City Manager Withdraws Funding, But North Ponce Harvest Market Returns Thanks To Private Partner

Ariel Fernandez

Founder & Editor
[email protected]

In 2021, the City of Coral Gables launched a six-week Harvest Market in the North Ponce neighborhood, which neighbors believed had turned out to be a huge success.

The event was held on the 100 block of Minorca Avenue (east of Ponce de Leon Boulevard). It had been created at the suggestion of residents to Mayor Vince Lago, who wanted to help activate the area of North Ponce on weekends, to help attract foot traffic to local businesses in the area.

City Manager Pulls Funding

Come 2022, City Manager Peter Iglesias decided to pull funding from the community project, which sources at City Hall explain the Manager had said there was “no money for.” The cost, $10,000 for the full six weeks. As reported last week on Gables Insider, Iglesias self-authorized an $18,624 raise, which would have more than covered the cost of the event there was “no money for.”

Community Recreation Department Pushes Forward

To the community’s benefit, the Coral Gables Community Recreation Department did not give up on providing the service and found a partner to host the event.

They have teamed up with Flamingo Fling Productions, owned by Nicolas Cabrera, the son of longtime Coral Gables Commissioner Ralph Cabrera.

Flamingo Fling, which hosts the Maker’s Markets at Bay 13 Brewery and Kitchen (65 Alhambra Plaza), has been working to secure new vendors and expand on the footprint of the event to provide participants with a greater experience.

Nicolas Cabrera, who was one of the residents who had suggested the City create a harvest market, stated that “the Harvest Market will bring a unique and immersive experience to the North Ponce neighborhood of Coral Gables and the entire city. It is an opportunity for our community to become more engaged with neighbors, small businesses, and the City Beautiful.”


The event will be extended to eight weeks this year, taking place every Saturday from October 22nd to December 17th from 8:00AM to 2:00PM.


17 thoughts on “City Manager Withdraws Funding, But North Ponce Harvest Market Returns Thanks To Private Partner

  1. The five commissioners approved millions of dollars for the stupid Mobility Hub; thousands of dollars on dumb art ($600,000 for a box painted like a rainbow and $100,000 for a fake slice of watermellon); and thousands of dollars to incompetent employees ( city manager, city attorney, etc.)

    Yet, the five commissioners can find $10,000 for an historic and loved harvest market.

    The five commissioners get away with it, because the residents let them. Residents are weak.

  2. Any boss would fire the city manager, Peter Iglesias, immediately, for self-dealing.
    Here, the boss (the 5 commissioners) won’t do it, because they are with him and also self-deal.
    The big boss (the residents) will do it at the next election.

  3. No matter who funded it or thought of it, Replacing the median plants on Ponce is costing $300,000. We need more COMMUNITY EVENTS vs pet projects. This is a great event to bring together the community. BRAVO…

  4. Now Maya…

    Close your eyes…

    And now… try to imagine how little I care about your attempt at a condescending commentary.

    Tracie Samaras, as I said… quit your whinning.

  5. Ralph Cabrera “ At least you admit, we met…☺️
    He was a wellness Insurance Sales Guy (your Son), and I shared my wishes to do this (you were there too), and perhaps he would like to work on it together, and gave him my card in hopes he would and met with city officials to discuss, and seems funny, to have come to light and Im sad, not whining, as its not a coincidence, and your comment, uncaring, greed. Spend money on our thousands of Ferel Cats 🐈 and an effective TNR program too! (non-profit) donations from Market resources, give back!

  6. Well, Mr. Cabrera, you could have expressed yourself towards Ms. Samara in a less unbecoming manner, or simply ignored the comment. In any case, your son did a good thing and seems to be behaving in a more sensible manner than you.

  7. Thank you to Nicolas for doing something special for the resident., Keeping the Harvest MARKET event going. Congratulations to you!

  8. Hey Tracey Samara, quit your whinning!!! My son planned for his market WAY before he ever met you.

  9. I look forward to supporting the harvest market, well done to Nicolas for continuing the market despite the financial fiasco! I hope our residents will make it a big success. Shop local.

  10. So fed up with Iglesias and this useless Commission keeping him in office. Robin Hood for himself. Don’t you all see what a autocratic self-serving City Manager he is? Why is he still there? Every week it is another issue with this man. The Mayor and Commission just takes one step out of their positions with every horrible action this guy does. Waiting for one of you elected for the people leaders to make a motion to remove the City Manager. GET HIM OUT OF OUR CITY !!!

  11. I met with the city’s beautification group via zoom, and presented my idea, also to the commissioner, a few months before the market began and met Nicholas many months ago, gave him my card, to see if he wanted to join me in a market like this, and was surprised to see it happened without me.
    In mentioning my hurt and surprise to Nicholas, he simply said, he doesnt remember the conversation but has my card, and interestingly my idea has come to light without me. (co-hostess and creator of #thedowntownfullmoonparty ) I understand now, hes the son of a city rep. and I learned not to tell ideas, to anyone…Im 60, and assumed people are kind and not greedy:(

  12. While I absolutely recognize the irony of removing a $10k line item and the addition of the pay raise, don’t let Commission off the hook. They approved the budget. The commission can certainly request the budget requests by departments to see what the manager chose not to fund. I did that much.

    Kudos to Nicholas and Parks.

  13. the arrogance of this guy, Iglesias.
    pulls funding from s community project. $10k?!
    inna city budget that runs into the hundred millions there’s no $10k for for an idea invented elsewhere, like say, the community?! what a prick.
    show us the real budget, Peter. we’ll show you the $10k. it’ll involve one less city vehicle for staff , i’ll promise you that.

  14. the arrogance of this guy, Iglesias.
    pulls funding from s community project. $10k?!
    inna city budget that runs into the hundred millions there’s no $10k for for an idea invented elsewhere, like say, the community?! what a prick.
    show us the real budget, Peter. we’ll show you the $10k. it’ll involve one less city vehicle for staff , i’ll promise you that.

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