Mayor’s Comments 📣
- Presentation of the University of Miami Campus Art Master Plan. art💃🎨
Commission Items 🗝
- A discussion regarding updating and ideas for the City’s interactive Art in Public Places Map. 💭 (Sponsored by Commissioner Fors, Jr.)
- A discussion regarding possible City-sponsorship of “La Feria de Abril” s 💃 💲💲 kick-off event to be held in May 2020. (Sponsored by Mayor Valdes-Fauli) (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Lago)
- A Resolution urging the Florida Legislature to amend Section 500.90, Florida Statutes to grandfather-in the City’s polystyrene regulations, enacted as Ordinance 2016-08. 🥤(Sponsored by Vice Mayor Lago)
City Manager Items 📑
- A Resolution of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida authorizing a ninety -day extension of a Zoning in Progress related to the operation of retail vape shops within the City; 🚭
- A Resolution of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida authorizing a ninety -day extension of a Zoning in Progress related to the operation of retail businesses engaged in the sale of retail products containing cannabidiol/CBD sold as a principal retail product within the City 🌿
Click Here for the Full Agenda Packet