Opinion: The Issues Surrounding The United Nation’s Agenda 21

Maria Magdalena

“Born in Cuba, she has been involved in real estate and land development in the past, and is now concentrated on bringing awareness to people about the dangers of Agenda 21.”

Open Letter to my fellow residents of Coral Gables:

I am fully aware that what I am about to discuss here is a thorny issue so let me start by assuring everybody that the intent of this Open Letter is by no means political but illustrative, and it’s strictly and solely based on facts. I urge you to read it (hopefully up to the end) with an open mind, study it, and come to your own conclusions.

Also bear in mind that there is a difference between taking care of our planet, to which we all agree, and what Sustainable Development stands for.

Since this is a very deep and complex issue, I will try my best to keep it short and concise while
trying to connect the dots.

As we look around today we realize that our beloved city is losing its Old Charm to give way to cement monstrosities that have been popping up everywhere for the last couple of years…and yet, it seems that no matter how loud we protest, our voices are not being heard. Why not? Could it be that we are not tackling the root of the problem?

Let me start by pointing out our grievances as Residents:
▪️ Over Development ▪️ Loss of Property Rights ▪️ Excess of bicycle lanes
▪️ Smart Meters ▪️ Increased taxes ▪️ Surveillance cameras everywhere
▪️ Commissioners changing zoning regulations arbitrarily. ▪️ 5G Towers
▪️ Eminent domain being applied to favor Developers.
▪️ The increasing loss of the Old Gables charm.

The root of the problem is called Agenda 21, aka Agenda 2030, better known as Sustainable Development. It originated at the United Nations’ Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. It is a plan that will monitor, oversee, and strictly regulate nearly every aspect of society, the environment and the economy. Unfortunately it has been stealthily implemented in most of our cities through NGOs and Federal Agencies (EPA, HUD, DOT, etc) through grants and under the false pretense of saving the planet.

The task of mobilizing and technically supporting Local Agenda 21 planning in different communities has been led by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) who closely works with the different Boards at the local level. In other words, our Commissioners have become mere puppets of these different Boards that are calling the shots. They just sign off these sample, ready-made legislation that these Boards put in front of them for their approval.

We are not longer being represented at the local government level, hence “our voices are not being heard.”

How is our taxpayer money being spent in these so-called Sustainable projects? The City of Coral Gables now wants more Bike lanes and EVs. What about the controversial Mobility Hub with a projected cost of over $60 millions? Did the City have to put up any money for the 5G towers? We are not an ATM machine. Is the City spending our money wisely? Have they done any serious research before throwing millions
away? Didn’t they know that contrary to the belief that electric cars are good for the environment they are actually not? How about the harmful effects of the 5G towers?

“…But based on the EIA’s projection of the number of new electric vehicles, the net reduction in CO2 emissions between 2018 and 2050 would be only about one-half of one percent of total forecast U.S. energy-related carbon emissions. Such a small change will have no impact whatsoever on climate, and thus have no economic benefit.” (politico.com)

“…the aim should not just be transitioning to electric cars within cities, but “the removal of
vehicles in general.” (World Economic Forum)
▪️ https://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2018/05/15/are-electric-cars-worse-for-the-environment000660/
▪️ https://dailysceptic.org/2022/10/22/net-zero-bombshell-the-world-does-not-have-enough-lithium

▪️ https://www.globalresearch.ca/5g-crimes-against-humanity/5767555
Sustainable Development represents extreme environmentalism, total surveillance, social engineering and its ultimate goal is global political control.

It is the blueprint for everything that we see happening today, the Green New Deal, Build Back Better, the Great Reset, Net-Zero, etc. We will be living in Mega Cities where cars will be banned, and rapid transit and bicycles will be the way of transportation. Our food will be lab grown…insects, anyone?, in a cashless society, and we will have our carbon footprint regulated while living under 24/7 surveillance. Vacationing in Europe will no longer be an option. (A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gasses that they argue is generated by our actions; the EPA has already come out with an App.)

