball Ball for Seniors system needs to change. Only (12) persons can pre register period, due to insurance
    So if someone doesn’t show until 5 minutes left they have effectively blocked others .
    Should be on a first come basis , allowing inclusion

  3. Thank you Ariel, congratulations! Great article about Pickleball, the fastest-growing sport in the US which has attracted 4.8 million players nationwide ( a 40% increase since 2020). Ariel, we have a group of friends that play regularly and sometimes is hard to find courts available; we live in the area close to Jaycee Park at 1230 Hardie Road in Coral Gables, I drive by there a lot and in that park there is a tennis court that is under utilized. In the past we tried to ask the Coral Gables officials to draw the pickleball lines but have not been able to get a positive response. I would like to know if you could help us to make this request and/or to give me the right person to contact about this. Your assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. (my name and email is enclosed)

  4. This is a move in the right direction but reading in detail is actually only free for adults 50 years or older…. I’d strongly encourage the community leaders to also add Free Tennis slots. Tennis is a sport that has a lot of health benefits given the amount of cardio involved. Unfortunately, we are way behind Miami as we only have two free courts in Philips Park, whose surfaces are actually in dire need of an overhaul. Happy to collect signatures if I’m pointed in the right direction.

  5. I want to say it again!!
    Excellent decision by our City government. We need more courts as this explosion of interest is way beyond a fad! Our climate should be taken into consideration for future courts design. All current courts are outdoors, often limiting time to early mornings and evenings as the sun exposure is prohibitive during the day.
    It’s great to see our leadership respond to the community !!

  6. Excellent decision by our City government. We need more courts as this explosion of interest is way beyond a fad! Our climate should be taken into consideration for future courts design. All current courts are outdoors, often limiting time to early mornings and evenings as the sun exposure is prohibitive during the day.
    It’s great to see our leadership respond to the community !!

  7. Thanks for the pertinent info.
    I was first exposed to pickle ball during a visit with friends at The Villages maybe 8-yrs ago. Returned to Miami looking for courts — non-existent!
    Glad to have watched how the sport finally caught on.

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