Major Civic Associations to Commission: VOTE NO

Overwhelmingly the response to the City of Coral Gables and its elected officials is “NO!” on changing, updating, or making amendments to the zoning code for the Crafts Section and Miracle Mile. All major civic organizations within the city have come together in a letter to the mayor and city commissioners demanding they take no action on any zoning code or land use map amendments until after the April election and ideally until post-pandemic normalcy returns. The commission will have an opportunity to make the changes final at Tuesday’s 4pm commission meeting.

Many residents including candidates running for office have criticized the city for the process and lack of public input from the start. The letter by the Coral Gables Neighbors Association, Gables Good Government Committee, Historic Preservation Association of Coral Gables, and the Ponce Neighbors Association say the process was presented as a “fait accompli”.

The commission has already voted in favor 4-1 (Vice Mayor Vince Lago voted against) of the changes which will grant developers a way to increase height on Miracle Mile on small lots.

Click Here to read the letter from all four associations to the elected officials.


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