The following 2016 video by the World Economic Forum “8 Predictions for 2030” pretty much paints a picture of our future as they envisage it. It needs to be watched several times.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Maya Angelou
▪️ https://youtu.be/4zUjsEaKbkM Video (1minute) “You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy”
▪️ https://twitter.com/wef/status/1442851674117263363?s=20&t=4SqyuYSAwV5X48B_OkfeFA
▪️ https://youtu.be/b6GgaJWcbww Video (3 minutes) The Line, cities of the future.
▪️ https://youtu.be/3vrkTl9Sv6Y Video (6 minutes) Noah Harari: “Free will? That’s over!
“Humans are now hackable animals”
▪️ “All technologies will be directly embedded into our bodies by 2030.” —Nokia boss, Pekka
Lundmark at WEF
▪️ https://youtu.be/uOuLQDRCexs Video (2 minutes) Klaus Schwab (WEF) “We Penetrate The
▪️ https://twitter.com/jamesmelville/status/1597936353446359041?s=61&t=GxDKekjMyubVSdoE
(working on “individual carbon footprint trackers” 1 minute)
▪️ https://youtu.be/8455KEDitpU (12 minutes) Tony Heller
▪️ https://www.dailystar.co.uk/tech/news/metaverse-children-replace-real-kids-28121424
▪️ https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/07/good-grub-why-we-might-be-eating-insects-soon/
▪️ https://www.coreysdigs.com/global/new-controlled-food-system-is-now-in-place-and-they-will-st

▪️ https://www.dailyveracity.com/2021/12/07/climate-alarmism-a-land-grab-manufactured-and-fun

▪️ https://www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com/sustainable-development-article.html

How are they planning to achieve all these changes?

By replacing Capitalism with their so-called Fourth Revolution.

“Previous industrial revolutions liberated humankind from animal power, made mass production possible and brought digital capabilities to billions of people. This Fourth Industrial Revolution is, however, fundamentally different. It is characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.” (weforum.org)

Europe is going through an energy crisis right now. Germany is dismantling wind farms adjacent
to coal mines in order to expand the coal operations!

I’ll let Bill Gates illustrate my point. (He is a proponent of nuclear power technology) “…Gates expressed frustration at bankers who think they can accelerate the changeover to renewable energy by choking off money to companies that emit too much carbon. He said: “Do you guys on Wall Street, do you have something in your desks that make steel? Where’s the fertilizer? Cement? Plastic?” “Where’s it going to come from? You know, do planes fly through the sky because of some number you put on a spreadsheet? So, the madness of this so-called ‘finance is the solution’ — I just don’t get that. There is no substitute for how the industrial economy runs today.” (western journal)

(2018) The clip of Gates answering a question about energy begins at 8:38 in the video from Stanford.

Their Apocalyptic predictions have all been wrong. Not one has come true, but that little detail doesn’t stop the U.N. from sounding the same alarm today. They just change the “doom date” down the line and they are in business again. Here is a list: https://cei.org/blog/wrong-again-50-years-of-failed-eco-pocalyptic-predictions/

That raises the question: How could a “settled science” be so wrong on its projections? Banning fossil fuels without a good replacement will propel the entire world into chaos. Gasoline will become unavailable. The food chain will collapse. Eventually rioting and anarchy will prevail. That is basically what “Sustainable Development” will bring about.

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Henry Kissinger Again, we all need to take care of our planet but “Sustainable Development” is not the solution. Those who claim they are going to save the world are the very same who are destroying it. If you feel that our Representatives are not fully representing us please help me with this project: https://www.givesendgo.com/G3EDD. I propose to call a meeting to discuss different venues of action. I also propose a public debate on Climate Change sponsored and paid by the University of Miami. Feel free to contact me with any questions and/or feedback.

