Ariel Fernandez
Founder & Editor
[email protected]
The First United Methodist Church of Coral Gables, 536 Coral Way, will be holding a free concert on Friday, July 2nd, celebrating Independence Day.
The event will feature The Miami Sousa Band with Conductor Seth Carlson, the First Coral Gables Choir, Soprano Lauren Hartman and Alto Saxophonist Benjamin Morris.
“Enjoy an evening full of exciting patriotic music presented by The Miami Sousa Band. Come hear classic favorites such as ‘The 1812 Overture,’ ‘God Bless America,’ and the rousing finale– ‘The Stars and Stripes Forever.’ This concert features soloists, the 76-rank Schantz pipe organ, and the First Coral Gables Choir. It will be an evening you don’t want to miss!”
A Stars & Stripes Celebration presented by The Lamar Louis Curry Concert Series will take place at the church at 7:00PM on July 2nd. Admission is free, optional donations will be accepted at the event.
Can’t make it in person? The concert will also be live-streamed at www.welovecoralgables.org.

Sadly, our own City has elected to gloss over Independence Day by not holding a single, albeit scaled down, event in remembrance. But THEY will be celebrating Independence Day on Monday, by closing down City Hall! Funny if it wasn’t so sad!
Thank you, 1st Methodist and Gables Insider.
I’m so happy this event is being held to promote patriotism and brotherhood amongst our neighbors.
Thank you to Ariel for helping us promote this awesome concert coming up on Friday, July 2nd! We hope you will attend and enjoy!