City On Sanitation: Pardon The Delays

For the past couple of weeks we have faced challenges in the Sanitation Division that have impacted trash, waste and recycling pickups.  The Division has been understaffed due to the impact of COVID-19 on our team. Once a team member tests positive, we follow CDC guidelines which depending on the circumstances, may include quarantining the entire crew for seven days. Please note, we are working to catch-up missed pick-ups including working seven days this past week. If you have been impacted, we ask for your understanding and thank you for your patience. If you need to report a missed pick-up please contact the Sanitation Division at 305-460-5346 or report it on the City of Coral Gables App. Our team is working hard to ensure that each home has their trash and recycling picked-up weekly and their garbage twice a week. Please know, our focus is  keeping our city beautiful and our community and team members safe.


8 thoughts on “City On Sanitation: Pardon The Delays

  1. I think the garbage guys are hard working
    And polite and caring. I do not think the people of coral gables are very understanding about Covid and the quarantines that they have to abide by to protect each other and our town. Maybe if people paid more attention to our garbage people and thanked them daily like we enjoy doing and waved at them and appreciated them we would get better garbage service. We are very spoiled in the Gables I lived in the Grove for 40 years. trust me. We are lucky.

  2. How could I be patient, I have been waiting for over a week, reported last week to sanitation tel number, no answer, left info today again, nothing! I wonder iff I have to pay half of my bill for all days missed DURING THE YEAR. I have been taken my sanitation garbage yo a friend house that Hialeah never miss. Our politicians only think about election and how could they become millionaires ASAP. I ha e seeing the workers picking up waste around me but don’t like to come to a CORNER house, HELP!!!’

  3. When are we going to explore separate recycling trash cans like other municipalities have? Cardboard recycling seems high on the to-do list but wet cardboard is not recyclable. It’s time to replace the outdated red bins with recycling trash cans with lids.

  4. Hoping the staff is doing better and stays safe. Always a pleasure to see them helping us keep our city beautiful.

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