God bless,
Maria Magdalena
[email protected]

The views expressed in opinion pieces are those of the opinion authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Gables Insider, its staff or its affiliates. If you would like to submit an opinion for publication, please email it along with a photo and a two sentence biography of yourself to [email protected].


12 thoughts on “Opinion: The Issues Surrounding The United Nation’s Agenda 21

  1. Regarding your/ others Grievances: Bike Lanes & Cameras. These 2 items are a MUST! God gave us legs to use, walking or cycling. The Gables traffic caused by the UBER drivers in their HUGE SUVS is way more offensive than the bike lanes. The fast food-loving, obese eating their way to the grave and popping pills, for diabetes & hypertension, are offended when they see people walking, jogging or cycling. They actually speed more to intimidate the health conscious. No traffic cameras or mitigation devices on highways: N Greenway or Granada. Traffic accidents & fatalities are profitable for the ambulance services, hospitals, body shops & attorneys. The anarchists cry freedom with the consent of the profiteers. Plane travel & big SUVs were for the rich; now these are the preferred travel of the ultra poor. We now have airbuses when before we had jet setters. The government doesn’t tax gas enough to appease this class of people causing global warming, chaos, debt and misery.

  2. As a person who was born in Coral Gables and still calls it home, I am beyond appalled at this outrageous abuse of our citizens by our politicians and the forces pushing this “sustainable development” claptrap as cover for destroying our freedom and way of life. Thank you Maria Magdalena for sounding the alarm. I hope everyone will call their elected officials and demand that this be STOPPED and stopped NOW! There is no time to lose!

  3. Sometimes when I read comments of those who criticize the work of others, I am left totally bewildered because what becomes evident to some… continues to be ridiculed by others… Let’s try something new… Read the United Nations ‘Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ by clicking next: https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda
    The document starts with the following write up, its preamble:
    This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.
    – The UNITED NATIONS is speaking about the people as a whole of humanity, Planet Earth as all Nations and prosperity as a way to get the wealthy to provide for those less fortunate… but does that really work?

    It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom.
    – What does that mean? How does peace get strengthened and freedom become larger?

    We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.
    – Has anyone ever quantified the billions given by the United States to eradicate poverty and yet it never accomplishes anything?
    – Has anyone ever quantified how much has been given directly to the poor by all those who claim to ask for donations that will resolve poverty?
    – As I traveled all over the world, I would always ask the very poor, how much money were you given by organizations such as The Clinton Foundation, Bill Gates Foundation, The Concert for Bangladesh, and have yet to find one person who actually received direct help from any of these groups All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.
    – To those who wrote comments criticizing the author of this article because, how can she claim that anyone is following the United Nations or calling the statements conspiracy theories… how more clear can you be when you read that ALL COUNTRIES AND ALL STAKEHOLDERS, ACTING IN COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIP WILL IMPLEMENT THIS PLAN? We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda.
    They seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what these did not achieve. They seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

    They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.

    Analyze the goal stated: Planet We are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations.

    Why are our store shelves lacking some products?

    Why is everything so expensive now?

    Why is China and / or Bill Gates buying so much farm land in the USA?

    Please, before further criticism… become informed… it is our way of life that is at stake!

  4. Maria Magdalena, I have been following everything that I can concerning the New World Order Conspiracy eversince I discovered that both Batista and Fidel Castro were imposed on our beloved Cuba,but I thought that it would still take them a little longer to get this far but what you have exposed here is extremely valuable and I thank you with all of my heart for putting us all up to date and allow us to prepare for their Satanic Plan.

  5. I agree with the author of this open letter. I am not a resident of Coral Gables, but have experienced our own council members rubber stamp projects with few exceptions. We should not be following the laws of the UN, but follow our own laws and governance before we lose our rights.

  6. So refreshing to see this being discussed. I have been following UN Agenda 2030 since it was Agenda 21 and this opinion piece is accurate and insightful. Agenda 2030 is a threat to our country it has seeped into our municipalities and cities and is affecting us all and will only get worse if not stopped. Thank you for publishing this.

