Mari Tere Rojas
Miami-Dade County Public School Board Member, District 6
Greetings from District 6! Thank you for taking interest in the latest happenings in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. I am your representative from District 6 providing recent updates. We had the February School Board meeting this week, which was the last one for Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho. We had an opportunity to recognize his years of dedication and commitment to the District and the community. We wish him well in his next endeavor.
Monday, February 14, 2022 is the official first day of Dr. Jose Dotres as our new Superintendent of Schools and I look forward to working with him, especially for the benefit of our Coral Gables community.
At the February School Board Meeting two agenda items I presented were approved. One is the Endorsement of Read Across America Day, which I proffer every year. The other one is for a campaign to inform underage young adults and their parents of the consequences and actions if students knowingly have in his or her possession or display any blank, forged, stolen, fictitious, counterfeit, or unlawfully issued driver license. I also recognized Miami-Dade County Schools Police Detective John Messenger Sr, for receiving the Officer of the Year Award.

Last week I was so excited to attend the Teacher and Rookie Teacher of the Year Ceremony for Miami-Dade County Public Schools. I could not be prouder of Ms. Unethia Fox, Special Education Math teacher at South Miami Senior High for being named the 2023 Francisco R. Walker Teacher of the Year! I’d also like to recognize Ms. Analy Rodriguez from Blue Lakes Elementary, for being named the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Office Employee of the Year!

Our school district has experienced many obstacles due to the pandemic, as have many members of the community. As we go through this school year, I know there are many moments of uncertainty for parents. I will be planning my next town hall in Coral Gables in the next couple of weeks to address various topics, including academic regression, mental health and safety and security.
I am also proud of the satellite office hours I host on the first and third Thursday of every month in the City of Coral Gables City Hall to provide a venue for residents to speak to me and my staff. For more information, anyone can call my office at 305-995-1334. Finally, make sure to follow me on social media. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram as @MariTereMDCPS and Facebook as Mari Tere Rojas – Miami-Dade School Board Member, District 6.
See you at the schools!
I trust you will never gag our children again, now that the gagger-in-Chief is gone.
What a costly mistake you made.
So happy to read positive news: a teacher being recognized for her outstanding work. I am an aunt to two young boys. Thankful is retired I escaped the worst of these last two years. Schools and teachers have been under extreme pressure. I watched a Zoom class on several days where the teacher was instructing the students who were present in class and online. I don’t know what she looks like all I saw was a Halo over her head: challenging teaching environment; teaching relevant subject matter and checking the work; keeping the kids focused especially those at home whose parents couldn’t sit there all day and supervise the. because they were busy with their own work keeping things together; and no barking orders or losing her cool. I am sure that she isn’t being paid for what is “combat work”. There may be a lot that needs work; but, for one brief moment, let’s give them and this Winner a big thank you.
yes all hearts and flowers and pretty ribbons real nice and there are more important matters for your Board like the rushed hiring of a new superintendent and too many teachers and staff and admins that prey for sexual favors with their trusting students in cars and drive throughs and alleyways waiting to have their deviant desires filled to the tine of billions of dollars paid by you board members to the plaintiffs and their attorneys who always win over you when in the courts—yes I am correct just check the facts—- and a board chair Hantzman who has never ever replied to one of my two dozen or more e mails–she has the public trust in her hands as do you and the others and all I see in board meetings if all of you patting each other in the backs and thanking one another for all the great things they do and do not do and this is your job as a board member so please please pass this on to Hantzman and I will be thrilled if the new super asks that she step down and fast and let someone else tale the lead and be responsive yes send this to her please