Asked & Answered: Status Of New City Parks

Question from Gables Insider Reader:

What will be done at the park at Granada and Alhambra and the one on Venetia right off of Granada? Will there be resident input and what is the timeline to completion? Are there others in the works as well and what is their status and timeline?

City of Coral Gables Community Recreation Department Response:

“The two parks you mentioned are part of the larger neighborhood park project that is currently under construction.  We purchased five parcels of land and are creating five neighborhood parks.  The process has taken some time, but the contractor has started work.  We are currently awaiting an amended construction schedule and should receive it in the next week or so.  We had community meetings on three occasions for each of the five properties.  The first meeting was to discuss the purchase of the property, the second one was to gather design input and the third meeting was to present the conceptual design. I have attached information we shared in our City Magazine regarding this project a couple of years ago when we began this process. 

“We will have play structures at two of the parks:  Marlin Park and Majorca Park.  Two other parks, Venetia Park and Catalonia Park will have smaller play elements.  All four of these parks will have walkways, open green spaces, seating, dog waste stations, and fencing. Sarto Green, the fifth park, is a smaller space and will feature landscaping, a large tree bench and a dog waste station.” – Fred Couceyro, Director of Community Recreation.



3 thoughts on “Asked & Answered: Status Of New City Parks

  1. Maybe some mild speed bumps to slow cars/trucks down a bit along with wide bike paths–bikers are going to use the street with or without bike baths–might as well build them wide/green coating like those in coconut grove which also have busy streets. Also build more sidewalks and kid/dog friendly parks.

  2. Wonderful news to see more neighborhood parks. I agree with Kathy, bike paths need to be safe, there is a lot of traffic in Gables and these bike paths need to be separated from the road or side walks widened.

  3. My concern is for the possible future bike path, Alhambra is such a very busy street, and at some areas is so narrow that adding a bike path may put bikers in greater danger than good and enjoyment. Have you thought of possible widening a less traveled street? Or you will need to have police enforcing the 25 mph speed, and NO trucks. ( resident to 3211 Alhambra Circle )

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