  7. Writing the word “opinion” in a headline does not mean facts and fiction are interchangeable. The key link holding this article together – the statement “In other words, our Commissioners have become mere puppets of these different Boards that are calling the shots. They just sign off these sample, ready-made legislation that these Boards put in front of them for their approval” – is being presented as fact and clearly isn’t. There is absolutely no support for that statement in this article, nor could there be because it is clearly nonsense. Some basic editorial oversight would go a long way here. These boards may exist, some people (relevant people, who knows?!) may have said the things in these YouTube links, but this article claims that our Commissioners rubber stamp UN “legislation” and somehow this is responsible for bike lane initiatives and the f’ing mobility hub bugaboo this website hates so much. That is not editorially responsible.

  8. They have now wrapped eminent domain and bicycle lanes into the communist globalization agenda.
    And sustainable development is not the solution?
    What is next?
    It is so scarry, they are everywhere!
    I cannot believe you provided a platform for this hilarious conspiratorial fairy tale.
    It makes me question your fitness for a seat on the commission.

  9. You have drank the kool aid of totalitarian rule, communism vs socialism and the political spin machines. Let’s be clear- Global Warming is affecting Miami TODAY. It is costing BILLIONS or profiting companies who pollute Billions whichever way you want to look at it. There is no worse totalitarian rule than the “tea party” “freedom caucus” and “oath keepers”. great names but these people like Trump, DeSantis and our mayor love totalitarian rule. They shove stuff down our throat’s. Republicans leading this city are overdeveloping, creating transit hubs (parking garage) and wasting money on medians, out sourcing all maintenance and lowering your quality of life while they hide behind the police. They have disbanded our schools and hope to overthrow the government which has been labeled the problem. The problem is politics and big money companies are ruining our lives and there is no checks and balances if you buy the courts, rape the govt coffers to fund your friends lucrative contracts, and bully your way into city, county, state, federal halls. There is no consumer protection without checks and balances. No separation of church and state. How a bike lane can be considered intrusive is hilarious. How global warming and plastics/styrofoam everywhere can be considered capitalism is laughable. How you don’t see through this fake socialism claim, woke, and agenda whatever is all great marketing and publicity. We are heading into the 60’s again, inflation from overspending- who added CIA, HSI, DEA… all Republicans that claim less govt. They are monitoring you, your email, etc. 5G towers paid for by taxpayers to corporations as incentives. Your taxes to big business is the opposite of Republican values or conservative approaches. The Republican party is gone and what is left is racist, angry whites, anti gay, anti govt, anti family, anti education. All the things you complain about. Your concerns are actually radical right spin from facts and reality. There are some far left too, but we need to get back to the middle. They want you to see your gas went up 5 cents vs groceries $5.00, phone bill $50 or home insurance $5,000. Get back to basics- govt is a service provider. Private companies create things. They work together. Schools, roads, bikes, and air, water quality are items for everyone to enjoy. We all have a part to play vs placing labels, blame, and false narratives.

  10. Good morning to all, a reader just advised me some links are not working, and here they are:
    Let’s hope they work now.

  11. Excellent, Excellent, Excellent … and then some. What a gobsmacking surprise to find such large thinking in a (relatively) small source. And desperately do we need it. Your 5 points listed under “grievances as Residents” hit the nail with unfailing accuracy. And giant KUDOS for all that research! Being a blogger elsewhere myself I know what it takes and it’s no small potato. Attention all who herein look: Do not let your day go by without absorbing everything, and I mean EVERYTHING Ms. Magdalena has posted. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke)

  12. Bravo!!! Your work is brilliant and it explains in detail the horror represented by the master plans throughout our Nation, taking us to a New World Order… who believes we should trust that anyone try to organize our journey on Planet Earth? Freedom! Liberty! The Constitution & The Bill of Rights!

    Let me be the master of my own destiny!

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