Published 7/28/20 12:00pm:
Can 2020 bring any more surprises? We’re not alarmists, but we do want to make you aware of a disturbance in the Atlantic that the National Hurricane Center is giving a high, 90% chance of formation within the next five days.
Where is it heading? Well, no one knows, but the spaghetti models have Florida in the “cone of concern”. It’s still far out but this would be the time to make sure you get your essential supplies ready. This hurricane season is accompanied by COVID-19 which would make lines at hardware stores and supermarkets longer than what they are already are today if a storm approaches.

It’s not like we need to add more anxiety to our lives, so take it easy (as best you can) and get your supplies now. Hurricane Season 2020 does not end until November 30, 2020.
Update: Reports that Amazon Fresh and Amazon Prime Now seem to be limiting quantity of water per order in our area.