Special Planning and Zoning Board Meeting To Discuss Crafts Section (3/2)

The Coral Gables Planning and Zoning Board will be holding a special meeting on Tuesday, March 2nd at 5:30PM to discuss zoning changes not addressed in the Commission’s approved zoning code changes for the Crafts Section.

The board will take up three changes sent by the Commission during its February

Item E-1 will consider the Commission’s proposed changes to “the land use designation for all lots in Block 36, Crafts Section, Coral Gables, Florida from either Single-Family High Density or Multi-Family Duplex Density to Residential Multi-Family Medium Density.”

Item E-2 will consider the Commission’s proposal “revising the height restriction for Block 36.”

Item E-3 will consider the Commission’s proposal “making zoning district boundary changes for all lots in Block 36, Crafts Section, Coral Gables, Florida from either Single-Family Residential (SFR) District or Multi-Family 1 Duplex (MF1) District to Multi-Family 2 (MF2) District; and making the appropriate zoning map amendments to effectuate these changes.”

The meeting will be open for public comment.

To participate or watch the meeting, residents can log in via zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94373448009 or by dialing: (305) 461-6769 Meeting ID: 943 7344 8009.

CLICK HERE to see a copy of the Agenda and access all background documentation.


1 thought on “Special Planning and Zoning Board Meeting To Discuss Crafts Section (3/2)

  1. We need traffic calming at Pisano and San Amaro Dr. Lots traffic from Doctor’s Hospital and the University of Miami. Difficult to make a left turn on to San Amaro because cars are speeding down Campo Sano and I see many almost accidents and have seen a few actual accidents.

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